from CLI pressing Tab and character like a shows result of the commands starting with a,
can i use this in a script too and post the results to a file?
thanks (1 Reply)
I'm trying to run a script file with multiple commands that I would normally type into the command line. The commands are:
diff Test1.o0 /usr3/ronelso4/Desktop/verificationKPC/Test1.o0 > differences2
diff Test1a.o0 /usr3/ronelso4/Desktop/verificationKPC/Test1a.o0 >> differences2... (1 Reply)
can you help me to create a phone book with add, delete, modify with first name, last name, middle name, phone no(multiple ph no), address, email address, notes or comments to store about the contact and groups that hold for the contact..
i am new to this linux environment. please guide me.
... (1 Reply)
I would like to write a script with include more than 6 unix commands.
my script like below:
echo " script started"
ls -ld
bdf | grep "rama"
tail -10 log.txt
now, i want to run above unix commands one by one.
first the ls -ld command will be... (3 Replies)
Hi every one,
Please excuse me if any grammatical mistakes is there.
I have multiple xml files in one directory, I need to create multiple XML files into one XML file.example files like this</p>
... (0 Replies)
Hello Experts,
In my current job I need to upgrade a web GUI to execute Unix commands in a server....I am completely new to programming--So can anyone here help me out with initial steps...
Please notice that statement completely new to programming means-I never did it, SO I might keep on coming... (1 Reply)
i created the below script to create the multiple files, iam not getting the required output, Please advice.
v_date=$1 # argument will come as daymonthyear eg : 151112
v_day=`echo $v_date | cut -c 1-2`
v_mon=`echo $v_date | cut -c 3-4`
v_year=`echo $v_date | cut -c 5-6`... (4 Replies)
Dear All,
I am trying to write a Unix Script which fires a sql query. The output of the sql query gives multiple rows. Each row should be saved in a separate Unix File.
The number of rows of sql output can be variable. I am able save all the rows in one file but in separate files.
Any... (14 Replies)
I have a requirement to extract the value from multiple xml node and print out the values to new file to compare.
Would be done using either awk/perl or some unix script.
For example sample input file:
<factories xmi:type="resources.jdbc:DataSource"... (2 Replies)
I need to write the list of files to a new file in one column , the second column would contain the first line of that file (header record extracted through head -1 ) and the third column would contain the last record of that file (trailer record tail -1 ) .
Example :- folder where the files... (8 Replies)
Discussion started by: IshuGupta
8 Replies
explain_connect_or_die(3) Library Functions Manual explain_connect_or_die(3)NAME
explain_connect_or_die - initiate a connection on a socket and report errors
#include <libexplain/connect.h>
void explain_connect_or_die(int fildes, const struct sockaddr *serv_addr, int serv_addr_size);
The explain_connect_or_die function is used to call the connect(2) system call. On failure an explanation will be printed to stderr,
obtained from explain_connect(3), and then the process terminates by calling exit(EXIT_FAILURE).
This function is intended to be used in a fashion similar to the following example:
explain_connect_or_die(fildes, serv_addr, serv_addr_size);
fildes The fildes, exactly as to be passed to the connect(2) system call.
The serv_addr, exactly as to be passed to the connect(2) system call.
The serv_addr_size, exactly as to be passed to the connect(2) system call.
This function only returns on success. On failure, prints an explanation and exits.
SEE ALSO connect(2)
initiate a connection on a socket
explain connect(2) errors
exit(2) terminate the calling process
libexplain version 0.52
Copyright (C) 2008 Peter Miller