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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting awk to combine lines if fields match in lines Post 302997386 by cmccabe on Friday 12th of May 2017 09:16:10 AM
Old 05-12-2017
awk to combine lines if fields match in lines

In the awk below, what I am attempting to do is check each line in the tab-delimeted input, which has ~20 lines in it, for a keyword
SVTYPE=Fusion. If the keyword is found I am splitting $3 using the . (dot) and reading the portion before and after the dot in an array a.
If it does have that keyword is in line 1 then the it will also be in the line directly below it will (always and in the same location/format). The same process is performed on that
line except the split is read into array b.
Then if array b matches array a the desired output is printed tab-delimeted.
If the line does not have the word in it then that line is skipped and appears as-is in the output (nothing needs to be done to it, but it is printed in the output). I hope the awk is close, I included comments as to what I think is happening in each line. The two lines in bold and the two lines in italics should produce the desired output, the ones in color do not match and can be skipped.Thank you Smilie.

chr12    12006495    ETV6-NTRK3.E4N15.COSF823.1_1    G    G]chr15:88483984]    .    PASS    SVTYPE=Fusion;READ_COUNT=1868;GENE_NAME=ETV6;EXON_NUM=4;RPM=1.5825e-09;NORM_COUNT=0.001582480886121524;ANNOTATION=COSF823;FUNC=[{'gene':'ETV6','exon':'4','oncomineGeneClass':'Gain-of-Function','oncomineVariantClass':'Fusion'}]    GT:GQ    ./.:.
chr15    88483984    ETV6-NTRK3.E4N15.COSF823.1_2    T    ]chr12:12006495]T    .    PASS    SVTYPE=Fusion;READ_COUNT=1868;GENE_NAME=NTRK3;EXON_NUM=15;RPM=1.5825e-09;NORM_COUNT=0.001582480886121524;ANNOTATION=COSF823;FUNC=[{'gene':'NTRK3','exon':'15','oncomineGeneClass':'Gain-of-Function','oncomineVariantClass':'Fusion'}]    GT:GQ    ./.:.
chr12    12022903    ETV6-NTRK3.E5N15.COSF571.1_1    G    G]chr15:88483984]    .    PASS    SVTYPE=Fusion;READ_COUNT=414833;GENE_NAME=ETV6;EXON_NUM=5;RPM=3.5143e-07;NORM_COUNT=0.3514268166126607;ANNOTATION=COSF571;FUNC=[{'gene':'ETV6','exon':'5','oncomineGeneClass':'Gain-of-Function','oncomineVariantClass':'Fusion'}]    GT:GQ    ./.:.
chr15    88483984    ETV6-NTRK3.E5N15.COSF571.1_2    T    ]chr12:12022903]T    .    PASS    SVTYPE=Fusion;READ_COUNT=414833;GENE_NAME=NTRK3;EXON_NUM=15;RPM=3.5143e-07;NORM_COUNT=0.3514268166126607;ANNOTATION=COSF571;FUNC=[{'gene':'NTRK3','exon':'15','oncomineGeneClass':'Gain-of-Function','oncomineVariantClass':'Fusion'}]    GT:GQ    ./.:.
chr17    7577108    COSM10749;COSM43737    C    A,T    149.594    PASS    AF=0.0830415,0.0;AO=372,2;DP=4420;FAO=166,0;FDP=1999;FR=.,.,REALIGNEDx0.0865;FRO=1833;FSAF=82,0;FSAR=84,0;FSRF=952;FSRR=881;FWDB=0.0072184,-0.0207142;FXX=4.99998E-4;HRUN=1,1;LEN=1,1;MLLD=293.795,80.5366;OALT=A,T;OID=COSM10749,COSM43737;OMAPALT=A,T;OPOS=7577108,7577108;OREF=C,C;PB=.,.;PBP=.,.;QD=0.299338;RBI=0.00721997,0.02565;REFB=1.40155E-4,-7.81395E-4;REVB=1.50579E-4,0.0151276;RO=4043;SAF=187,1;SAR=185,1;SRF=2118;SRR=1925;SSEN=0,0;SSEP=0,0;SSSB=-0.0251826,-5.12306E-4;STB=0.52327,0.5;STBP=0.541,1.0;TYPE=snp,snp;VARB=-0.00153404,0.0;HS;FUNC=[{'origPos':'7577108','origRef':'C','normalizedRef':'C','gene':'TP53','normalizedPos':'7577108','normalizedAlt':'A','polyphen':'1.0','gt':'pos','codon':'TTT','coding':'c.830G>T','sift':'0.0','grantham':'205.0','transcript':'NM_000546.5','function':'missense','protein':'p.Cys277Phe','location':'exonic','origAlt':'A','exon':'8','oncomineGeneClass':'Loss-of-Function','oncomineVariantClass':'Hotspot'}]    GT:GQ:DP:FDP:RO:FRO:AO:FAO:AF:SAR:SAF:SRF:SRR:FSAR:FSAF:FSRF:FSRR:QT    0/1:149:4420:1999:4043:1833:372,2:166,0:0.0830415,0.0:185,1:187,1:2118:1925:84,0:82,0:952:881:1
chr10    89624278    .    G    T    62.8836    PASS    AF=0.0785393;AO=297;DP=4155;FAO=157;FDP=1999;FR=.;FRO=1842;FSAF=77;FSAR=80;FSRF=908;FSRR=934;FWDB=0.0113997;FXX=4.99998E-4;HRUN=1;LEN=1;MLLD=117.237;OALT=T;OID=.;OMAPALT=T;OPOS=89624278;OREF=G;PB=.;PBP=.;QD=0.12583;RBI=0.040843;REFB=5.39678E-4;REVB=-0.0392199;RO=3844;SAF=150;SAR=147;SRF=1936;SRR=1908;SSEN=0;SSEP=0;SSSB=0.00159791;STB=0.502301;STBP=0.96;TYPE=snp;VARB=-0.00676678;FUNC=[{'origPos':'89624278','origRef':'G','normalizedRef':'G','gene':'PTEN','normalizedPos':'89624278','normalizedAlt':'T','gt':'pos','codon':'TAG','coding':'c.52G>T','transcript':'NM_000314.4','function':'nonsense','protein':'p.Glu18Ter','location':'exonic','origAlt':'T','exon':'1'}]    GT:GQ:DP:FDP:RO:FRO:AO:FAO:AF:SAR:SAF:SRF:SRR:FSAR:FSAF:FSRF:FSRR:QT    0/1:62:4155:1999:3844:1842:297:157:0.0785393:147:150:1936:1908:80:77:908:934:1

