1. Could you please show what you have tried?
2. Please understand that forum members may not have working knowledge of biology. So when you say, "Print out the number of occurrences for each motif that is found in the bacterial genome", this makes no sense to me (and may not to a lot others too)
3. A good post requesting assistance should in my humble opinion have the following information:
- Clearly state the problem without any ambiguity. Break down your problem into the smallest part where you need help. Posting a question 100 lines long will yield no result. People will yawn and go back to doing their day job.
- Show your attempt at solving the problem. This will help members focus on the exact place where you need help; and not have to dig about and assume where you might be facing the issue.
- One line about your OS, your shell, preferred scripting language..
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exit 1
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6. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi Folks,
I have a loop that goes through an array and the output is funky.
array=( )
for i in "${array}"
echo $i
iperf -c $i -P 10 -x CSV -f b -t 50 | awk 'END{print '$i',$6}' >> $file
19.2390.2110.3 8746886
seems that when... (2 Replies)
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while read rna; do
aawork=$(echo "${rna}" | sed -n -e 's/\(...\)\1 /gp' | sed -f rna.sed)
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8. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi Everybody,
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sed '1,3 d' "$f";
sed '1028,1098 d' "$f";
I... (2 Replies)
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9. Shell Programming and Scripting
Dear all,
Please help with the following.
I have a file, let's call it data.txt, that has 3 columns and approx 700,000 lines, and looks like this:
rs1234 A C
rs1236 T G
rs2345 G T
Please use code tags as required by forum rules!
I have a second file, called reference.txt,... (1 Reply)
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10. UNIX for Beginners Questions & Answers
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I need some help
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1 Replies
gst-complete-0.8(1) User Commands gst-complete-0.8(1)
gst-complete-0.8, gst-complete - perform bash completion for gst-launch command lines
complete -Cgst-complete-0.8 gst-launch
gst-complete [--gst-list-mm] [--gst-mm=string] [--print]
gst-complete-0.8 enables bash to provide context-sensitive tab completion for gst-launch command lines. See gst-launch(1) for the syntax of
gst-launch command lines.
You must have a version of bash that supports programmable completion. Such versions of bash provide the complete built-in command.
gst-complete is a wrapper script that runs the latest installed version of gst-complete-X.X. For example, if both gst-complete-0.7 and gst-
complete-0.8 are installed on your system, gst-complete runs gst-complete-0.8.
The following options are supported by gst-complete-0.8 and gst-complete:
--help Display detailed usage message. You can also use -? to specify this option.
The following options are supported by gst-complete only:
--gst-list-mm List found major/minor versions. This option displays the versions that are available.
--gst-mm=string Force major/minor version. This option enables you to specify a specific version to run, if you do not want to run the
default version.
--print Print wrapped command line. This option displays the command that will be run, and then runs the command.
Example 1: Generating the Registry of Available Plugins by Running gst-compprep
Run the following command in your .bash_profile or other appropriate place:
example% complete -C gst-complete-0.8 gst-launch
Example 2: Running the Wrapper Script and Displaying the Command Name
example% gst-complete --print
The following files are used by this application:
/usr/bin/gst-complete-0.Executable for bash completion for gst-launch
/usr/bin/gst-complete Wrapper script that runs the latest installed version of gst-complete-X.X
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
|Availability |SUNWgnome-media |
|Interface stability |External |
gst-compprep(1), gst-feedback(1), gst-inspect(1), gst-launch(1), gst-launch-ext(1), gst-md5sum(1), gst-register(1), gst-thumbnail(1), gst-
typefind(1), gst-xmlinspect(1), gst-xmllaunch(1), gstreamer-properties(1), libgstreamer-0.8(3), libgstgetbits(3)
Original man page written by the GStreamer team at http://gstreamer.net/.
Updated by Brian Cameron, Sun Microsystems Inc., 2004.
SunOS 5.10 14 Oct 2004 gst-complete-0.8(1)