I have a Unix based server running Sagitta and the server is giving me an error of 4b10004 and my research tells me this is an EPROM issue, which means the processor needs to be flashed or repaired. Once up and running where can I go to get updates for Unix? (1 Reply)
Yes , I have to find a file in unix without using any find or where commands.Any pointers for the same would be very helpful as i am beginner in shell scritping and need a solution for the same.
Thanks in advance.
Jatin Jain (10 Replies)
Hi all,
Need you assistace.
is there any command available in UNIX to find the unix mail id ?
tried using 'mail' but no use
kindly helpe me out.
Thanks in advance.
manas (2 Replies)
Can someone tell me how to change the first column in a very large 17k line file from a random 10 digit numeric value to a non numeric value. The format of lines in the file is:
the first 10 numbers always begin with 170 (6 Replies)
Hi All,
Let me know how can i find and delete files from one unix server to another unix server which are 'N' days older.
Please note that I need to delete files on remote unix server.So, probably i will need to use sftp, but question is how can i identify files and folders which are 'N'... (2 Replies)
these are numeric ids..
I have text file having 300 millions of line as shown above. I want to find duplicates from this file. Please suggest the quicker way..
sort | uniq -d will... (3 Replies)
i have a string
" 00000069 ThreadMonitor W WSVR0606W: Thread "WebContainer : 43|null" (00000069) was previously rep
orted to be hung but has completed. It was active for approximately 47533430 milliseconds. There is/are 43 thread(s) in tot
al in the server that still may be hung."
... (4 Replies)
I am using the below code to get a numeric value from oracle to unix variable:
BD_RC_CNT=`sqlplus -s ${WMD_DM_CONNECT} <<EOF
set heading off
set pagesize 0
Select count(*)
from wmd_bad_data
where proc_id = ${PROC_ID}
and file_id = ${FILE_ID}
and file_dt =... (7 Replies)
Discussion started by: Arun Mishra
7 Replies
HCONSOLE(1) Hatari utilities HCONSOLE(1)NAME
hconsole - Interactive Python console for using Hatari's remote API
hconsole.py [[consoleoptions] [commandfile] --] [hatarioptions]
Hconsole is a Python script that invokes Hatari and then provides an interactive shell (with full readline editing capabilities) for exe-
cuting Hatari remote API commands.
It can be useful for first exploring Hatari's remote API usage interactively and then writing scripts that somehow automate your Hatari
usage. They can invoke hconsole functionality simply by doing "import hconsole" and calling appropriate methods (see example.py coming
with hconsole).
Normally hconsole forwards all of its arguments to Hatari instance it invoked. If you want to give arguments for hconsole itself, you
need to add '--' argument after the hconsole arguments and before the arguments going to Hatari.
If you give a file name as hconsole argument, commands in it will be read and executed through Hatari's remote API before you get into
hconsole interactive shell.
Hconsole accepts following options:
--exit Exit after starting Hatari and parsing arguments.
--help, -h
Show command line help.
Start Hatari with all of the given arguments:
hconsole.py --monitor mono -d test/
Start Hatari without extra arguments, execute commands from the given commands.txt file, exit after the file ends:
hconsole.py commands.txt --exit --
By default hconsole and its examples are installed under the /usr/share/hatari/hconsole/ directory.
SEE ALSO hatari(1), hatariui(1)AUTHOR
Written by Eero Tamminen <oak at helsinkinet fi>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MER-
CHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
Hatari 2010-10-10 HCONSOLE(1)