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Operating Systems OS X (Apple) Generate a random number in a fully POSIX compliant shell, 'dash'... Post 303043121 by Neo on Saturday 18th of January 2020 11:56:50 PM
Old 01-19-2020
Originally Posted by wisecracker
Looking forwards to input from the big guns to improve upon it...
Thanks so much for posting these kinds of projects. I wish everyone would do this, regardless of their skill level. Sharing is the operative word these days.

On a similar note:

In 2020, I prefer we call on less experienced users to ask questions about code, versus the "old style from before 2019" of asking "experts" and "heavy hitters" to improve code.

One of my main goals at unix.com in 2020 is to encourage new users and people with less experience to feel good about asking questions and coding, even if they make a lot of mistakes, and their code is not "pretty", versus promoting "better, cleaner, shorter, standards-based code"......

If we have an environment for the "big guns" or the less than 1% or even 0.1% (or less), this will discourage the 99.9% of people (or more) who are not "big guns"...

I'm trying hard to refocus the site away from "elitism" as was the focus for the past number of years (by evolution, not be design), and toward "sharing", especially for beginners and those who may not normally feel comfortable sharing their code and projects with "experts" or "big guns". This also applies to the latest tech (not legacy tech), where everyone is learning together.

"Learn By Sharing Regardless of Your Skill Level"

Thanks so much!
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Kwiki(3pm)						User Contributed Perl Documentation						Kwiki(3pm)

Kwiki - The Kwiki Wiki Building Framework KWIKI 2.0 STOP. Don't install this CPAN module! Read this section to find out why... Kwiki-0.38 and the large collection of Kwiki CPAN modules has been relatively stable on CPAN for the last couple years. Being stable also means being undeveloped. In December 2006, the Kwiki community started actively developing Kwiki again. We call the revitalized project Kwiki 2.0. This is not a version number (at least not yet), but a code name for the effort. Some goals of Kwiki 2.0 are: * Make Kwiki easier to install and maintain * Make Kwiki fast * Make Kwiki plugins easier to develop * Make Kwiki more fun We've made a lot of headway on these goals and other goals too. Kwiki is *really* simple to install now. _All_ the Perl dependencies come with Kwiki, and are /preinstalled/. This means you just need Perl 5.8.3 and a web server. Well actually we give you a web server too! NOTE: /Preinstalled/ means that the modules are all linked into a lib tree that is separate from your installed Perl modules. This is good for several reasons: 1) Installing modules takes a lot of time. 2) Kwiki is guaranteed to have module versions that work. 3) Kwiki doesn't change anything about your system's Perl lib. 4) You can delete all the modules by just deleting the Kwiki checkout. 5) Upgrading Kwiki is simple as 'svn update'! 6) You can install Kwiki without root permissions. Also Kwiki is now smoking fast if you use Kwiki::FastCGI. There are also some new caching modules that make Kwiki even faster still. The important part is this: all the new stuff is not yet on CPAN. If you want to install Kwiki, get it from our subversion repository (highly recommended) or tarball downloads. You will be amazed at how simple and fast it is to install the new Kwiki which comes with nearly 500 Perl modules. The longest part is simply checking out the repository. See <http://www.kwiki.org/?InstallingKwiki2> for details. Eventually all this work will make it back to CPAN, but likely not for a while. Here's a list of references for more information: * http://www.kwiki.org - Main Kwiki Site * http://www.kwiki.org/?KwikiNews - Kwiki News * http://svn.kwiki.org/kwiki/trunk/ - Kwiki SVN Repository * http://trac.kwiki.org/trac/timeline - Kwiki Project Management * #kwiki on irc.freenode.net - Kwiki IRC Channel * http://www.kwiki.org/downloads/ - Kwiki downloads * http://doolittle.kwiki.org/ - Kwiki Documentation Wiki Finally, there are generally a good amount of helpful people on IRC. Please drop by sometime! Cheers, Ingy Here's the old Kwiki.pm doc. It might be a little out of date... SYNOPSIS
> kwiki -new cgi-bin/my-kwiki Kwiki software installed! Point your browser at this location. NOTE
If you are impatient (don't worry, that's a good thing!) read Kwiki::Command to get the details on how to install and configure a new Kwiki wiki in record time. DESCRIPTION
A Wiki is a website that allows its users to add pages, and edit any existing pages. It is one of the most popular forms of web collaboration. If you are new to wiki, visit http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?WelcomeVisitors which is possibly the oldest wiki, and has lots of information about how wikis work. Kwiki is a Perl wiki implementation based on the Spoon application architecture and using the Spiffy object orientation model. The major goals of Kwiki are that it be easy to install, maintain and extend. All the features of a Kwiki wiki come from plugin modules. The base installation comes with the bare minimum plugins to make a working Kwiki. To make a really nice Kwiki installation you need to install additional plugins. Which plugins you pick is entirely up to you. Another goal of Kwiki is that every installation will be unique. When there are hundreds of plugins available, this will hopefully be the case. CGI
::Kwiki Kwiki is the successor of the popular CGI::Kwiki software. It is a complete refactoring of that code. The new code has a lovely plugin API and is much cleaner and extendable on all fronts. There is currently no automated way to upgrade a CGI::Kwiki installation to Kwiki. It's actually quite easy to do by hand. Instructions on how to do it are here: http://www.kwiki.org/?KwikiMigrationByHand DOCUMENTATION
All of the future Kwiki module documentation is being written at the http://doc.kwiki.org/ wiki. Check there for the latest doc, and help improve it. Each successive release of Kwiki will include the latest doc from that site. CREDITS
I am currently employed by Socialtext, Inc. They make high quality social software for enterprise deployment. Socialtext has a bold new vision of building their products over Open Source software and returning the generic source code to the community. This results in a win/win effect for both entities. You get this shiny new wiki framework, and Socialtext can take advantage of your plugins and bug fixes. The Kwiki project would not be where it is now without their support. I thank them. Of particular note, Dave Rolsky and Chris Dent are two current Socialtext employees that have made significant contributions to Kwiki. --- Iain Truskett was probably the most active Kwiki community hacker before his untimely death in December 2003. The underlying foundation of Kwiki has been named "Spoon" in his honor. Rest in peace Spoon. --- Ian (what's with all these Iai?ns??) Langworth has become a new Kwiki warrior. He helped a lot with the maiden release. Expect a lot of plugins to come from him! Thanks Ian. --- Finally, big props to all the folks on http://www.kwiki.org and irc://irc.freenode.net/#kwiki. Thanks for all the support! SEE ALSO
Kwiki::Command AUTHOR
Ingy dA~Xt Net <ingy@cpan.org> COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2004. Brian Ingerson. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2007. Ingy dA~Xt Net. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html perl v5.12.4 2007-03-06 Kwiki(3pm)
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