awk with comments

awk -F'\t' -v OFS="\t"' # call awk and set FS and OFS as tab
match($0,/SVTYPE=[^;]*/); # look in line for SVTYPE
SVTYPE_VALUE=substr($0,RSTART+7,RLENGTH-7); # index SVTYPE for Fusion (value to look for)
if(SVTYPE_VALUE == "Fusion"){ # if SVTYPE is Fusion
{split($3,a,"."); a=a[1]"."a[2]}' # split the string in $3 at using the . and store the portion before the . and after (ETV6-NTRK3.E4N15) in array
a else if(SVTYPE_VALUE !~ "Fusion") # if SVTYPE not Fusion
next; # skip to next line
match($0,/SVTYPE=[^;]*/); # look in line for SVTYPE
SVTYPE_VALUE=substr($0,RSTART+7,RLENGTH-7); # index SVTYPE for Fusion (value to look for)
if(SVTYPE_VALUE == "Fusion"){ # if SVTYPE is Fusion
{split($3,b,"."); b=b[1]"."b[2]}' # split the string in $3 at using the . and store the portion before the . and after (ETV6-NTRK3.E4N15) in array
b else if(SVTYPE_VALUE !~ "Fusion") # if SVTYPE not Fusion
next; # skip to next line
for(j in b){ # define loop
for(i=1;i<=length(a);i++){ # iterate through loop
if(b[j] ~ a[i]){ # compare array b to array a for match
print --- desired output ----
}' input | awk 'BEGIN {print "Position\tLocus\tClass\tFunction\tGene\tCount"}' > output # add header

