The Shell lost the inverted comma in a nested ssh command
i want use this Comand for my psql request
but the shell lost the inverted comma for datnam=\'$DB\'. The request deliver datnam=DB1 but for the psql request i need datnam='DB'. Where is my mistake? The psql comand need the inverted comma left and right from the $DB variable.
Hi All,
I am using ssh in my shell script. Can any one please suggest me option so that i can avoid the login message as below in the execution:
Please note that you have logged into the newer version of server "gabbro"
Performing functions to this computer withe the... (6 Replies)
I am using a linux with bash.
I have a script written which will login to a remote server and from there it runs a "wget" to downlaod a build file from a webserver.
Here is the line inside the script:
ssh -t -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=5 root@${a}'wget... (4 Replies)
How do I use the ssh command to connect to another server without the password prompt?
I use: ssh user@host and it prompts for the password.
how do I include the password in the ssh command?
alternatively, how do you execute 1 command from server A on server B?
... (4 Replies)
I want to do SSH on many different machines and then run some commands on them. A binary application randomly generates IP addresses and my script will take care of doing SSH.
$ ./IPGen.exe | ./
my script looks like this:
while read line; do
result1=$(ssh $line... (2 Replies)
Hi guru,
I'm making crazy cause an issue on a ksh shell I made.
In this shell I want to execute unix command on a remote machine using an ssh connection like ssh user@host 'command'.....
The command is very simply, is an ls on a remote directory but it give me an unexpected result.
The... (4 Replies)
I want to pass this array as a parameter.
fortune_lines=($(fortune | fold -w 30 ))
Inside of this line
screen -p 0 -S ${SCREEN_SESSION} -X stuff "`printf "say ${fortune_lines}\r"`"
And I am lost at this point.
I am thinking something like this?
Then make it loop..
... (7 Replies)
Hi, I'm trying to write a shell script checks if there is ssh command listening on port 1080 at loop back interface.
If there is, just exit nicely with exit code 0.
If not, start command: #ssh -D 1080 smsuser@ ping -i 60 localhost
The ssh keys needs to be generated and... (2 Replies)
I'm using redhat and have an odd issue with a nested ssh call.
ssh -i ~/.ssh/transfer-key -q transfer@fserver1 ]
&& ssh -i ~/.ssh/transfer-key transfer@fserver1 "ssh -i ~/.ssh/sftp-key sftpin@ ]"
&& ssh -i ~/.ssh/transfer-key transfer@fserver1 "scp -i ~/.ssh/sftp-key /home/S/outbox/*... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: say170
2 Replies
extract_font_range(3alleg4) Allegro manual extract_font_range(3alleg4)NAME
extract_font_range - Extracts a range of characters from a font. Allegro game programming library.
#include <allegro.h>
FONT *extract_font_range(FONT *f, int begin, int end)
This function extracts a character range from a font and returns a new font that contains only the range of characters selected by this
function. You can pass -1 for either the lower or upper bound if you want to select all characters from the start or to the end of the
font. Example:
FONT *myfont;
FONT *capitals;
FONT *fontcopy;
/* Create a font of only capital letters */
capitals = extract_font_range(myfont, 'A', 'Z');
/* Create a copy of the font */
fontcopy = extract_font_range(myfont, -1, -1);
Returns a pointer to the new font or NULL on error. Remember that you are responsible for destroying the font when you are finished with it
to avoid memory leaks.
SEE ALSO get_font_range_begin(3alleg4), get_font_range_end(3alleg4), merge_fonts(3alleg4), transpose_font(3alleg4), exfont(3alleg4)Allegro version 4.4.2 extract_font_range(3alleg4)