Supplementary info, from a bash-related man page:
If set, the history list is appended to the history file when the shell exits,
rather than overwriting the history file.
shopt -s histappend
To append every line to history individually set:
PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a'
With these two settings, a new shell will get the history lines from all previous
shells instead of the default 'last window closed'>history
(the history file is named by the value of the HISTFILE variable)
See also:
Code :
mysql> select manid, token,strlen from neo_man_page_entry where token like '%shopt';
| manid | token | strlen |
| 14767 | redhat_1_shopt | 69032 |
| 127977 | centos_1_shopt | 89209 |
2 rows in set (0.57 sec)
More broadly, FYI only:
Code :
mysql> select manid, token,strlen from neo_man_page_entry where formatted like '% shopt %';
| manid | token | strlen |
| 1973 | centos_1_exit | 89209 |
| 4219 | redhat_1_times | 69032 |
| 5061 | centos_1_pushd | 89209 |
| 7679 | opensolaris_1_bash | 254197 |
| 8146 | centos_7_glob | 7955 |
| 8572 | mojave_1_bash | 253714 |
| 8849 | redhat_1_alias | 69032 |
| 8991 | redhat_1_bash | 232097 |
| 9018 | redhat_1_bg | 69032 |
| 9023 | redhat_1_bind | 69032 |
| 9052 | redhat_1_break | 69032 |
| 9079 | redhat_1_builtin | 69032 |
| 9080 | redhat_1_builtins | 69032 |
| 9169 | redhat_1_cd | 69032 |
| 9329 | redhat_1_command | 69032 |
| 9335 | redhat_1_compgen | 69032 |
| 9348 | redhat_1_complete | 69032 |
| 9374 | redhat_1_continue | 69032 |
| 9578 | redhat_1_declare | 69032 |
| 9655 | redhat_1_dirs | 69032 |
| 9668 | redhat_1_disown | 69032 |
| 9893 | redhat_1_enable | 69032 |
| 10022 | redhat_1_eval | 69032 |
| 10036 | redhat_1_exec | 69032 |
| 10037 | redhat_1_exit | 69032 |
| 10052 | redhat_1_export | 69032 |
| 10121 | redhat_1_fc | 69032 |
| 10130 | redhat_1_fg | 69032 |
| 10420 | redhat_1_getopts | 69032 |
| 10786 | redhat_1_hash | 69032 |
| 10812 | redhat_1_help | 69032 |
| 10833 | redhat_1_history | 69032 |
| 11127 | linux_1_bash | 288326 |
| 11339 | redhat_1_let | 69032 |
| 11414 | redhat_1_local | 69032 |
| 11437 | redhat_1_logout | 69032 |
| 11742 | mojave_1_sh | 253714 |
| 13778 | redhat_1_popd | 69032 |
| 14171 | redhat_1_pushd | 69032 |
| 14345 | redhat_1_read | 69032 |
| 14352 | redhat_1_readonly | 69032 |
| 14401 | redhat_1_return | 69032 |
| 14666 | redhat_1_set | 69032 |
| 14745 | redhat_1_sh | 232097 |
| 14765 | redhat_1_shift | 69032 |
| 14767 | redhat_1_shopt | 69032 |
| 14956 | redhat_1_source | 69032 |
| 15437 | redhat_1_trap | 69032 |
| 15479 | redhat_1_type | 69032 |
| 15488 | redhat_1_typeset | 69032 |
| 15507 | redhat_1_ulimit | 69032 |
| 15508 | redhat_1_unalias | 69032 |
| 15509 | redhat_1_umask | 69032 |
| 15561 | redhat_1_unset | 69032 |
| 15748 | redhat_1_wait | 69032 |
| 27226 | centos_1_enable | 89209 |
| 30899 | centos_1_local | 89209 |
| 31042 | centos_1_type | 89209 |
| 32972 | centos_1_hash | 89209 |
| 33250 | centos_1_read | 89209 |
| 56727 | linux_7_builtins | 89018 |
| 56728 | linux_7_bash-builtins | 89018 |
| 57787 | redhat_1_jobs | 69032 |
| 57957 | redhat_1_suspend | 69032 |
| 63212 | centos_1_sh | 287877 |
| 68185 | debian_1_bash | 288613 |
| 68186 | debian_1_bash-static | 288613 |
| 116150 | debian_7_bash-builtins | 89296 |
| 116293 | debian_7_glob | 7955 |
| 122870 | centos_1_builtins | 89209 |
| 125392 | centos_1_alias | 89209 |
| 125457 | centos_1_bash | 287877 |
| 125471 | centos_1_bg | 89209 |
| 125473 | centos_1_bind | 89209 |
| 125490 | centos_1_break | 89209 |
| 125498 | centos_1_builtin | 89209 |
| 125522 | centos_1_caller | 89209 |
| 125542 | centos_1_cd | 89209 |
| 125613 | centos_1_command | 89209 |
| 125615 | centos_1_compgen | 89209 |
| 125617 | centos_1_complete | 89209 |
| 125618 | centos_1_compopt | 89209 |
| 125626 | centos_1_continue | 89209 |
| 125709 | centos_1_declare | 89209 |
| 125739 | centos_1_dirs | 89209 |
| 125741 | centos_1_disown | 89209 |
| 125870 | centos_1_eval | 89209 |
| 125874 | centos_1_exec | 89209 |
| 125879 | centos_1_export | 89209 |
| 125906 | centos_1_fc | 89209 |
| 125920 | centos_1_fg | 89209 |
| 126051 | centos_1_getopts | 89209 |
| 126382 | centos_1_help | 89209 |
| 126388 | centos_1_history | 89209 |
| 126595 | centos_1_jobs | 89209 |
| 126701 | centos_1_let | 89209 |
| 126745 | centos_1_logout | 89209 |
| 126817 | centos_1_mapfile | 89209 |
| 127604 | centos_1_popd | 89209 |
| 127761 | centos_1_readonly | 89209 |
| 127806 | centos_1_return | 89209 |
| 127934 | centos_1_set | 89209 |
| 127977 | centos_1_shopt | 89209 |
| 127978 | centos_1_shift | 89209 |
| 128052 | centos_1_source | 89209 |
| 128113 | centos_1_suspend | 89209 |
| 128221 | centos_1_times | 89209 |
| 128273 | centos_1_trap | 89209 |
| 128290 | centos_1_typeset | 89209 |
| 128298 | centos_1_ulimit | 89209 |
| 128300 | centos_1_umask | 89209 |
| 128301 | centos_1_unalias | 89209 |
| 128319 | centos_1_unset | 89209 |
| 128414 | centos_1_wait | 89209 |
| 139476 | suse_1_bashbuiltins | 98283 |
| 151669 | suse_1_bash | 280501 |
| 156941 | opendarwin_1_bash | 231854 |
| 179879 | suse_8_crm_shadow | 47178 |
| 193041 | sunos_1_bash | 248122 |
| 193250 | osx_1_bash | 253660 |
| 194941 | osx_1_sh | 253660 |
| 237536 | plan9_1_bash | 334359 |
| 249650 | debian_7_builtins | 107408 |
| 250630 | xfree86_1_bash | 334401 |
| 253484 | x11r4_1_bash | 334359 |
| 260350 | freebsd_1_bash | 317993 |
| 260730 | hpux_1_bash | 317930 |
| 266705 | v7_1_bash | 317888 |
| 270072 | minix_1_bash | 317951 |
| 270584 | posix_1_bash | 317951 |
| 273989 | php_1_bash | 317909 |
| 275518 | bsd_1_bash | 317909 |
132 rows in set (12.78 sec)