Actually Sir, I like to count words all those files whose filename contains National, Page, International, Health & Entertainment etc.
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How can i read all the unique words in a file, i used -
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cat comment_file.txt | /usr/xpg6/bin/tr -sdc 'A-Za-z' '/012'
but they didnt worked..... (5 Replies)
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find the number of unique words in a file using sort com-
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i 'd like your help about a bash script which:
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4. Homework & Coursework Questions
Hello, I tried to count all unique words of all files in one folder and its subfolders. Can anybody say me, why this doesnt work:
ls| find -d | cat | tr "\ " "\n"| uniq -u | wc -l
Cat writes only the names of those files, but not the wors, which should be in them.
Thanks for any advice.
... (9 Replies)
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5. Shell Programming and Scripting
I am having a file with duplicate words how can I eliminate them
cat a.txt | grep -bat | awk '{print $1}'
expecting o/p as ant,bat,cat
How can I display the output as ant,bat,cat in a single line and no duplicates exists. (2 Replies)
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6. Shell Programming and Scripting
In each row there could be repetition of a word. I want to delete all repetitions and keep unique occurrences.
a+b+c ab+c ab+c
abbb+c ab+bbc a+bbbc
aaa aaa aaa
a+b+c ab+c
abbb+c ab+bbc a+bbbc
aaa (6 Replies)
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7. Shell Programming and Scripting
Im looking for an awk script that will take the unique values in column 5, then print and count the unique values in column 6.
CA001011500 11111 11111 -9999 201301 AAA
CA001012040 11111 11111 -9999 201301 AAA
CA001012573 11111 11111 -9999 201301 BBB
CA001012710 11111 11111 -9999 201301... (4 Replies)
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8. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi ,
I need to count the number of errors associated with the two words occurring in the file. It's about counting the occurrences of the word "error" for where is the word "index.js". As such the command should look like. Please kindly help. I was trying: grep "error" log.txt | wc -l (1 Reply)
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9. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hello Team,
I need your help on the following:
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10. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have a dictionary which I am building for the Open Source Community. The data structure is as under
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अ=m=Prefix signifying negation.
अँहँ=ind=Interjection expressing disapprobation.
अं=int=An interjection... (2 Replies)
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IO::Pager::Page(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation IO::Pager::Page(3)
IO::Pager::Page - Emulate IO::Page, pipe STDOUT to a pager if STDOUT is a TTY
Pipes STDOUT to a pager if STDOUT is a TTY
IO::Pager was designed to programmatically decide whether or not to point the STDOUT file handle into a pipe to program specified in the
PAGER environment variable or one of a standard list of pagers.
use IO::Pager::Page;
# use I::P::P first, just in case another module sends output to STDOUT
A bunch of text later
If you wish to forgo the potential for a Broken Pipe foible resulting from the user exiting the pager prematurely, load IO::Pager::Page
like so:
use IO::Pager::Page hush=>1;
IO::Page, IO::Pager, IO::Pager::Unbuffered, IO::Pager::Buffered
Jerrad Pierce <jpierce@cpan.org>
Florent Angly <florent.angly@gmail.com>
This module inspired by Monte Mitzelfelt's IO::Page 0.02
Copyright (C) 2003-2012 Jerrad Pierce
o Thou shalt not claim ownership of unmodified materials.
o Thou shalt not claim whole ownership of modified materials.
o Thou shalt grant the indemnity of the provider of materials.
o Thou shalt use and dispense freely without other restrictions.
Or, if you prefer:
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.0 or, at
your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
perl v5.18.2 2012-09-04 IO::Pager::Page(3)