Hi rdrtx
Thanks, but that is a single line and works fine. My issue is that the variable $GAPNUM does not show in the subject line, even though the other variable in the subject line ($ORACLE_SID) does.
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3. Shell Programming and Scripting
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When script is emailing, it is not taking value of $ORACLE_SID.
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cd... (2 Replies)
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7. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi all,
I am trying to automate a process in which at the end of the process the script should send an email to the user saying this process is completed.
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where abc xyz is a... (4 Replies)
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8. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi All,
I want to send the csv to an email address.
I have tried the below two approaches.
Approach1: Got error -ksh: uuencode: not found
$ uuencode test_file.csv test_file.csv | mailx -s "Attaching test" msdc.kiran@gmail.com </usr/home/test_file.csv
-ksh: uuencode: not found
Approach2:... (6 Replies)
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9. Shell Programming and Scripting
I try this :
subject="TEST FILE"
file=$(cat file.txt)
/usr/bin/sendemail -f $sender -t $recipient -u $subject -m $file
My file.txt:
BLABLABLA (7 Replies)
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7 Replies
10. Shell Programming and Scripting
hi ,
i have written below piece of code to meet the requirement but i am stuck in the logic here.
the requirement are:
1) to send the sql out put to email body with proper formatting.
2) if count_matching = Yes then mail should triggered with the subject line ... (10 Replies)
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10 Replies
exit(1) User Commands exit(1)
exit, return, goto - shell built-in functions to enable the execution of the shell to advance beyond its sequence of steps
exit [n]
return [n]
exit [ ( expr )]
goto label
*exit [n]
*return [n]
exit will cause the calling shell or shell script to exit with the exit status specified by n. If n is omitted the exit status is that of
the last command executed (an EOF will also cause the shell to exit.)
return causes a function to exit with the return value specified by n. If n is omitted, the return status is that of the last command exe-
exit will cause the calling shell or shell script to exit, either with the value of the status variable or with the value specified by the
expression expr.
The goto built-in uses a specified label as a search string amongst commands. The shell rewinds its input as much as possible and searches
for a line of the form label: possibly preceded by space or tab characters. Execution continues after the indicated line. It is an error to
jump to a label that occurs between a while or for built-in command and its corresponding end.
exit will cause the calling shell or shell script to exit with the exit status specified by n. The value will be the least significant 8
bits of the specified status. If n is omitted then the exit status is that of the last command executed. When exit occurs when executing
a trap, the last command refers to the command that executed before the trap was invoked. An end-of-file will also cause the shell to exit
except for a shell which has the ignoreeof option (See set below) turned on.
return causes a shell function or '.' script to return to the invoking script with the return status specified by n. The value will be the
least significant 8 bits of the specified status. If n is omitted then the return status is that of the last command executed. If return
is invoked while not in a function or a '.' script, then it is the same as an exit.
On this man page, ksh(1) commands that are preceded by one or two * (asterisks) are treated specially in the following ways:
1. Variable assignment lists preceding the command remain in effect when the command completes.
2. I/O redirections are processed after variable assignments.
3. Errors cause a script that contains them to abort.
4. Words, following a command preceded by ** that are in the format of a variable assignment, are expanded with the same rules as a vari-
able assignment. This means that tilde substitution is performed after the = sign and word splitting and file name generation are not
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
|Availability |SUNWcsu |
break(1), csh(1), ksh(1), sh(1), attributes(5)
SunOS 5.10 15 Apr 1994 exit(1)