I need to split a large file into small files based on a string.
At different palces in the large I have the string ^Job.
I need to split the file into different files starting from ^Job to the last character before the next ^Job.
Also all the small files should be automatically named.... (4 Replies)
I want to split a file that has 'n' number of records into 16 small files.
Can some one suggest me how to do this using Unix script?
rrkk (10 Replies)
I have one large file, after every 200 line i have to split the file and the add header and footer to each small file?
It is possible to add different header and footer to each file? (7 Replies)
Dear All,
Could you please help me to split a file contain around 240,000,000 line to 4 files all equally likely , note that we need to maintain that the end of each file should started by start flage (MSISDN) and ended by end flag (End), also the number of the line between the... (10 Replies)
I have a large zone file dump that consists of
; DNS record for the adomain.com domain
; DNS record for the anotherdomain.com domain
CRLF (7 Replies)
I need to split a large array "@sharedArray" into 10 small arrays.
The arrays should be like @sharedArray1,@sharedArray2,@sharedArray3...so on..
Can anyone help me with the logic to do so :(:confused: (6 Replies)
Dear shell experts,
I would like to spilt a txt file into small ones. However, I did not know how to program use shell. If someone could help, it is greatly appreciated!
Specifically, I supposed there is file named A.txt. The content of the file likes this:
Subject run condtion ACC time... (3 Replies)
Dear all,
I have huge txt file with the input files for some setup_code. However for running my setup_code, I require txt files with maximum of 1000 input files
Please help me in suggesting way to break down this big txt file to small txt file of 1000 entries only.
thanks and Greetings,
Emily (12 Replies)
Need you help with the below file manipulation. I want to split the file into 8 smaller files but without cutting/disturbing the entries (meaning every small file should start with a entry and end with an empty line). It will be helpful if you can provide a one liner command for this... (12 Replies)
Split large xml into mutiple files and with header and footer in file
tried below
it splits unevenly and also i need help in adding header and footer
command :
csplit -s -k -f my_XML_split.xml extrfile.xml "/<Document>/" {1}
sample xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Recipient>... (36 Replies)
Discussion started by: karthik
36 Replies
flow-split(1) General Commands Manual flow-split(1)NAME
flow-split -- Split flow files into smaller files.
flow-split [-gGhn] [-b big|little] [-C comment] [-d debug_level] [-N nflows] [-o outfile_basename] [-T nseconds] [-z z_level]
The flow-split utility will split a flow file into smaller files based on the the number of flows or the ammount of time that has passed.
OPTIONS -b big|little
Byte order of output.
-C Comment
Add a comment.
-d debug_level
Enable debugging.
-g Split on source tag.
-G Split on destination tag.
-h Display help.
-n Use symbols for tag field in filename.
-N nflows Split after processing nflows.
-o outfile_basename
The basename of the resulting files.
-T nsecond
Split after processing an interval of nseconds flows.
-z z_level
Configure compression level to z_level. 0 is disabled (no compression), 9 is highest compression.
Create 1 minute flow files from the flow archive in /flows/krc4. Store the results in /flows/krc4.split
flow-cat /flows/krc4 | flow-split -T60 -o /flows/krc4.split/1min.
None known.
Mark Fullmer maf@splintered.net
SEE ALSO flow-tools(1)flow-split(1)