this is the output i am getting here..
cp: cannot create /wls_domains/eoigw/eoigwsA/deliv/cron/MailingScript/eoigwsA_Health_Status_Report.html: Permission denied
/wls_domains/eoigw/eoigwsA/deliv/cron/MailingScript/ (6 Replies)
Hi Guys, I am trying write a wrapper script but I don't have any idea. I have 4 different korn shell scripts and all of them needs some parameters from command line (positional parameter). My script cant be interactive because its supposed to be automated. I am confused how can I write a wrapper... (6 Replies)
I would like to create a blog website on a web domain of mine. The blog will be used for publishing economics-lated articles.
I tried to use a few open source packages for blog creation (WorldPress, b2evolution, Movable type) which I wanted to test on a local computer before arranging... (5 Replies)
Hi all,
Can I create multiple threads using single thread_id
pthread_t thread_id;
pthread_create(&thread_id, NULL, &print_xs, NULL);
pthread_create(&thread_id, NULL, &print_ys, NULL);
pthread_create(&thread_id, NULL, &print_zs, NULL);
pthread_join(thread_id, NULL);
what... (2 Replies)
I am trying to capture runtime stats of a shell script (c shell). Are there system variables to call? Or should I create a date variable at the start of the script and at the end of the script? I am trying to capture the time if the script stops or ends with error.
Please help.
... (4 Replies)
My requirement is based on Oracle where we run a perl script and it asked some questions.I want to write a wrapper which will answer all these questions.
How is it possible.
Thanks (16 Replies)
Use and complete the template provided. The entire template must be completed. If you don't, your post may be deleted!
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
Make a bash script that calculates average runtime for the first two scripts you made. The average should be... (17 Replies)
I have shell script that I am running under Ubuntu as root.
Is it possible to hide the command window and show the user some sort of progress /random progress bar / or other form of GUI interaction?
On MAC, I have been using Platypus but on Ubuntu I am not sure what to do. (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: naveedanwar4u
4 Replies
Alzabo::Runtime::UniqueRowCache(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Alzabo::Runtime::UniqueRowCache(3pm)NAME
Alzabo::Runtime::UniqueRowCache - Implements a row cache for Alzabo
use Alzabo::Runtime::UniqueRowCache;
This is a very simple caching mechanism for "Alzabo::Runtime::Row" objects that tries to ensure that for there is never more than one row
object in memory for a given database row.
To use it, simply load it.
It can be foiled through the use of "Storable" or other "deep magic" cloning code, like in the "Clone" module.
The cache is a simple hash kept in memory. If you use this module, you are responsible for clearing the cache as needed. The only time it
is cleared automatically is when a table update or delete is performed, in which case all cached rows for that table are cleared.
In a persistent environment like mod_perl, you should clear the cache on a regular basis in order to prevent the cache from getting out of
sync with the database. A good way to do this is to clear it at the start of every request.
All methods provided are class methods.
* clear
This clears the entire cache
* clear_table( $table_object )
Given a table object, this method clears all the cached rows from that table.
* row_in_cache( $table_name, $row_id )
Given a table name and a row id, as returned by the "Alzabo::Runtime::Row->id_as_string" method, this method returns the matching row
from the cache, if it exists. Otherwise it returns undef.
* delete_from_cache( $table_name, $row_id )
Given a table name and a row id, as returned by the "Alzabo::Runtime::Row->id_as_string" method, this method returns the matching row
from the cache.
* write_to_cache( $row_object )
Given a row object, this method stores it in the cache.
If you want to not cache a row, then you can pass the "no_cache" parameter to any table or schema method that creates a new row object or a
cursor, such as "Alzabo::Runtime::Table->insert()", "Alzabo::Runtime::Table->rows_where()".
Dave Rolsky, <>
perl v5.8.8 2007-12-23 Alzabo::Runtime::UniqueRowCache(3pm)