Thanks a lot Bakunin. That really helps me understand the background!!!
---------- Post updated at 11:52 AM ---------- Previous update was at 09:57 AM ----------
Originally Posted by MadeInGermany
Looks like the "ntpq -c rl" changes with every update of the NTP package.
Take the "ntpq -pn" output instead! To be processed like this in the shell script:
Just wondering what would be the value of "offset" using "ntpq -pn" if NTP service is down? Will it be 0 or BLANK?
Command "awk" will print the 9th value of the output "ntpq -pn". So just wondering if NTP service is down, and the offset is BLANK, awk will print "disp" value to the output variable instead of BLANK. Thanks for your time.
I have a script which must not be run more than once at any given time. THis script will be scheduled to run every 20 mins as a cron job.
In my script can i have logic to say if this script is already running from the previous cron, then exit.
How do i go about doing that. If you describe the... (11 Replies)
Hi guys I'm very new to unix and I have to create an awk script that detects webpage addresses from a file/webpage and outputs how many times each webpage was detected.e.g. if my file was:
(Note: The symbol " was added to stop them being created into links)
""... (1 Reply)
Hi guys I'm very new to unix and I have to create an awk script that detects webpage addresses from a file/webpage and outputs how many times each webpage was detected.e.g. if my file was:
the output should be: x2... (2 Replies)
Dear community,
what I'm try to do is deny users to run a script without parameters from command bash, but the same script should run without parameters only from crontab.
Example runs by crontab:*/5 * * * * /tmp/
Here the normal execution starts every 5 minutes
Example #1 runs by... (16 Replies)
I have to check daily 20 processes each day. The names are like Network1 Network2 Network3 ....... Network20.
There is built in utility for doing this. Following is the command to check a single network process.
check_process_status 1
If we want to check the status of Network2 then the... (6 Replies)
Hi all,
I am needing some help with a script that will search for a video file by known extensions and then do a pattern search (I'm guessing via regex) and then based on a match of one type of another move the file to an assigned directory.
I would like to do this with either a shell script... (7 Replies)
Hi forum,
So I am trying to determine the OS type with the following script:
OStype1=`uname -s`
echo "This system is Linux"
exit 0
echo "This system is SunOs"
exit 0
elif (1 Reply)
Hello there,
I am not an expert in networking related stuff but I got a requirement to create UNIX script to query our Company's internal time source via NTP for time drift detect and report it when > +/- 50ms.
I have been googling a lot but thought to post it in this forum to get a... (1 Reply)
I have a small script and it runs from web application in below format:
pipe:/// url1 url2 url3
exec 3>&1
((ffmpeg -i $1 ...... -f mpegts pipe:1 2>/dev/null 1>&3 ) 2>&1 | \
while read LINE; do echo... (9 Replies)
Discussion started by: baris35
9 Replies
X_SOLVE_DC_DRIFT(1gmt) Generic Mapping Tools X_SOLVE_DC_DRIFT(1gmt)NAME
x_solve_dc_drift - Find Best-fitting D.C.-shift and Drift Estimates
x_solve_dc_drift [ -Xxbase ] [ -Llbase ] [ -Iignorefile ] [ -S ] [ -Citeration ] [ -Mmin_nx ] [ -Rwest/east/south/north ] [ -Uuselegsfile ]
[ -V ] [ -Bbinfile ] [ -AASCIIfile ]
x_solve_dc_drift will read the database files and, by iterating, find the best-fitting regression line to the <time,COE> points for each
leg that minimizes the overall standard deviation of the data set in a least squares sense. Finally, correction file(s) are created.
-X Indicate an alternate database to read. [Default is xx_base.b].
-L Indicate an alternate legbase to read. [Default is xx_legs.b].
-I Ignore information for certain legs (that might be bad, etc).
-S Reset the old d.c.-shift and drift estimates to zero before iterating.
-C Specify how many iterations to do. Default is interactive session.
-M Solve for drift only if the leg has more than min_nx cross-overs.
-R Only take COEs inside this region into account. [Default is world].
-U Solve for corrections involving COEs from legs in the uselegsfile only.
-B Create a binary correction file (which can be read by x_list and gmtlist).
-A Create an ASCII correction table. At least one of -A and -B must be specified.
-V Selects verbose mode, which will send progress reports to stderr [Default runs "silently"].
The reason for the -M option is that if the COEs are few, then a stable estimate of the slope may not be obtained (e.g. when most of the
COEs occur midway between ports). However, in most cases the bulk of the COEs do occur near the ports so that a drift estimate can be com-
puted. Conventional wisdom recommends plotting the time-series and the computed regression line to see if it makes sense.
Wessel, P. XOVER: A Cross-over Error Detector for Track Data, Computers & Geosciences, 15, 333-346.
GMT 4.5.7 15 Jul 2011 X_SOLVE_DC_DRIFT(1gmt)