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Special Forums IP Networking Proxy Server Httpd proxy on AIX: failed to connect SSL Post 303042275 by Neo on Friday 20th of December 2019 04:10:01 AM
Old 12-20-2019
Description:	Controls the verbosity of the ErrorLog
Syntax:	LogLevel [module:]level [module:level] ...
Default:	LogLevel warn
Context:	server config, virtual host, directory
Status:	Core
Module:	core
Compatibility:	Per-module and per-directory configuration is available in Apache HTTP Server 2.3.6 and later
LogLevel adjusts the verbosity of the messages recorded in the error logs (see ErrorLog directive). 

The following levels are available, in order of decreasing significance:

Level	Description	Example
emerg	Emergencies - system is unusable.	"Child cannot open lock file. Exiting"
alert	Action must be taken immediately.	"getpwuid: couldn't determine user name from uid"
crit	Critical Conditions.	"socket: Failed to get a socket, exiting child"
error	Error conditions.	"Premature end of script headers"
warn	Warning conditions.	"child process 1234 did not exit, sending another SIGHUP"
notice	Normal but significant condition.	"httpd: caught SIGBUS, attempting to dump core in ..."
info	Informational.	"Server seems busy, (you may need to increase StartServers, or Min/MaxSpareServers)..."
debug	Debug-level messages	"Opening config file ..."
trace1	Trace messages	"proxy: FTP: control connection complete"
trace2	Trace messages	"proxy: CONNECT: sending the CONNECT request to the remote proxy"
trace3	Trace messages	"openssl: Handshake: start"
trace4	Trace messages	"read from buffered SSL brigade, mode 0, 17 bytes"
trace5	Trace messages	"map lookup FAILED: map=rewritemap key=keyname"
trace6	Trace messages	"cache lookup FAILED, forcing new map lookup"
trace7	Trace messages, dumping large amounts of data	"| 0000: 02 23 44 30 13 40 ac 34 df 3d bf 9a 19 49 39 15 |"
trace8	Trace messages, dumping large amounts of data	"| 0000: 02 23 44 30 13 40 ac 34 df 3d bf 9a 19 49 39 15 |"
When a particular level is specified, messages from all other levels of higher significance will be reported as well. 

E.g., when LogLevel info is specified, then messages with log levels of notice and warn will also be posted.

Using a level of at least crit is recommended.

For example:

LogLevel notice
When logging to a regular file, messages of the level notice cannot be suppressed and thus are always logged. However, this doesn't apply when logging is done using syslog.

Specifying a level without a module name will reset the level for all modules to that level. 

Specifying a level with a module name will set the level for that module only. 

It is possible to use the module source file name, the module identifier, or the module identifier with the trailing _module omitted as module specification. 

This means the following three specifications are equivalent:

LogLevel info ssl:warn
LogLevel info mod_ssl.c:warn
LogLevel info ssl_module:warn
It is also possible to change the level per directory:

LogLevel info
<Directory "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/app">
  LogLevel debug
Per directory loglevel configuration only affects messages that are logged after the request has been parsed and that are associated


