Hi, thanks for the script. I've never configured crontab. Could you please let me know how to use that.
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for testcase
program <<-EOF | tee -a funcscnlog.log
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6. Shell Programming and Scripting
New member here looking for help. This might not be a post for the 'VERY basics' section, so feel free to move it to somewhere more appropriate.
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7. Shell Programming and Scripting
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Can I automate a script when some one trying to 'vi' (open) a file.
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8. Shell Programming and Scripting
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9. Shell Programming and Scripting
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10. Windows & DOS: Issues & Discussions
Dear all,
I I want to login to my Linux machine using putty and then run some script from Windows machine.we can do it after loging it and then execute the script by typing it in putty command line screen. but I want to automate it.So whenever I will fire this script,it will do the following... (4 Replies)
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Test::Script(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Test::Script(3)
Test::Script - Basic cross-platform tests for scripts
The intent of this module is to provide a series of basic tests for 80% of the testing you will need to do for scripts in the script (or
bin as is also commonly used) paths of your Perl distribution.
Further, it aims to provide this functionality with perfect platform-compatibility, and in a way that is as unobtrusive as possible.
That is, if the program works on a platform, then Test::Script should always work on that platform as well. Anything less than 100% is
considered unacceptable.
In doing so, it is hoped that Test::Script can become a module that you can safely make a dependency of all your modules, without risking
that your module won't on some platform because of the dependency.
Where a clash exists between wanting more functionality and maintaining platform safety, this module will err on the side of platform
script_compiles( 'script/foo.pl', 'Main script compiles' );
The "script_compiles" test calls the script with "perl -c script.pl", and checks that it returns without error.
The path it should be passed is a relative unix-format script name. This will be localised when running "perl -c" and if the test fails the
local name used will be shown in the diagnostic output.
Note also that the test will be run with the same perl interpreter that is running the test script (and not with the default system perl).
This will also be shown in the diagnostic output on failure.
script_runs( 'script/foo.pl', 'Main script runs' );
The "script_runs" test executes the script with "perl script.pl" and checks that it returns success.
The path it should be passed is a relative unix-format script name. This will be localised when running "perl -c" and if the test fails the
local name used will be shown in the diagnostic output.
The test will be run with the same perl interpreter that is running the test script (and not with the default system perl). This will also
be shown in the diagnostic output on failure.
All bugs should be filed via the bug tracker at
For other issues, or commercial enhancement and support, contact the author.
Adam Kennedy <adamk@cpan.org>
prove, <http://ali.as/>
Copyright 2006 - 2009 Adam Kennedy.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.
perl v5.16.3 2009-11-24 Test::Script(3)