I have a huge file & I want to add a specific text in column. But I want to add this text from a specific line number to a specific line number & another text in to another range of line numbers.
To be more specific: lets say my file has 1000 lines & 4 Columns. I want to add text "Hello"... (2 Replies)
using sed to replace a specific string on a specific line number using variables
this is where i am at
grep -v WARNING output | grep -v spawn | grep -v Passphrase | grep -v Authentication | grep -v '/sbin/tfadmin netguard -C'| grep -v 'NETWORK>' >> output.clean
grep -n Destination... (2 Replies)
I have a two files containing numbers like below. First one contains one number on each line, the other is a table of numbers, each separated by a space. There are the same number of lines in each file.
I want to take each number in the row of the table and find the difference from the... (12 Replies)
I have a menu of around 10 lines with options.
I want to display it in bottom right corner of screen for better display.
I can do it with clear screen. But I don't want to use it, because it will clear the existing text. After one choice from menu is executed, the menu should just place... (3 Replies)
Hi ,
1)i want to display specific line number using tail command.
e.g. display 10 line from end.
Please help...
2)Want to display line 10 to 15 (from end)using tail command) (2 Replies)
This is Input - starts with Storage Group Name and ends with Shareable and the loop continues all I need is Storage group name and Alu numbers in the below output format requested.
Storage Group Name: abcd
Storage Group UID: 00:00:000:00:0:0:0
HBA/SP Pairs:
HBA UID ... (6 Replies)
I'm trying to figure out a way to find which line in my file.txt with IP addresses:
returns specific result when I execute command affecting all lines.
For example when I run:
for line in `cat file.txt`;
snmpget $line
it displays the... (5 Replies)
Use and complete the template provided. The entire template must be completed. If you don't, your post may be deleted!
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
What single command line would you enter to get the following output?
8140 drwxr-xr-x 9 root bin 18 Jan 20... (6 Replies)
my requirement is,
consider a file output
cat output
blah sdjfhjkd jsdfhjksdh
sdfs 23423 sdfsdf sdf"sdfsdf"sdfsdf"""""dsf
hellow there
this doesnt look good
et cetc etc
i want to replace a line of line number 4 ("this doesnt look good") with some other line
... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: vivek d r
3 Replies
git-instaweb - Instantly browse your working repository in gitweb
git instaweb [--local] [--httpd=<httpd>] [--port=<port>]
git instaweb [--start] [--stop] [--restart]
A simple script to set up gitweb and a web server for browsing the local repository.
OPTIONS -l, --local
Only bind the web server to the local IP (
-d, --httpd
The HTTP daemon command-line that will be executed. Command-line options may be specified here, and the configuration file will be
added at the end of the command-line. Currently apache2, lighttpd, mongoose, plackup and webrick are supported. (Default: lighttpd)
-m, --module-path
The module path (only needed if httpd is Apache). (Default: /usr/lib/apache2/modules)
-p, --port
The port number to bind the httpd to. (Default: 1234)
-b, --browser
The web browser that should be used to view the gitweb page. This will be passed to the git web--browse helper script along with the
URL of the gitweb instance. See git-web--browse(1) for more information about this. If the script fails, the URL will be printed to
start, --start
Start the httpd instance and exit. Regenerate configuration files as necessary for spawning a new instance.
stop, --stop
Stop the httpd instance and exit. This does not generate any of the configuration files for spawning a new instance, nor does it close
the browser.
restart, --restart
Restart the httpd instance and exit. Regenerate configuration files as necessary for spawning a new instance.
You may specify configuration in your .git/config
local = true
httpd = apache2 -f
port = 4321
browser = konqueror
modulepath = /usr/lib/apache2/modules
If the configuration variable instaweb.browser is not set, web.browser will be used instead if it is defined. See git-web--browse(1) for
more information about this.
SEE ALSO gitweb(1)GIT
Part of the git(1) suite
Git 01/14/2014 GIT-INSTAWEB(1)