Controls the verbosity of the ErrorLog - Apache HTTP Server Version 2.4

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Apache2::Log - Perl API for Apache Logging Methods Synopsis # in startup.pl #-------------- use Apache2::Log; use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK :log); use APR::Const -compile => qw(:error SUCCESS); my $s = Apache2::ServerUtil->server; $s->log_error("server: log_error"); $s->log_serror(__FILE__, __LINE__, Apache2::Const::LOG_ERR, APR::Const::SUCCESS, "log_serror logging at err level"); $s->log_serror(Apache2::Log::LOG_MARK, Apache2::Const::LOG_DEBUG, APR::Const::ENOTIME, "debug print"); Apache2::ServerRec->log_error("routine warning"); Apache2::ServerRec::warn("routine warning"); # in a handler #------------- package Foo; use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Apache2::Log; use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK :log); use APR::Const -compile => qw(:error SUCCESS); sub handler { my $r = shift; $r->log_error("request: log_error"); my $rlog = $r->log; for my $level qw(emerg alert crit error warn notice info debug) { no strict 'refs'; $rlog->$level($package, "request: $level log level"); } # can use server methods as well my $s = $r->server; $s->log_error("server: log_error"); $r->log_rerror(Apache2::Log::LOG_MARK, Apache2::Const::LOG_DEBUG, APR::Const::ENOTIME, "in debug"); $s->log_serror(Apache2::Log::LOG_MARK, Apache2::Const::LOG_INFO, APR::Const::SUCCESS, "server info"); $s->log_serror(Apache2::Log::LOG_MARK, Apache2::Const::LOG_ERR, APR::Const::ENOTIME, "fatal error"); $r->log_reason("fatal error"); $r->warn('routine request warning'); $s->warn('routine server warning'); return Apache2::Const::OK; } 1; # in a registry script # httpd.conf: PerlOptions +GlobalRequest use Apache2::ServerRec qw(warn); # override warn locally print "Content-type: text/plain "; warn "my warning"; Description "Apache2::Log" provides the Perl API for Apache logging methods. Depending on the the current "LogLevel" setting, only logging with the same log level or higher will be loaded. For example if the current "LogLevel" is set to warning, only messages with log level of the level warning or higher (err, crit, elert and emerg) will be logged. Therefore this: $r->log_rerror(Apache2::Log::LOG_MARK, Apache2::Const::LOG_WARNING, APR::Const::ENOTIME, "warning!"); will log the message, but this one won't: $r->log_rerror(Apache2::Log::LOG_MARK, Apache2::Const::LOG_INFO, APR::Const::ENOTIME, "just an info"); It will be logged only if the server log level is set to info or debug. "LogLevel" is set in the configuration file, but can be changed using the "$s->loglevel()" method. The filename and the line number of the caller are logged only if "Apache2::Const::LOG_DEBUG" is used (because that's how Apache 2.0 logging mechanism works). Note: On Win32 Apache attempts to lock all writes to a file whenever it's opened for append (which is the case with logging functions), as Unix has this behavior built-in, while Win32 does not. Therefore "Apache2::Log" functions could be slower than Perl's print()/warn(). Constants Log level constants can be compiled all at once: use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(:log); or individually: use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(LOG_DEBUG LOG_INFO); LogLevel Constants The following constants (sorted from the most severe level to the least severe) are used in logging methods to specify the log level at which the message should be logged: "Apache2::Const::LOG_EMERG" "Apache2::Const::LOG_ALERT" "Apache2::Const::LOG_CRIT" "Apache2::Const::LOG_ERR" "Apache2::Const::LOG_WARNING" "Apache2::Const::LOG_NOTICE" "Apache2::Const::LOG_INFO" "Apache2::Const::LOG_DEBUG" Other Constants Make sure to compile the APR status constants before using them. For example to compile "APR::Const::SUCCESS" and all the APR error status constants do: use APR::Const -compile => qw(:error SUCCESS); Here is the rest of the logging related constants: "Apache2::Const::LOG_LEVELMASK" used to mask off the level value, to make sure that the log level's value is within the proper bits range. e.g.: $loglevel &= LOG_LEVELMASK; "Apache2::Const::LOG_TOCLIENT" used to give content handlers the option of including the error text in the "ErrorDocument" sent back to the client. When "Apache2::Const::LOG_TOCLIENT" is passed to "log_rerror()" the error message will be saved in the $r's notes table, keyed to the string "error-notes", if and only if the severity level of the message is "Apache2::Const::LOG_WARNING" or greater and there are no other "error- notes" entry already set in the request record's notes table. Once the "error-notes" entry is set, it is up to the error handler to determine whether this text should be sent back to the client. For example: use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(:log); use APR::Const -compile => qw(ENOTIME); $r->log_rerror(Apache2::Log::LOG_MARK, Apache2::Const::LOG_ERR|Apache2::Const::LOG_TOCLIENT, APR::Const::ENOTIME, "request log_rerror"); now the log message can be retrieved via: $r->notes->get("error-notes"); Remember that