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Top Forums UNIX for Beginners Questions & Answers Check that at least one file exists in the directory. Post 303039567 by Rajesh123 on Wednesday 9th of October 2019 02:39:24 PM
Old 10-09-2019
Check the at least one file exists in the directory

Below code is doing file validation properly but returning error after completion second loop. error "file does not existing". my requirement is to check only once if the file exists then it should delete data from table and enter in to the second do loop and print the file names then exit without any error. if there is no single file exists in the directory then should give error.
abc_234.dat abc _123.dat

for i in $INPUTDIR/abc*.dat
        if  [ -f $i ]; then
                echo "delete data from table..."
ls -t abc*.dat | sort > ABC.lst
cat  ABC.lst | while read line
export file1=$line
echo "${file1}"
                echo "File does not exist, exiting.."
return $exitcd

Last edited by Peasant; 10-10-2019 at 12:31 AM.. Reason: Code tags, use them.

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IO::AtomicFile(3)					User Contributed Perl Documentation					 IO::AtomicFile(3)

IO::AtomicFile - write a file which is updated atomically SYNOPSIS
use IO::AtomicFile; ### Write a temp file, and have it install itself when closed: my $FH = IO::AtomicFile->open("bar.dat", "w"); print $FH "Hello! "; $FH->close || die "couldn't install atomic file: $!"; ### Write a temp file, but delete it before it gets installed: my $FH = IO::AtomicFile->open("bar.dat", "w"); print $FH "Hello! "; $FH->delete; ### Write a temp file, but neither install it nor delete it: my $FH = IO::AtomicFile->open("bar.dat", "w"); print $FH "Hello! "; $FH->detach; DESCRIPTION
This module is intended for people who need to update files reliably in the face of unexpected program termination. For example, you generally don't want to be halfway in the middle of writing /etc/passwd and have your program terminate! Even the act of writing a single scalar to a filehandle is not atomic. But this module gives you true atomic updates, via rename(). When you open a file /foo/bar.dat via this module, you are actually opening a temporary file /foo/bar.dat..TMP, and writing your output there. The act of closing this file (either explicitly via close(), or implicitly via the destruction of the object) will cause rename() to be called... therefore, from the point of view of the outside world, the file's contents are updated in a single time quantum. To ensure that problems do not go undetected, the "close" method done by the destructor will raise a fatal exception if the rename() fails. The explicit close() just returns undef. You can also decide at any point to trash the file you've been building. AUTHOR
Primary Maintainer David F. Skoll (dfs@roaringpenguin.com). Original Author Eryq (eryq@zeegee.com). President, ZeeGee Software Inc (http://www.zeegee.com). REVISION
$Revision: 1.2 $ perl v5.12.1 2005-02-10 IO::AtomicFile(3)
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