Originally Posted by
Don Cragun
I don't understand what you're trying to do.
If your input files are over a 1Gb, which we might assume means that there are millions of lines in each file, are you saying that you want to produce quadrillions of lines of output? Why in the world would you want to do that?
I'm not trying to go that route and produce many lines like that. Lets say I have a python script that could load and run a file over 1GB like the script I have at the top and I have another text file that's 1GB also. Is there a way I could pipe hex the python script to the text file and print the python script against the text file and get combinations but without producing quadrillions of lines. Using the text file as a place holder for lines.
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renpy(6) Games renpy(6)
renpy - engine for creating visual novels
renpy [path to the script directory]
Ren'Py is a programming language and runtime, intended to ease the creation of visual-novel type games. It contains features that make it
easy to display thoughts, dialogue, and menus; to display images to the user; to write game logic; and to support the saving and loading of
Ren'Py tries to be like an executable script, allowing you to get a working game without much more effort than is required to type the game
script into the computer.
Ren'Py is implemented on top of python, and that python heritage shows through in many places. Many Ren'Py statements allow python expres-
sions to be used, and there are also Ren'Py statements that allow for the execution of arbitrary python code. Many of the less-used fea-
tures of Ren'Py are exposed to the user by way of python. By only requiring use of the simplest features of python, it's hoped that Ren'Py
will be usable by all game authors.
If you run the program without any arguments, zou will get an interactive launcher from where you can select, run and work different
For running a script, you need to give the full path to the directory that contains the game you want to play.
For example: renpy /usr/share/games/renpy/demo/
To learn how to use the game interface, you should install and play renpy-demo.
The game data for each user is stored at ~/.renpy/ directory.
The scripts can be installed in the system bz placing them under /usr/share/games/renpy/ , but you can run any script in an arbitrarz
directory just by telling the path as the parameter to the game.
You can find more information at http://www.renpy.org/
May 2007 renpy(6)