Dear mohtashims,
You know how it works here at unix.com.
You show your own work and what you have tried, any research you did, input / output and error messages.
You must show YOUR OWN WORK and not post here expecting us to do your work for you.
Otherwise, your company should put us all on your payroll and pay us, instead of you
PS: You have nearly 1,000 posts here but you post like someone who is a novice and has never posted here before. Please take note of my message to you as the lead admin and most senior person here.
Show your work.
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Hi everyone,
the problem is quite simple, yet I can't find an easy solution using awk.
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Hi All,
I have a file like below, how can i insert one line after line 1 without using a temporary file in perl?
line 1
line 2
line 3
expected result
line 1
new line <---insert here
line 2
line 3 (2 Replies)
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I have the following:
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8. Shell Programming and Scripting
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10. Shell Programming and Scripting
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postwait(2) System Calls Manual postwait(2)
postwait: pw_getukid(), pw_wait(), pw_post(), pw_postv(), pw_getvmax() - lightweight synchronization mechanism
Postwait is a fast, lightweight sleep/wakeup mechanism that can be used for synchronization by cooperating kernel threads within a single
process or between separate processes.
A thread calls to block. It resumes execution when it is posted by another thread, the call expires, or is signaled. If one or more posts
are already pending, returns immediately.
Threads using postwait are identified by their ukid. A thread retrieves its ukid by calling It shares this ukid with anyone it chooses by
any means it considers appropriate (for example, shared memory).
is called with a timeout ts. If ts is NULL, the thread will not timeout. It will remain blocked until posted or a signal wakes it up.
If ts points to a zero-valued timespec, will return immediately with a value (and indicating whether or not it was posted.
If ts points to a timespec whose value is greater than zero, the thread will block for that amount of time unless it is posted or inter-
rupted by a signal, in which case the timespec pointed to by ts is updated with the remaining time. The return value and are set to indi-
cate the reason the call returned.
is used to post many threads with a single call. It posts to all threads in the targets array. An value for each target is returned in
the errors array. (0 indicates success.) If the errors pointer is zero, no target-specific errors are copied out.
There is a maximum number of threads that can be posted with a single call. This value is returned by
Posts sent to a kernel thread that already has a post pending against it are discarded.
returns 0 if it succeeds, -1 otherwise.
returns 0 if posted, -1 otherwise.
returns 0 if the post succeeds, -1 otherwise.
returns 0 if every post succeeds, -1 otherwise.
returns the maximum number of kernel threads that can be posted with a single call to
sets to one of the following values if it fails:
ukid points to an illegal address. The reliable detection of this error is implementation dependent.
sets to one of the following values if it fails:
was called with a timeout of 0 but the caller has no post(s) pending.
was called with a timeout that expired.
ts points to an illegal address. The reliable detection of this error is implementation dependent.
was interrupted
by a signal.
The timespec pointed to by ts is invalid.
sets to one of the following values if it fails:
The ukid refers to a non-existent kernel thread.
sets to one of the following values if it fails:
targets points to an illegal address. The reliable detection of this error is implementation dependent.
errors points to an illegal address. The reliable detection of this error is implementation dependent.
count is less than 0.
count exceeds the maximum value (as returned by
A ukid refers to a non-existent kernel thread.