desired output
Locus    Class    Function    Gene    Count
chr12:12006495-chr15:88483984    Fusion    Gain-of-function    ETV6E4-NTRK3E15    1868
chr12:12022903-chr15:88483984Fusion    Gain-of-function    ETV6E5-NTRK3E15    414833   
chr17    7577108    COSM10749;COSM43737    C    A,T    149.594    PASS    AF=0.0830415,0.0;AO=372,2;DP=4420;FAO=166,0;FDP=1999;FR=.,.,REALIGNEDx0.0865;FRO=1833;FSAF=82,0;FSAR=84,0;FSRF=952;FSRR=881;FWDB=0.0072184,-0.0207142;FXX=4.99998E-4;HRUN=1,1;LEN=1,1;MLLD=293.795,80.5366;OALT=A,T;OID=COSM10749,COSM43737;OMAPALT=A,T;OPOS=7577108,7577108;OREF=C,C;PB=.,.;PBP=.,.;QD=0.299338;RBI=0.00721997,0.02565;REFB=1.40155E-4,-7.81395E-4;REVB=1.50579E-4,0.0151276;RO=4043;SAF=187,1;SAR=185,1;SRF=2118;SRR=1925;SSEN=0,0;SSEP=0,0;SSSB=-0.0251826,-5.12306E-4;STB=0.52327,0.5;STBP=0.541,1.0;TYPE=snp,snp;VARB=-0.00153404,0.0;HS;FUNC=[{'origPos':'7577108','origRef':'C','normalizedRef':'C','gene':'TP53','normalizedPos':'7577108','normalizedAlt':'A','polyphen':'1.0','gt':'pos','codon':'TTT','coding':'c.830G>T','sift':'0.0','grantham':'205.0','transcript':'NM_000546.5','function':'missense','protein':'p.Cys277Phe','location':'exonic','origAlt':'A','exon':'8','oncomineGeneClass':'Loss-of-Function','oncomineVariantClass':'Hotspot'}]    GT:GQ:DP:FDP:RO:FRO:AO:FAO:AF:SAR:SAF:SRF:SRR:FSAR:FSAF:FSRF:FSRR:QT    0/1:149:4420:1999:4043:1833:372,2:166,0:0.0830415,0.0:185,1:187,1:2118:1925:84,0:82,0:952:881:1
chr10    89624278    .    G    T    62.8836    PASS    AF=0.0785393;AO=297;DP=4155;FAO=157;FDP=1999;FR=.;FRO=1842;FSAF=77;FSAR=80;FSRF=908;FSRR=934;FWDB=0.0113997;FXX=4.99998E-4;HRUN=1;LEN=1;MLLD=117.237;OALT=T;OID=.;OMAPALT=T;OPOS=89624278;OREF=G;PB=.;PBP=.;QD=0.12583;RBI=0.040843;REFB=5.39678E-4;REVB=-0.0392199;RO=3844;SAF=150;SAR=147;SRF=1936;SRR=1908;SSEN=0;SSEP=0;SSSB=0.00159791;STB=0.502301;STBP=0.96;TYPE=snp;VARB=-0.00676678;FUNC=[{'origPos':'89624278','origRef':'G','normalizedRef':'G','gene':'PTEN','normalizedPos':'89624278','normalizedAlt':'T','gt':'pos','codon':'TAG','coding':'c.52G>T','transcript':'NM_000314.4','function':'nonsense','protein':'p.Glu18Ter','location':'exonic','origAlt':'T','exon':'1'}]    GT:GQ:DP:FDP:RO:FRO:AO:FAO:AF:SAR:SAF:SRF:SRR:FSAR:FSAF:FSRF:FSRR:QT    0/1:62:4155:1999:3844:1842:297:157:0.0785393:147:150:1936:1908:80:77:908:934:1

description of output
header line
$1:$2 of line 1 - $1:$2 of line 2     SVTYPE=(value)     oncomineGeneClass=(value)     array a and array b match (value)     READ_Count=(value)   
lines that were nor processed

Last edited by cmccabe; 05-12-2017 at 01:43 PM.. Reason: added details and fixed format

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