We currently take files (via FTP) off of a mainframe and save them as a text file on our server. This is done via a script. The next thing that is done to that text file is it gets zipped (using ZIP). This all works fine, but it doesn't appear that ZIP (the free version) has any way to password... (2 Replies)
Hi All,
I want to make my script password protected.
i e: if somebody runs my script it should prompt for password.
Can somebody help me in to execute the same??
Thanks in Advance :b: (11 Replies)
I need to convert a password protected excel file which will be in UNIX server to a comma separated file. For this I need to open the excel file in UNIX box but the UNIX box doesn't prompt for password instead it is opened in an encrypted manner.
I could manually ftp the excel file to local... (2 Replies)
Hie Friends,
I need your help once again.
I have 77 “password protected” winzip files in linux/unix server. I want to decrypt it through an automated script. Password of every file is same and it is mhd*tt.
Please help me.
Usually I unzip it as follows, manually one by one.
unzip <file name> ... (6 Replies)
I want to make Excel files password protected present in my Unix directory. I have a application which will basically invoke a shell script with a parameter passed. The purpose of shell script would be to pop up a box to enter password. This password will be validated against database entry... (1 Reply)
I want to give my long scripts to customer. The customer must not be able to read the scripts even if he has the password. The following command locks and unlocks the script but the set +x is simply ignored.
The code:
read -p 'Script: ' S && C=$S.crypt H='eval "$((dd if=$0 bs=1 skip=//|gpg... (7 Replies)
Hi Gurus,
I need to encrypt the Db passwords which are stored in a configuration file (.txt) as below:
this is test line
This is test line 2
I want to encrypt all the password fields (identified by "pwd"), encrypt them in the same... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: ashishpanchal85
3 Replies
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I have requirement to send password protected excel file in an email from unix/linux box without zipping it. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks.. (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: Durgesh Gupta
1 Replies
calibre-smtp - part of calibre
calibre-smtp [options] [from to text]
Send mail using the SMTP protocol. calibre-smtp has two modes of operation. In the compose mode you specify from to and text and these are
used to build and send an email message. In the filter mode, calibre-smtp reads a complete email message from STDIN and sends it.
text is the body of the email message. If text is not specified, a complete email message is read from STDIN. from is the email address
of the sender and to is the email address of the recipient. When a complete email is read from STDIN, from and to are only used in the SMTP
negotiation, the message headers are not modified.
Whenever you pass arguments to calibre-smtp that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks.
OPTIONS --version
show program's version number and exit
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-l, --localhost
Host name of localhost. Used when connecting to SMTP server.
-o, --outbox
Path to maildir folder to store failed email messages in.
-f, --fork
Fork and deliver message in background. If you use this option, you should also use --outbox to handle delivery failures.
-t, --timeout
Timeout for connection
-v, --verbose
Be more verbose
Options to compose an email. Ignored if text is not specified
-a, --attachment
File to attach to the email
-s, --subject
Subject of the email
Options to use an SMTP relay server to send mail. calibre will try to send the email directly unless --relay is specified.
-r, --relay
An SMTP relay server to use to send mail.
--port Port to connect to on relay server. Default is to use 465 if encryption method is SSL and 25 otherwise.
-u, --username
Username for relay
-p, --password
Password for relay
-e, --encryption-method
Encryption method to use when connecting to relay. Choices are TLS, SSL and NONE. Default is TLS. WARNING: Choosing NONE is highly
The User Manual is available at http://manual.calibre-ebook.com
Created by Kovid Goyal <kovid@kovidgoyal.net>
calibre-smtp (calibre 0.8.51) January 2013 CALIBRE-SMTP(1)