Is it possible to get the same result in one sort?
This is the file that I want to sort:
The desired output is as below:
Currently, I have had to loop thru files.tmp and grep for lines containing field 1 and run it thru sort.
I thought the following should have done the trick but no.
I can't find an example of the kind of sorting that am after. It is to sort on the first column and then the third column 'grouped' based on the first column as a set.
At the moment, I am using a shell script and grep'ing for field1 and then doing the sort.
Well I have a 3000 lines result log file that contains all the machine data when it does the testing... It has 3 different section that i am intrsted in
1) starting with "20071126 11:11:11 Machine Header 1"
1000 lines...
"End machine header 1"
2) starting with "20071126 12:12:12 Machine... (5 Replies)
Hello all -
I am to this forum and fairly new in learning unix and finding some difficulty in preparing a small shell script. I am trying to make script to sort all the files given by user as input (either the exact full name of the file or say the files matching the criteria like all files... (3 Replies)
please can I ask you for some help? I have data from 3D situation, x y z value
I'd like to use gnuplot to generate maps of the value in the planes z=0 to z=1 for example, my file looks
-0,012 0,0060 0,0 0,13972813076023477
-0,012 0,0064319163 4,2894483E-4 ... (1 Reply)
And when you think you know the basics of something, UNIX in this case, something like what I will describe below comes along....
On a Linux system, a "typical" directory with some files. Say 20.
I do:
> ls | sort > mylisting
Now when I:
> vi mylisting
There is mylisting... (13 Replies)
Input file:
100%ABC2 3.44E-12 USA
A2M%H02579 0E0 UK
100%ABC2 5.34E-8 UK
100%ABC2 3.25E-12 USA
A2M%H02579 5E-45 UK
Output file:
100%ABC2 3.44E-12 USA
100%ABC2 3.25E-12 USA
100%ABC2 5.34E-8 UK
A2M%H02579 0E0 UK
A2M%H02579 5E-45 UK
Code try:
sort -k1,1 -g -k2 -r input.txt... (2 Replies)
Hi Experts,
I have a filelist collected from another server , now want to sort the output using date/time stamp filed.
- Filed 6, 7,8 are showing the date/time/stamp.
Here is the input:
-rw------- 1 root ... (3 Replies)
Trying to sort grep result based on timestamp of the filename.
I have the following result and want to sort them on timestampgrep -i 'ERROR' *log*2013*
s_m_xxx_xxx_xxx_xxx_xxxx.log.20130906092431:TRANSF_1_1_1> DBG_21216 Finished transformations for Source Qualifier . Total errors ... (5 Replies)
Hi Gurus,
I have requirement to compare current result with previous reuslt.
The sample case is below.
1 job1 1
1 job2 2
1 job3 3
2 job_a1 1
2 job_a2 2
2 job_a3 3
3 job_b1 1
3 job_b2 2
for above sample file, GID is group ID, for input line, the job run... (1 Reply)
I am new to Unix and would like to seek a help, please.
I have 2 files (file_1 and file_2), I need to perform the following actions.
1 ) Sort the both file by the column 26-36 (which is Invoice number)
what is sort command with the column sort?
2) Compare the file_1.sorted and... (3 Replies)