parallel-nuke - kill a bunch of processes on a set of machines SYNOPSIS
parallel-nuke [OPTIONS] -h hosts.txt pattern DESCRIPTION
pssh provides a number of commands for executing against a group of computers, using SSH. It's most useful for operating on clusters of homogenously-configured hosts. The parallel-nuke command is useful when you want to kill a bunch of processes on a set of machines. OPTIONS
-h --hosts hosts file (each line "host[:port] [user]") -l --user username (OPTIONAL) -p --par max number of parallel threads (OPTIONAL) -o --outdir output directory for stdout files (OPTIONAL) -e --errdir output directory for stderr files (OPTIONAL) -t --timeout timeout (secs) (-1 = no timeout) per host (OPTIONAL) -O --options SSH options (OPTIONAL) -v --verbose turn on warning and diagnostic messages (OPTIONAL) EXAMPLE
For example, suppose you've got a bunch of java processes running on three nodes that you'd like to nuke (let's use the three machines from the pssh example). Here you would do the following: # parallel-nuke -h ips.txt -l irb2 java Success on Success on Success on ENVIRONMENT
All four programs take similar sets of options. All of these options can be set using the following environment variables: o PSSH_HOSTS o PSSH_USER o PSSH_PAR o PSSH_OUTDIR o PSSH_VERBOSE o PSSH_OPTIONS SEE ALSO
parallel-ssh(1), parallel-scp(1), parallel-slurp(1), parallel-rsync(1), ssh(1) AUTHOR
Brent N. Chun <bnc@theether.org> COPYING
Copyright: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Brent N. Chun NOTES
1. bnc@theether.org mailto:bnc@theether.org 03/30/2009 PARALLEL-NUKE(1)