Hi, I'm manually running below commands to delete files from some directories. Can anyone please help me to automate the script and also let me know how to schedule it in unix crontab. It'll run every alternative day at 6 PM.
Thanks in advance,
I am trying to use a here document to automate testing a perl script however when the perl script hits a system(perl subscript.pl) call, input is no longer entered into this subscript.
here is my script
$ cat test.sh
for testcase
program <<-EOF | tee -a funcscnlog.log
y... (3 Replies)
Hi All,
I need to write a UNIX script that automates the sftp process. I should be able to do a sftp to a secure box and get a file from there. I am having a problem doing this because no matter what I do, when I run my script, I get a prompt at command line asking for a password. How could I... (34 Replies)
Hi All,
./procdure.ksh which opens the below the menu, I want to build a script which will press 4 and run the Sector Data Automatically (instead of pressing option 4 manually)
Is there any way for this, please let me know...
1) FX Rates MDU 9) Fidessa Cash... (7 Replies)
hi friends,
I am trying to automate the daily monitoring process of UNIX server and it's processes. the script are below
i executed the above script using ksh -x monitortest1.sh in root login . It shows error at some lines .
1. i logged in using root ,but it... (8 Replies)
Could you please help to solve the below issue...
my requirement is automate the SFTP between UNIX and Windows server.
I want to get and put some files to UNIX AIX machine(SFTP client) to Windows server(SFTP server).
For that, i have generated key pair (private/public) in my AIX machine .... (6 Replies)
New member here looking for help. This might not be a post for the 'VERY basics' section, so feel free to move it to somewhere more appropriate.
I've created a script that searches my computer for video files, creates a list of these files, and selects a number of random entries to play in... (2 Replies)
Hi All,
Can I automate a script when some one trying to 'vi' (open) a file.
For Example, I am having a file named 'SecuredShell.sh'.
when a user types " vi SecuredShell.sh " in unix command prompt a script named secure.sh needs to be automated.
Can this be possible. if Yes please guide... (2 Replies)
Hi all,
I have a task on my plate which is of high priority.
I need an automated email alert that checks FTP notices subdirectory on a daily basis and forwards any word files to a group of people. This word files gets created whenever there is an issue with FTP connectivity.
Please help...... (1 Reply)
Hi all,
I need to execute a script on a remote machine that are connected to the network.The basic requirement is to write a script which will login in remote machine and then execute the other script automatically placed in remote machine.So that I need to execute the remote machine script... (3 Replies)
Dear all,
I I want to login to my Linux machine using putty and then run some script from Windows machine.we can do it after loging it and then execute the script by typing it in putty command line screen. but I want to automate it.So whenever I will fire this script,it will do the following... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: smartgupta
4 Replies
term::ansi::ctrl::unix(n) Terminal control term::ansi::ctrl::unix(n)
term::ansi::ctrl::unix - Control operations and queries
package require Tcl 8.4
package require term::ansi::ctrl::unix ?0.1?
::term::ansi::ctrl::unix::import ?ns? ?arg...?
WARNING: This package is unix-specific and depends on the availability of two unix system commands for terminal control, i.e. stty and
tput, both of which have to be found in the $PATH. If any of these two commands is missing the loading of the package will fail.
The package provides commands to switch the standard input of the current process between raw and cooked input modes, and to query the size
of terminals, i.e. the available number of columns and lines.
::term::ansi::ctrl::unix::import ?ns? ?arg...?
This command imports some or all attribute commands into the namespace ns. This is by default the namespace ctrl. Note that this is
relative namespace name, placing the imported command into a child of the current namespace. By default all commands are imported,
this can howver be restricted by listing the names of the wanted commands after the namespace argument.
This command switches the standard input of the current process to raw input mode. This means that from then on all characters typed
by the user are immediately reported to the application instead of waiting in the OS buffer until the Enter/Return key is received.
This command switches the standard input of the current process to cooked input mode. This means that from then on all characters
typed by the user are kept in OS buffers for editing until the Enter/Return key is received.
This command queries the terminal connected to the standard input for the number of columns available for display.
This command queries the terminal connected to the standard input for the number of rows (aka lines) available for display.
This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category term of
the Tcllib SF Trackers [http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=12883]. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for
either package and/or documentation.
ansi, columns, control, cooked, input mode, lines, raw, rows, terminal
Terminal control
Copyright (c) 2006 Andreas Kupries <andreas_kupries@users.sourceforge.net>
term 0.1 term::ansi::ctrl::unix(n)