i just want to write a script for the follwing command "display status" and the normal output is...
AN100> display status
12.13.2006 12:03:25 AN-2000-1 CC NOT PRESENT
status: Status for PACKET GLI A in the TOP / LEFT shelf of frame 0:
status: The current active LAN is... (5 Replies)
Hi, I need little help with awk's if condition statement. I have following code:
$ ssh myRemotehost 'ps ww -fu tomcat ' | awk ' { if ($1 == "tomcat") print "tomcat (pid " $2 ") is running... "; else print "tomcat stopped or dead" }'
tomcat stopped or dead
tomcat (pid 12345) is... (6 Replies)
Hello experts,
I'm stuck with this script for three days now. Here's what i need.
I need to split a large delimited (,) file into 2 files based on the value present in the last field.
Samp: Something.csv
I need this split... (6 Replies)
I have a file in the following format
"SYLVESTER,WILLARD G"|"S00633600"|"221052958A"|"H2256"|"015"|""|"00000042BASJ"|"665303"|"N"|"20100211"|"380.4"|""|""|""|"5400"|"20110218"|""|"20110218"|"FEESC"|"D"|"F"|"P"
"PURINGTON-KELLEY,C"|"S00808783"|"029424717A"|"H2256"|"024"|"MEMBER JOINED... (3 Replies)
Hi Friends,
I have an input file like this
cat input
chr1 100 200 1 2
chr1 120 130 na 1
chr1 140 160 1 na
chr1 170 180 na na
chr1 190 220 0 0
chr1 220 230 nd 1
chr2 330 400 1 nd
chr2 410 450 nd nd
chr3 500 700 1 1
I want to calculate the division of 4th and 5th columns. But, if... (3 Replies)
Need help in awk command.
Need to check 4th column of a file, if it is CAR then awk should print as is and if 4th column is not present, awk should print BIKE
Input File content :
Out put will look like:
1,abc,55,CAR... (6 Replies)
Hi Gurus,
one of my current script, there is awk statement as below:
awk '{a=a?a" "$3:$3}END{for (i in a) print i,a}'
I don't understand what's "{a=a?a" "$3:$3}" mean?
can anybody give me a brief explaination.
thanks in advance. (3 Replies)
Hi All,
I have the below Input:
1 700 1200 400 1300
2 2000 1000 2000 1500 600
3 1400 200 1000 1000 1200
4 1300 500 600 200
I want to modify the field 5 and field 4 as below.
If value in field 5 is null then value of field 4 should be in field 5. and then the value of... (12 Replies)
Hello All,
I have developed a script which selects a particular filed from a file ,trims it,searches for a particular pattern and then mail it when found.
cat test_file.txt |sed -n '5,$p'|sed -e 's/ //g'|awk -F'|' '{if ($4 !="Alive") print $1,$2,$3,$4}' >> proc_not_alive.txt
It is... (4 Replies)
Hi All,
Would you guys help me?
I have a file that consists of several unstructured fields. in this file I will take the code field and count_berry field.
but the position of the count_berry field is always changing.the column for code is always structured, which is found in column 6
I have... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: kivale
4 Replies
Moose::Cookbook::Roles::Recipe3(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Moose::Cookbook::Roles::Recipe3(3)NAME
Moose::Cookbook::Roles::Recipe3 - Applying a role to an object instance
version 2.0205
package MyApp::Role::Job::Manager;
use List::Util qw( first );
use Moose::Role;
has 'employees' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'ArrayRef[Employee]',
sub assign_work {
my $self = shift;
my $work = shift;
my $employee = first { !$_->has_work } @{ $self->employees };
die 'All my employees have work to do!' unless $employee;
package main;
my $lisa = Employee->new( name => 'Lisa' );
my $homer = Employee->new( name => 'Homer' );
my $bart = Employee->new( name => 'Bart' );
my $marge = Employee->new( name => 'Marge' );
$lisa->employees( [ $homer, $bart, $marge ] );
$lisa->assign_work('mow the lawn');
In this recipe, we show how a role can be applied to an object. In this specific case, we are giving an employee managerial
Applying a role to an object is simple. The Moose::Meta::Role object provides an "apply" method. This method will do the right thing when
given an object instance.
We could also use the "apply_all_roles" function from Moose::Util.
apply_all_roles( $person, MyApp::Role::Job::Manager->meta );
The main advantage of using "apply_all_roles" is that it can be used to apply more than one role at a time.
We could also pass parameters to the role we're applying:
-alias => { assign_work => 'get_off_your_lazy_behind' },
We saw examples of how method exclusion and alias working in roles recipe 2.
Applying a role to an object instance is a useful tool for adding behavior to existing objects. In our example, it is effective used to
model a promotion.
It can also be useful as a sort of controlled monkey-patching for existing code, particularly non-Moose code. For example, you could create
a debugging role and apply it to an object at runtime.
Stevan Little <stevan@iinteractive.com>
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Infinity Interactive, Inc..
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
perl v5.12.5 2011-09-06 Moose::Cookbook::Roles::Recipe3(3)