thanks for your reply.
Sorry that was just an example.
I need to replace all double quotes occurences within a quote string with a single quote.
Text can be anything.
Last edited by pchang; 05-02-2014 at 05:48 PM..
Reason: added more info
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ShellQuote(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation ShellQuote(3)
String::ShellQuote - quote strings for passing through the shell
$string = shell_quote @list;
$string = shell_quote_best_effort @list;
$string = shell_comment_quote $string;
This module contains some functions which are useful for quoting strings which are going to pass through the shell or a shell-like object.
shell_quote [string]...
shell_quote quotes strings so they can be passed through the shell. Each string is quoted so that the shell will pass it along as a
single argument and without further interpretation. If no strings are given an empty string is returned.
If any string can't be safely quoted shell_quote will croak.
shell_quote_best_effort [string]...
This is like shell_quote, excpet if the string can't be safely quoted it does the best it can and returns the result, instead of dying.
shell_comment_quote [string]
shell_comment_quote quotes the string so that it can safely be included in a shell-style comment (the current algorithm is that a sharp
character is placed after any newlines in the string).
This routine might be changed to accept multiple string arguments in the future. I haven't done this yet because I'm not sure if the
strings should be joined with blanks ($") or nothing ($,). Cast your vote today! Be sure to justify your answer.
$cmd = 'fuser 2>/dev/null ' . shell_quote @files;
@pids = split ' ', `$cmd`;
print CFG "# Configured by: ",
shell_comment_quote($ENV{LOGNAME}), "
Only Bourne shell quoting is supported. I'd like to add other shells (particularly cmd.exe), but I'm not familiar with them. It would be
a big help if somebody supplied the details.
Roderick Schertler <roderick@argon.org>
perl v5.16.3 2010-06-11 ShellQuote(3)