Hey guys, so I wrote this simple script. The first time I typed it all out, I had the issue where whatever choice I entered, it would simply tell me it was a "bad selection" aka the else output.
I redid everything, and now no matter the choice, it does the backup option..
My brain hurts, and I'm sure it's something simple. If anyone can offer some insight it would be wonderful. Thanks!
I'm fairly new to shell scripting and would like to know if what I am seeking to do is possible in shell.
I'm trying to make a list of strings. The list will be looped through and each member of the list will be used to pass a parsing option to python. My script looks something like this:
... (3 Replies)
Hi All,
Need the help in getting the file list which are generated for the time period.
example if i want to get the list of file generated between 11 to 12 clock.
i used the find command search the files with -cmin flag with -60.
find /home/test/* -cmin -60 -type f -exec ls {} \;
... (2 Replies)
File_A contains Strings:
File_B contains Strings:
Need to have script written in either sh or ksh. Derive resultant files (File_New_A and File_New_B) from lists File_A and File_B where string elements in File_New_A and File_New_B are listed below.
Resultant... (7 Replies)
Hi everybody,
I'm trying to use a foreach command with two lists. The file.txt looks like this:
var1: 100 200 300
var2: 3 6 9
I'm trying to use a foreach command to associate the two variables together. My script looks like this:
#! /bin/tcsh
set a=(`cat file.txt | grep 'var1' | cut -d... (8 Replies)
So I I received two lists for my merchandise and both are similar but differences do occur. I want to combine two lists that have similar names but I dont want the similar name to come up twice because I will end up purchasing two of those items. Heres an example below (file is massive). ... (1 Reply)
I expert,
I may cross post something similar but I dirtyed my quesion somehow to be clear in the thread
#cat file1
88dee gcc: Grok for callconvention-hard to enable hard float
a2ad2 eglibc: package mtrace separately
61487 python: bump PR of packages after update of distutils.bbclass... (1 Reply)
Hi togehter!
I would like to write an awk script which prints the first column divided by the sum of the second column:
So if this is my list
1 2
2 1
3 1
4 1
it should print a list like this:
My idea was to use END like this: (3 Replies)
Hello everybody.
My operating system is Fedora30, shell - bash
I faced combining lists. I will be glad for help regarding strings, arrays and so on.
The bottom line is as follows. It is necessary to combine each element from the first list with elements from the second.
if the second is longer... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: nezabudka
4 Replies
BACKUP(8) System Manager's Manual BACKUP(8)NAME
backup - backup files
backup [-djmnorstvz] dir1 dir2
OPTIONS -d At top level, only directories are backed up
-j Do not copy junk: *.Z, *.bak, a.out, core, etc
-m If device full, prompt for new diskette
-n Do not backup top-level directories
-o Do not copy *.o files
-r Restore files
-s Do not copy *.s files
-t Preserve creation times
-v Verbose; list files being backed up
-z Compress the files on the backup medium
backup -mz . /f0 # Backup current directory compressed
backup /bin /usr/bin
# Backup bin from RAM disk to hard disk
Backup (recursively) backs up the contents of a given directory and its subdirectories to another part of the file system. It has two typ-
ical uses. First, some portion of the file system can be backed up onto 1 or more diskettes. When a diskette fills up, the user is
prompted for a new one. The backups are in the form of mountable file systems. Second, a directory on RAM disk can be backed up onto hard
disk. If the target directory is empty, the entire source directory is copied there, optionally compressed to save space. If the target
directory is an old backup, only those files in the target directory that are older than similar names in the source directory are
replaced. Backup uses times for this purpose, like make. Calling Backup as Restore is equivalent to using the -r option; this replaces
newer files in the target directory with older files from the source directory, uncompressing them if necessary. The target directory con-
tents are thus returned to some previous state.
SEE ALSO tar(1).