putty is a badly needed option in this poll. It's a cross-platform terminal which can also talk to com ports.
[edit] Oh, that's what a write-in poll is.
Last edited by Corona688; 05-20-2015 at 03:00 PM..
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dialups(4) File Formats dialups(4)
dialups - list of terminal devices requiring a dial-up password
dialups is an ASCII file which contains a list of terminal devices that require a dial-up password. A dial-up password is an additional
password required of users who access the computer through a modem or dial-up port. The correct password must be entered before the user
is granted access to the computer. The set of ports that require a dial-up password are listed in the dialups file.
Each entry in the dialups file is a single line of the form:
terminal-device The full path name of the terminal device that will require a dial-up password for users accessing the computer
through a modem or dial-up port.
The dialups file should be owned by the root user and the root group. The file should have read and write permissions for the owner (root)
Example 1: A sample dialups file.
Here is a sample dialups file:
/etc/d_passwd dial-up password file
/etc/dialups list of dial-up ports requiring dial-up passwords
SunOS 5.10 4 May 1994 dialups(4)