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Operating Systems Linux Debian Problem with maximum files and directories Post 302952897 by ganon551 on Monday 24th of August 2015 07:07:51 AM
Old 08-24-2015
Problem with maximum files and directories


I'm using Kali linux, I think it's a debian linux ?

I'm trying to create a folder in which there'll be 256 folders, and in each of this folders there will also be 256 folders.

Then in each terminate folders I want to create 4096 files.

It will look like /dir/aa/aa/aaa.txt, /dir/aa/aa/aab.txt, and so on.

Problem is when I try to fill the files, I'm using php (which may not be the best idea, but I need some functions such as sha512), so I open a big text file and read it to dispatch every line in its specific file. When I only have the 4096 files (ie. without all the directories before), there's no problem reading and writing, it's going quite fast.

When I try with all the directories, the read/write process takes super long time, like one minute to print one line into a file.

Do I reached the limit of files ? For what I thought, I could create up to 2^32 files in a directory.

Is php struggling ? Will perl or bash be better for that ? If so I need hashing functions that are not in bash.

If you guys have any idea, I'll be glad to hear it.

Thank you in advance Smilie

Last edited by rbatte1; 08-25-2015 at 02:01 PM..

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FOLDER(1)                                                            [nmh-1.5]                                                           FOLDER(1)

folder, folders - set/list current folder/message SYNOPSIS
folder [+folder] [msg] [-all | -noall] [-create | -nocreate] [-fast | -nofast] [-header | -noheader] [-recurse | -norecurse] [-total | -nototal] [-list | -nolist] [-push | -pop] [-pack | -nopack] [-print] [-verbose | -noverbose] [-version] [-help] folders is equivalent to folder -all DESCRIPTION
Since the nmh environment is the shell, it is easy to lose track of the current folder from day to day. When folder is given the -print switch (the default), folder will list the current folder, the number of messages in it, the range of the messages (low-high), and the cur- rent message within the folder, and will flag extra files if they exist. An example of this summary is: inbox+ has 16 messages ( 3- 22); cur= 5. If a +folder and/or msg are specified, they will become the current folder and/or message. By comparison, when a +folder argument is given, this corresponds to a "cd" operation in the shell; when no +folder argument is given, this corresponds roughly to a "pwd" operation in the shell. If the specified (or default) folder doesn't exist, the default action is to query the user as to whether the folder should be created; when standard input is not a tty, the answer to the query is assumed to be "yes". Specifying -create will cause folder to create new folders without any query. (This is the easy way to create an empty folder for use later.) Specifying -nocreate will cause folder to exit without creating a non-existant folder. Multiple Folders Specifying -all will produce a summary line for each top-level folder in the user's nmh directory, sorted alphabetically. (If folder is invoked by a name ending with "s" (e.g. folders), -all is assumed). Specifying -recurse with -all will also produce a line for all sub- folders. These folders are all preceded by the read-only folders, which occur as "atr-cur-" entries in the user's nmh context. For exam- ple: FOLDER # MESSAGES RANGE CUR (OTHERS) /var/work/folder has 35 messages ( 1- 35); cur=23. /usr/bugs/Mail has 82 messages ( 1-108); cur=82. ff has no messages. inbox+ has 16 messages ( 3- 22); cur= 5. mh has 76 messages (15- 76); cur=70. notes has 2 messages ( 1- 2); cur= 1. ucom has 124 messages ( 1-124); cur= 6; (others). TOTAL = 339 messages in 7 folders The "+" after inbox indicates that it is the current folder. The "(others)" indicates that the folder ucom has files which aren't mes- sages. These files may either be sub-folders, or files that don't belong under the nmh file naming scheme. The header is output if either a -all or a -header switch is specified. It is suppressed by -noheader. The folder and message totals are output if either a -all or a -total switch is specified. It is suppressed by -nototal. If -fast is given, only the folder name (or names in the case of -all) will be listed. (This is faster because the folders need not be read.) If a +folder is given along with the -all switch, folder will, in addition to setting the current folder, list the top-level subfolders for the current folder (with -norecurse) or list all sub-folders under the current folder recursively (with -recurse). If msg is supplied, together with +folder or without -all, it will become the current message of +folder (if it had been supplied) or the current folder. The -recurse switch lists each folder recursively, so use of this option effectively defeats the speed enhancement of the -fast option, since each folder must be searched for subfolders. Nevertheless, the combination of these options is useful. Compacting a Folder The -pack switch will compress the message names in the designated folders, removing holes in message numbering. The -verbose switch directs folder to tell the user the general actions that it is taking to compress the folder. The Folder Stack The -push switch directs folder to push the current folder onto the folder-stack, and make the +folder argument the current folder. If +folder is not given, the current folder and the top of the folder-stack are exchanged. This corresponds to the "pushd" operation in the shell. The -pop switch directs folder to discard the top of the folder-stack, after setting the current folder to that value. No +folder argument is allowed. This corresponds to the "popd" operation in the shell. The -push switch and the -pop switch are mutually exclusive: the last occurrence of either one overrides any previous occurrence of the other. Both of these switches also set -list by default. The -list switch directs folder to list the contents of the folder-stack. No +folder argument is allowed. After a successful -push or -pop, the -list action is taken, unless a -nolist switch follows them on the command line. This corresponds to the "dirs" operation in the shell. The -push, -pop, and -list switches turn off -print. FILES
$HOME/.mh_profile The user profile PROFILE COMPONENTS
Path: To determine the user's nmh directory Current-Folder: To find the default current folder Folder-Protect: To set mode when creating a new folder Folder-Stack: To determine the folder stack SEE ALSO
refile(1), mhpath(1) DEFAULTS
`+folder' defaults to the current folder `msg' defaults to none `-nofast' `-noheader' `-nototal' `-nopack' `-norecurse' `-noverbose' `-print' is the default if no -list, -push, or -pop is specified `-list' is the default if -push, or -pop is specified CONTEXT
If +folder and/or msg are given, they will become the current folder and/or message. BUGS
There is no way to restore the default behavior (to ask the user whether to create a non-existant folder) after -create or -nocreate is given. MH.6.8 11 June 2012 FOLDER(1)
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