I have a folder with lots of file. e.g. a.txt, b.txt, c.txt.... I want to put these files from the source directory and place them in a destination directory in a specific order, such as /destination/a/a.txt, /destination/b/b.txt, /destination/c/c.txt, ......
Please help. Thx :confused: (3 Replies)
I would like to get a sample script (ksh or bash, or both so I could see the differences)
What I want to do with the script is send an daily email to myself that contains the following:
The number of files in a directory
The total size of the files in that directory
The contents of a file... (2 Replies)
Hi Folks,
New member here. I have been using UNIX systems for the past ~4 years (Linux, AIX, HP-UX, mostly) but have never had the need to write a script for myself. Now, things have changed and I'm in a bit of a pickle. I have, what looks to me like a syntactically correct script that's not... (2 Replies)
I am in an intro to unix/linux course, and need some help with a project. We are tasked with creating a basic script to automate a task that an Admin might need to do. We submitted ideas and mine was to have the system keep a record of log in and log out times for users. I thought this was going... (3 Replies)
. ./testFile.sh
url=http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s= suf=&d=5&e=9&f=2009&g=d&a=1&b=4&c=1999&ignore=.csv
wget $url$s1$suf;
sleep 10;
cat header.txt > $s1.txt;
chmod 777 $s1.txt;
sed '1d' table.csv?s\=$s1 >> $s1.txt;
rm -Rf table*
Very new at shell scripting as you can see... (3 Replies)
I have been following a tutorial on bash which has proven to be very helpful. However, i am stuck with a command not found issue when asking for a y/n response from the user. Below is the part of code I believe is giving me grief... I have been trying to work through this for 3 hours now.... Please... (5 Replies)
I'm new to Sheel script and I need your help for a script I need to develop (for me).
Indead, I have a software which log all entry from internet and save it in text file.
But, the log is practically unreadable because every 256 characters jump to a new line (even if the message is... (5 Replies)
Use and complete the template provided. The entire template must be completed. If you don't, your post may be deleted!
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
"Create a shell script that changes the selected word to another word in all files from selected archive. The... (1 Reply)
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
I am given these three arguments. $1, $2, $3
The first argument is the path to a directory.
So, how would I go into the directory and compare files?
I... (5 Replies)
Hi, so I have been doing ok making a relatively simple script just processing some data. However I am now at the point where im struggling to find the specific help I need.
I have files in the form of yyyy.ddd.hh.mm.ss.stationnumber.component (they are earthquake events). eg.... (12 Replies)
Discussion started by: neneman3000
12 Replies
shells(4) File Formats shells(4)NAME
shells - shell database
The shells file contains a list of the shells on the system. Applications use this file to determine whether a shell is valid. See getuser-
shell(3C). For each shell a single line should be present, consisting of the shell's path, relative to root.
A hash mark (#) indicates the beginning of a comment; subsequent characters up to the end of the line are not interpreted by the routines
which search the file. Blank lines are also ignored.
The following default shells are used by utilities: /bin/bash, /bin/csh, /bin/jsh, /bin/ksh, /bin/ksh93, /bin/pfcsh, /bin/pfksh, /bin/pfsh,
/bin/sh, /bin/tcsh, /bin/zsh, /sbin/jsh, /sbin/sh, /usr/bin/bash, /usr/bin/csh, /usr/bin/jsh, /usr/bin/ksh, /usr/bin/ksh93, /usr/bin/pfcsh,
/usr/bin/pfksh, /usr/bin/pfsh, and /usr/bin/sh, /usr/bin/tcsh, /usr/bin/zsh, and /usr/sfw/bin/zsh. /etc/shells overrides the default list.
Invalid shells in /etc/shells could cause unexpected behavior, such as being unable to log in by way of ftp(1).
/etc/shells list of shells on system
SEE ALSO vipw(1B), ftpd(1M), sendmail(1M), getusershell(3C), aliases(4)SunOS 5.11 20 Nov 2007 shells(4)