According to my knowledge and my re-searches on the forum, the getopts block in this code should work....
However, once the function is sourced and I execute the code like:
All I get is this:
Expected output:
'fail' instead of 'no' (yes/no is default, but should be changed by/with the passed option '-d' to 'done/fail')
Up to return 1 it's within the function swarm.protect which protects from code injection.
My biggest surprise is that it doesnt go into the "d" case - at all....
Not even when I changed the getopts case to "-d" rather than just "d".
I have a script which fires a command based on certain parameters. I am posting the code below..
The options needs be given such that
-u option goes along with -d and -s, -f goes with -d and -t goes with -s and -d.
1) How do I ensure that user misses any of the option then he should be... (5 Replies)
need help with getopts again.
i am using getopts to read my command line options and arguments. i can manage to do for options that have only one argument
e.g srcipt_name -f 3
i am able to use getopts to do this but i am having problems two accept more than two agruments
e.g.... (1 Reply)
Hi all,
I am parsing command line options using getopts.
The problem is that mandatory argument options following ":" is taking next option as argument if it is not followed by any argument.
Below is the script:
while getopts :hd:t:s:l:p:f: opt
case "$opt" in
-h|-\?)... (2 Replies)
I have a program where I want to use getopts.
I want to use "-i" option and then optionally supply arguments.
If user dosent supply arguments, then also it should work.
Please tell me how to proceed.
Here is some code, this is not right code btw but a sample to understand what I want to... (1 Reply)
Hey, i need help with the use of getopts in shell script.
tried reading a lot online, but found incomplete examples (maybe complete but cudn't make out). PLzz help...explain in deatil plzzz, i am a newbie:confused: (3 Replies)
Suppose I have a code below .
while getopts a: opt
case $opt in
a) app_name="$OPTARG";;
*) echo "$opt is an invalid option";
exit 1;;
?) echo "The value of $OPTARG is an invalid option";
exit 1;;
Could anyone please tell me in which case my... (1 Reply)
Hi all...
I have been looking on here for the past few days for an answer and Im gonna have to break down and ask.
I just learned about the getopts command last week so have been trying to utilize it in my scripts.
Below, I am trying to set up a case structure for options using getopts.... (1 Reply)
I'm using getopts to process command line args in a Bash script. The code looks like this:
while getopts ":cfmvhs:t:" option; do
case $option in
c) operationMode="CHECK"
f) operationMode="FAST"
m) ... (6 Replies)
This is a programming question as well as a suse question, so let me know if you think I should post this in programming.
I have an application that I compiled under opensuse 12.2 using g77-3.3/g++3.3. The program compiles and runs just fine. I gave the application to a colleague who... (2 Replies)
I am trying to install VirtualBox on RHEL 5 but I need the 32 bit version for 32 bit Windows. When I run yum I get the following:
sudo yum localinstall /auto/spvtg-it/spvss-migration/Software/VirtualBox-4.3-4.3.2_90405_el6-1.i686.rpm
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Setting up Local Package... (13 Replies)