Normally we write the processing of SQL statements in a server-side scripting language meant for the web, using "created for the web languages" like PHP or Javascript.
Also, depending on how you write your SQL select query, the results of the select query are generally in an array and so the script generally needs to process an array, not a simple string or text file.
However, if you are looking for a single element only from the SQL select query, the results of the SQL query are often still in an array, a single element array.
So, in the general case, you should write your script to process an array as the input to your script which is the output of the SQL query.
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DBIx::Class::SQLMaker(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation DBIx::Class::SQLMaker(3)
DBIx::Class::SQLMaker - An SQL::Abstract-based SQL maker class
This module is a subclass of SQL::Abstract and includes a number of DBIC-specific workarounds, not yet suitable for inclusion into the
SQL::Abstract core. It also provides all (and more than) the functionality of SQL::Abstract::Limit, see
DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::LimitDialects for more info.
Currently the enhancements to SQL::Abstract are:
o Support for "JOIN" statements (via extended "table/from" support)
o Support of functions in "SELECT" lists
o "GROUP BY"/"HAVING" support (via extensions to the order_by parameter)
o Support of "...FOR UPDATE" type of select statement modifiers
o The "-ident" operator
o The "-value" operator
Used to explicitly specify an SQL identifier. Takes a plain string as value which is then invariably treated as a column name (and is being
properly quoted if quoting has been requested). Most useful for comparison of two columns:
my %where = (
priority => { '<', 2 },
requestor => { -ident => 'submitter' }
which results in:
$stmt = 'WHERE "priority" < ? AND "requestor" = "submitter"';
@bind = ('2');
The -value operator signals that the argument to the right is a raw bind value. It will be passed straight to DBI, without invoking any of
the SQL::Abstract condition-parsing logic. This allows you to, for example, pass an array as a column value for databases that support
array datatypes, e.g.:
my %where = (
array => { -value => [1, 2, 3] }
which results in:
$stmt = 'WHERE array = ?';
@bind = ([1, 2, 3]);
See "CONTRIBUTORS" in DBIx::Class.
You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.
perl v5.12.5 2011-07-27 DBIx::Class::SQLMaker(3)