Process priority and control on AIX
Does not seem to list a "D" state for AIX. Maybe some of the extended states are comparable. I'd like to know. "D" does exist for Linux for example.
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Hi there, i wonder if anyone can help
is there any way that i can write a script that will kill all current ftp processes, for example if ps -ef | grep ftp produces 3 active proceses, then I would like to somehow extract the PID for each one and pass that to kill -9
has anybody done this... (2 Replies)
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2. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi All,
In my project i have two process runs in the back end.
Once i start my project, and execute the command ps, i get below output:
9086 pts/1 0:00 ksh
9241 pts/1 0:02 java
9240 pts/1 0:00 shell_script_bg
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3. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
Hellow Experts
i have one problem.
i run one script in backgroun.
and i want to kill that script with only script name.....
so what's the solution..
for your info
my script name is "testscript" n it contains "sleep 100"
thanks.... (16 Replies)
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4. Shell Programming and Scripting
On my Linux machine, using Bash, I sometimes run into a situation where doing the following does not seem to work at all.
kermit@fastbox ~ $ ps -A | grep firefox-bin
5375 ? 00:06:57 firefox-bin <defunct>
5624 ? 00:00:00 firefox-bin
kermit@fastbox ~ $ kill 5624... (7 Replies)
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5. AIX
Hi all,
I am generating the coredump of my JBoss, and by default it puts it in to a particular directory. i.e. JBOSS_HOME/. I would like this output file to be created, lets say in /tmp/dump/.
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kill -3 9404940>/tmp/dump/out.txt
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6. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
I have problem with killing red5 process running on linux server. As this process is continuously changing its PID so it can't be killed with "kill -9 PID" command.
First I used following command to list RED5 process
ps aux | grep red5
which showed me
root 5832 0.0 0.0 4820 756pts/0... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: ninadgac
1 Replies
7. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have problem with killing red5 process running on linux server. As this process is continuously changing its PID so it can't be killed with "kill -9 PID" command.
First I used following command to list RED5 process
ps aux | grep red5
which showed me
root 5832 0.0 0.0 4820 756pts/0... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: ninadgac
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8. Shell Programming and Scripting
I wrote a script to kill a process id.
I am able to kill the PID only if I enter the root password in the middle of the execution because I did not run as root i.e after i run the script from the terminal, instead of killing directly, it is killing only after entering the pass when it... (12 Replies)
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9. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hello Friends,
I've been trying to write a one line which checks java processes and filter them for a user (testuser) and then check process arguments with PARGS command and then check if there is certain patterns exists in pargs output then kill the process.
I have tried the following so... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: EAGL€
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10. AIX
I created a program to kill long running pid processes.
I am getting the following error message:
-f command cannot be found.
I also want to count the number of pids that are killed and append the results to a text file. I am new to shell script programming.
1.The first part of code... (10 Replies)
Discussion started by: dellanicholson
10 Replies
git-tar-tree - Create a tar archive of the files in the named tree object
git tar-tree [--remote=<repo>] <tree-ish> [ <base> ]
THIS COMMAND IS DEPRECATED. Use git archive with --format=tar option instead (and move the <base> argument to --prefix=base/).
Creates a tar archive containing the tree structure for the named tree. When <base> is specified it is added as a leading path to the files
in the generated tar archive.
git tar-tree behaves differently when given a tree ID versus when given a commit ID or tag ID. In the first case the current time is used
as modification time of each file in the archive. In the latter case the commit time as recorded in the referenced commit object is used
instead. Additionally the commit ID is stored in a global extended pax header. It can be extracted using git get-tar-commit-id.
The tree or commit to produce tar archive for. If it is the object name of a commit object.
Leading path to the files in the resulting tar archive.
Instead of making a tar archive from local repository, retrieve a tar archive from a remote repository.
This variable can be used to restrict the permission bits of tar archive entries. The default is 0002, which turns off the world write
bit. The special value "user" indicates that the archiving user's umask will be used instead. See umask(2) for details.
git tar-tree HEAD junk | (cd /var/tmp/ && tar xf -)
Create a tar archive that contains the contents of the latest commit on the current branch, and extracts it in /var/tmp/junk directory.
git tar-tree v1.4.0 git-1.4.0 | gzip >git-1.4.0.tar.gz
Create a tarball for v1.4.0 release.
git tar-tree v1.4.0^{tree} git-1.4.0 | gzip >git-1.4.0.tar.gz
Create a tarball for v1.4.0 release, but without a global extended pax header.
git tar-tree --remote=example.com:git.git v1.4.0 >git-1.4.0.tar
Get a tarball v1.4.0 from example.com.
git tar-tree HEAD:Documentation/ git-docs > git-1.4.0-docs.tar
Put everything in the current head's Documentation/ directory into git-1.4.0-docs.tar, with the prefix git-docs/.
Part of the git(1) suite
Git 06/10/2014 GIT-TAR-TREE(1)