How to align/sort the column pairs of an csv file, based on keyword word specified in another file?
I have a csv file as shown below,
I need to align/sort the csv file based on the order mentioned in another file (keyword file) as shown below,
The desired output is shown below,
The major condition is the column to be arranged pair wise (while rearrangement the string column should take the concerned value column adjacent to it together) like wise the pairs of columns to be rearranged based on the keywords. Another problem the keyword is the starting letters of each column, the keyword file has only starting strings of the columns strings. each column pairs are having common keyword but after the underscore symbol it vary. Therefore, I do not know how to make code for it. If it number or alphabet based sorting I can use
function. But here i could not use it due to the complexity of condition. I am not sure, Is it possible to do the same. if it possible please help me.
Thanks in advance.
Hi all,
in my csv file it'll look like this, and of course it may have more columns
US to UK;abc-hq-jcl;multimedia
UK to CN;def-ny-jkl;standard
DE to DM;abc-ab-klm;critical
FD to YM;la-yr-tym;standard
HY to MC;la-yr-ytm;multimedia
GT to KJ;def-ny-jrt;critical
I would like to group... (4 Replies)
My input file is
$cat samp
1 siva
1 raja
2 siva
1 siva
2 raja
4 venkat
i want sort this name wise...alos need to remove duplicate lines.
i am using
cat samp|awk '{print $2,$1}'|sort -u
it showing
raja 1 (3 Replies)
My scenario is that I need to pick value from third column based on fourth column value, if fourth column value is 1 then first value of third column.Third column (2|3|4|6|1) values are cancatenated.
Main imp point, in my .csv file, third column is having price value with comma (1,20,300), it has... (2 Replies)
hello, I have a large file (about 1gb) that is in a file similar to the following:
I want to make it so that I can put all the duplicates where column 3 (delimited by the commas) are shown on top. Meaning all people with the same age are listed at the top.
The command I used was ... (3 Replies)
I have a .CSV file with the below format:
"column 1","column 2","column 3","column 4","column 5","column 6","column 7","column 8","column 9","column 10
"12310","42324564756","a simple string with a , comma","string with or, without commas","string 1","USD","12","70%","08/01/2013",""... (2 Replies)
abc ,123 ,xyz ,000 ,pqr
mno ,123 ,dfr ,111 ,bbb
123 ,000
123 ,111
how to fetch the values of Field4 where Field2='123'
I don't want to fetch the values based on column position. Instead want to... (10 Replies)
Hello everyone,
I am using ksh on Solaris 10 and I'm gathering data in a CSV file that looks like this:
20170628-23:40:00,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,58,58,2... (6 Replies)
I tried filtering the records in a csv file using "awk" command listed below.
awk -F"~" '$4 ~ /Active/{print }' inputfile > outputfile
The output always has all the entries.
The same command worked for different users from one of the forum links.
content of file I was... (3 Replies)
I have to sort the 4th column of an excel/csv file. I tried the following command
sort -u --field-separator=, --numeric-sort -k 2 -n dinesh.csv > test.csv
But, it's not working. Moreover, I have to do the same for more than 30 excel/csv file. So please help me to do the same. (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: dineshkumarsrk
6 Replies
gethead(1) General Commands Manual gethead(1)Name
gethead - Print FITS or IRAF header keyword values
gethead [-hptv] [-d pathname] [-n num] <FITS or IRAF file> kw1 kw2 ... kwn
Print values of the specified keywords from the given image header. By default they are all listed on one line, separated by spaces. The
-v flag causes the keyword names and values to be printed, one keyword per line. To read keywords from a list of files, substitute @<list-
file> for the file names on the command line. To read a lot of keywords, put them, one per line, in a file and substitute @<keylistfile>
on the command line. If two @ commands are present, the program will figure out which contains file names and which contains keywords.
Options-a List file name even if keywords are not found
-d Root directory for input files (default is cwd)
-e Output keyword=value's on one line per file
-f Never print filenames (default is to print them if more than one)
-g Output keyword=value's on one line per keyword
-h flag causes the keyword names to be printed at top of columns.
-n Number of decimal places in numeric output
-o OR conditions instead of ANDing them
-p Print full pathnames of files
-t flag causes the output to be in tab-separated tables with keyword column headings.
-u Always print ___ if keyword not found, event if only one keyword in search
-v Print output as <keyword>=<value>, one per line
Web Page
Doug Mink, SAO (
6 July 2001 WCSTools gethead(1)