I have the following question :
As far as I know unix doesn't store file creation dates.
Would that imply the following?
tar -cvzf backup.tar --newer
is equal to:
tar -cvzf backup.tar --newer-mtime ? (1 Reply)
Howdy folks.
I have a problem - I'm sure the answer is very simple, but I can't work it out.
I want to create a UNIX shell script that does what I've been doing in DOS batch files for years - that is, backing up files. By which I mean copying files from a source directory to a target... (4 Replies)
Dear All,
I'm new to unix scripting. I'm trying to write an utility script which has to check if one file is newer than another one. The condition is I dont know the full name of the first file. I searched google and this forum for any such examples, but couldn't find any or may be I would have... (9 Replies)
I have a text file, foo.txt, it looks something like below. In the file there is a line that gives the date in the form of: Mon Jun 15 11:09:31 2008. I need to find which date is the newest and then store certain details of that list data to another file. So, in this sample text file, I... (6 Replies)
This should be a simple script, but can't find one with google search.
I just need to find the file that is in many directories, then overwrite that file with a newer version i.e.
find file.jar then overwrite with /root/file.jar
All I get in searches is substitute text with new test inside... (1 Reply)
Can you please help me one this:
I have two servers: Server A and server B.
Every day on 03.00AM in only one on these two servers (randomly)is generated one file, lets say file.txt.
I want to copy this file also to the other server.
I want to create a perl script that does... (2 Replies)
Dear All,
I'm new to unix scripting. I'm trying to write an utility script which has to check if one file is newer than another one. $3 $4 $5 $6 are files .txt. Help me please.
for i in $3 $4 $5 $6
echo "$1 is newer than $i"
echo "$i is newer than $1"
fi (9 Replies)
Discussion started by: Manueldo
9 Replies
ZIP_SOURCE_ZIP(3) Library Functions Manual ZIP_SOURCE_ZIP(3)NAME
zip_source_zip - create data source from zip file
libzip (-lzip)
#include <zip.h>
struct zip_source * zip_source_zip(struct zip *archive, struct zip *srcarchive); "zip_uint64_t srcidx" "int flags" "zip_uint64_t start"
"zip_int64_t len"
The function zip_source_zip creates a zip source from a file in a zip archive. The srcarchive argument is the (open) zip archive contain-
ing the source zip file at index srcidx. len bytes from offset start will be used in the zip_source. If len is 0 or -1, the rest of the
file, starting from start, is used. If start is zero and len is -1, the whole file will be copied without decompressing it.
Supported flags are:
ZIP_FL_UNCHANGED Try to get the original data without any changes that may have been made to srcarchive after opening it.
ZIP_FL_RECOMPRESS When adding the data from srcarchive, re-compress it using the current settings instead of copying the com-
pressed data.
Upon successful completion, the created source is returned. Otherwise, NULL is returned and the error code in archive is set to indicate
the error.
zip_source_zip fails if:
Unchanged data was requested, but it is not available.
srcarchive, srcidx, start, or len are invalid.
Required memory could not be allocated.
Additionally, it can return all error codes from zip_stat_index and zip_fopen_index.
SEE ALSO libzip(3), zip_add(3), zip_replace(3), zip_source_buffer(3), zip_source_file(3), zip_source_filep(3), zip_source_free(3), zip_source_func-
Dieter Baron <dillo@giga.or.at> and Thomas Klausner <tk@giga.or.at>
NiH June 4, 2008 ZIP_SOURCE_ZIP(3)