client-generated text streams sent back to the client MUST be escaped to prevent CSS attacks. "Apache2::Const::LOG_STARTUP" is useful for startup message where no timestamps, logging level is wanted. For example: use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(:log); use APR::Const -compile => qw(SUCCESS); $s->log_serror(Apache2::Log::LOG_MARK, Apache2::Const::LOG_INFO, APR::Const::SUCCESS, "This log message comes with a header"); will print: [Wed May 14 16:47:09 2003] [info] This log message comes with a header whereas, when "Apache2::Const::LOG_STARTUP" is binary ORed as in: use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(:log); use APR::Const -compile => qw(SUCCESS); $s->log_serror(Apache2::Log::LOG_MARK, Apache2::Const::LOG_INFO|Apache2::Const::LOG_STARTUP, APR::Const::SUCCESS, "This log message comes with no header"); then the logging will be: This log message comes with no header Server Logging Methods "$s->log" get a log handle which can be used to log messages of different levels. my $slog = $s->log; obj: $s ( "Apache2::ServerRec object" ) ret: $slog ( "Apache2::Log::Server" object ) "Apache2::Log::Server" object to be used with LogLevel methods. since: 2.0.00 "$s->log_error" just logs the supplied message to error_log $s->log_error(@message); obj: $s ( "Apache2::ServerRec object" ) arg1: @message ( strings ARRAY ) what to log ret: no return value since: 2.0.00 For example: $s->log_error("running low on memory"); "$s->log_serror" This function provides a fine control of when the message is logged, gives an access to built-in status codes. $s->log_serror($file, $line, $level, $status, @message); obj: $s ( "Apache2::ServerRec object" ) arg1: $file ( string ) The file in which this function is called arg2: $line ( number ) The line number on which this function is called arg3: $level ( "Apache2::LOG_* constant" ) The level of this error message arg4: $status ( "APR::Const status constant" ) The status code from the last command (similar to $! in perl), usually "APR::Const constant" or coming from an exception object. arg5: @message ( strings ARRAY ) The log message(s) ret: no return value since: 2.0.00 For example: use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(:log); use APR::Const -compile => qw(ENOTIME SUCCESS); $s->log_serror(Apache2::Log::LOG_MARK, Apache2::Const::LOG_ERR, APR::Const::SUCCESS, "log_serror logging at err level"); $s->log_serror(Apache2::Log::LOG_MARK, Apache2::Const::LOG_DEBUG, APR::Const::ENOTIME, "debug print"); "$s->warn" $s->warn(@warnings); is the same as: $s->log_serror(Apache2::Log::LOG_MARK, Apache2::Const::LOG_WARNING, APR::Const::SUCCESS, @warnings) obj: $s ( "Apache2::ServerRec object" ) arg1: @warnings ( strings ARRAY ) array of warning strings ret: no return value since: 2.0.00 For example: $s->warn('routine server warning'); Request Logging Methods "$r->log" get a log handle which can be used to log messages of different levels. $rlog = $r->log; obj: $r ( "Apache2::RequestRec object" ) ret: $rlog ( "Apache2::Log::Request" object ) "Apache2::Log::Request" object to be used with LogLevel methods. since: 2.0.00 "$r->log_error" just logs the supplied message (similar to "$s->log_error" ). $r->log_error(@message); obj: $r ( "Apache2::RequestRec object" ) arg1: @message ( strings ARRAY ) what to log ret: no return value since: 2.0.00 For example: $r->log_error("the request is about to end"); "$r->log_reason" This function provides a convenient way to log errors in a preformatted way: $r->log_reason($message); $r->log_reason($message, $filename); obj: $r ( "Apache2::RequestRec object" ) arg1: $message ( string ) the message to log opt arg2: $filename ( string ) where to report the error as coming from (e.g. "__FILE__") ret: no return value since: 2.0.00 For example: $r->log_reason("There is no enough data"); will generate a log entry similar to the following: [Fri Sep 24 11:58:36 2004] [error] access to /someuri failed for, reason: There is no enough data. "$r->log_rerror" This function provides a fine control of when the message is logged, gives an access to built-in status codes. $r->log_rerror($file, $line, $level, $status, @message); arguments are identical to "$s->log_serror". since: 2.0.00 For example: use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(:log); use APR::Const -compile => qw(ENOTIME SUCCESS); $r->log_rerror(Apache2::Log::LOG_MARK, Apache2::Const::LOG_ERR, APR::Const::SUCCESS, "log_rerror logging at err level"); $r->log_rerror(Apache2::Log::LOG_MARK, Apache2::Const::LOG_DEBUG, APR::Const::ENOTIME, "debug print"); "$r->warn" $r->warn(@warnings); is the same as: $r->log_rerror(Apache2::Log::LOG_MARK, Apache2::Const::LOG_WARNING, APR::Const::SUCCESS, @warnings) obj: $r ( "Apache2::RequestRec object" ) arg1: @warnings ( strings ARRAY ) array of warning strings ret: no return value since: 2.0.00 For example: $r->warn('routine server warning'); Other Logging Methods LogLevel Methods after getting the log handle with "$s->log" or "$r->log", use one of the following methods (corresponding to the "LogLevel" levels): emerg(), alert(), crit(), error(), warn(), notice(), info(), debug() to