I have a code that can take in any function with two arguements and do processing. However, I would like to implement a feature whether it can limit a number of process running concurrently so as not take up too much resources. I have tried researching for pool.map however I am unable to find solution pertaining to this.
Tried searching for pool.map it shows something like pool (func, iterable, chunksize=NONE), but unsure how to replace it
I'm writing C programs to be executed on a multi-processor UNIX (GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.11) Do I need to add a special kind of code to somewhere or run a special utility to execute the program file to be executed by all processors? Or is it handled automatically by kernel? (1 Reply)
Is there some type of functional way to read things in the Python shell interpreter similar to less or more in the bash (and other) command line shells?
>>> import subprocess
>>> help(subprocess)
I'm hoping so as I hate scrolling and love how less works with... (0 Replies)
Hello all,
I recently wrote a simple script for the analysis jobs I do at work. I have to run multiple files through 5 different stages of an analysis program, the script simply runs all of the files through each stage automatically. My question is this: The computer I'm using has 12 cores, each... (8 Replies)
I have a complex problem.....
I have to search files on directory "text files"
then search on all of them for a word or sentence....the user inter
my problem is,,,, if I want to create a child for each file...and point a file by pointer to search...and I don't know how much files i have in... (2 Replies)
Okay, so I have had this problem on openSUSE, and Debian systems now and I am hoping for a little help. I think it has something to do with Python but I couldn't find a proper Python area here.
I am trying to redirect the output of "ssh suse-server 'python -V'" to a file. It seems that no matter... (3 Replies)
I am working on requirement on spreadsheet in python scripting.
I have a spreadsheet containing cell values and with background color.
I am able to read the value value but unable to get the background color of that particular cell.
Actually my requirement is to read the cell value along... (1 Reply)
Hi All,
I am trying to achieve threading inside each process of multiprocessing. I have 2 queues one for multiprocess (process) & another inside each process. when i execute it got hung after below output. My goal here is to go through p_source queue & for each process picks up all t_source... (0 Replies)
Hi all,
I am trying to run below python code for connecting remote windows machine from unix to run an python file exist on that remote windows machine..
Below is the code I am trying:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import wmi
c = wmi.WMI("xxxxx", user="xxxx", password="xxxxxxx")... (1 Reply)
Hi all...
As you know I like making code backwards compatible for as many platforms as possible.
This Python script was in fact dedicated for the AMIGA A1200 using Pythons 1.4.0, 1.5.2, 1.6.0, 2.0.1, and 2.4.6 as that is all we have for varying levels of upgrades from a HDD and 4MB FastRam... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: wisecracker
1 Replies
shell(1F) FMLI Commands shell(1F)NAME
shell - run a command using shell
shell command [command] ...
The shell function concatenate its arguments, separating each by a space, and passes this string to the shell ($SHELL if set, otherwise
Example 1: A sample output of shell command.
Since the Form and Menu Language does not directly support background processing, the shell function can be used instead.
`shell "build prog > /dev/null &"`
If you want the user to continue to be able to interact with the application while the background job is running, the output of an exe-
cutable run by shell in the background must be redirected: to a file if you want to save the output, or to /dev/null if you don't want to
save it (or if there is no output), otherwise your application may appear to be hung until the background job finishes processing.
shell can also be used to execute a command that has the same name as an FMLI built-in function.
The arguments to shell will be concatenate using spaces, which may or may not do what is expected. The variables set in local environments
will not be expanded by the shell because "local" means "local to the current process."
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
|Availability |SUNWcsu |
SEE ALSO sh(1), attributes(5)SunOS 5.10 5 Jul 1990 shell(1F)