control when messages should be logged: $s->log->emerg(@message); $r->log->emerg(@message); obj: $slog ( server or request log handle ) arg1: @message ( strings ARRAY ) ret: no return value since: 2.0.00 For example if the "LogLevel" is "error" and the following code is executed: my $slog = $s->log; $slog->debug("just ", "some debug info"); $slog->warn(@warnings); $slog->crit("dying"); only the last command's logging will be performed. This is because warn, debug and other logging command which are listed right to error will be disabled. "alert" See LogLevel Methods. "crit" See LogLevel Methods. "debug" See LogLevel Methods. "emerg" See LogLevel Methods. "error" See LogLevel Methods. "info" See LogLevel Methods. "notice" See LogLevel Methods. Though Apache treats "notice()" calls as special. The message is always logged regardless the value of "ErrorLog", unless the error log is set to use syslog. (For details see httpd-2.0/server/log.c.) "warn" See LogLevel Methods. General Functions "LOG_MARK" Though looking like a constant, this is a function, which returns a list of two items: "(__FILE__, __LINE__)", i.e. the file and the line where the function was called from. my ($file, $line) = Apache2::Log::LOG_MARK(); ret1: $file ( string ) ret2: $line ( number ) since: 2.0.00 It's mostly useful to be passed as the first argument to those logging methods, expecting the filename and the line number as the first arguments (e.g., "$s->log_serror" and "$r->log_rerror" ). Virtual Hosts Code running from within a virtual host needs to be able to log into its "ErrorLog" file, if different from the main log. Calling any of the logging methods on the $r and $s objects will do the logging correctly. If the core "warn()" is called, it'll be always logged to the main log file. Here is how to make it log into the vhost error_log file. Let's say that we start with the following code: warn "the code is smoking"; 1. First, we need to use mod_perl's logging function, instead of "CORE::warn" Either replace "warn" with "Apache2::ServerRec::warn": use Apache2::Log (); Apache2::ServerRec::warn("the code is smoking"); or import it into your code: use Apache2::ServerRec qw(warn); # override warn locally warn "the code is smoking"; or override "CORE::warn": use Apache2::Log (); *CORE::GLOBAL::warn = &Apache2::ServerRec::warn; warn "the code is smoking"; Avoid using the latter suggestion, since it'll affect all the code running on the server, which may break things. Of course you can localize that as well: use Apache2::Log (); local *CORE::GLOBAL::warn = &Apache2::ServerRec::warn; warn "the code is smoking"; Chances are that you need to make the internal Perl warnings go into the vhost's error_log file as well. Here is how to do that: use Apache2::Log (); local $SIG{__WARN__} = &Apache2::ServerRec::warn; eval q[my $x = "aaa" + 1;]; # this issues a warning Notice that it'll override any previous setting you may have had, disabling modules like "CGI::Carp" which also use $SIG{__WARN__} 2. Next we need to figure out how to get hold of the vhost's server object. Inside HTTP request handlers this is possible via "Apache2->request". Which requires either "PerlOptions +GlobalRequest" setting or can be also done at runtime if $r is available: use Apache2::RequestUtil (); sub handler { my $r = shift; Apache2::RequestUtil->request($r); ... Outside HTTP handlers at the moment it is not possible, to get hold of the vhost's error_log file. This shouldn't be a problem for the code that runs only under mod_perl, since the always available $s object can invoke a plethora of methods supplied by "Apache2::Log". This is only a problem for modules, which are supposed to run outside mod_perl as well. META: To solve this we think to introduce 'PerlOptions +GlobalServer', a big brother for 'PerlOptions +GlobalRequest', which will be set in modperl_hook_pre_connection. Unsupported API "Apache2::Log" also provides auto-generated Perl interface for a few other methods which aren't tested at the moment and therefore their API is a subject to change. These methods will be finalized later as a need arises. If you want to rely on any of the following methods please contact the the mod_perl development mailing list so we can help each other take the steps necessary to shift the method to an officially supported API. "log_pid" META: what is this method good for? it just calls getpid and logs it. In any case it has nothing to do with the logging API. And it uses static variables, it probably shouldn't be in the Apache public API. Log the current pid Apache2::Log::log_pid($pool, $fname); obj: $p ( "APR::Pool object" ) The pool to use for logging arg1: $fname ( file path ) The name of the file to log to ret: no return value since: subject to change See Also mod_perl 2.0 documentation. Copyright mod_perl 2.0 and its core modules are copyrighted under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0. Authors The mod_perl development team and numerous contributors. perl v5.18.2 2015-install::TempContent::Objects::mod_perl-2.0.9::docs::api::Apache2::Log(3)
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