hi everyone, im new here and am in desperate need of help. I want to convert my 32 bit unix time stamp ' 45d732f6' into a readable format (Sat, 17 February 2007 16:53:10 UTC) using c++.
I have looked around the interent but i just cant make sense of anything. All examples i can find just... (3 Replies)
I have a file named "suspected" with series of line like these :
{'protocol': 17, 'service': 'BitTorrent KRPC', 'server': '', 'client_port': 52044, 'client': '', 'server_port': 8291, 'time': 1226506312L, 'serverhostname': ''}
{'protocol': 17, 'service': 'BitTorrent... (3 Replies)
In Unix/Ksh, when I try to look inside a file it says that the file may be a binary file and if I want to see it anyway. When i say 'yes', it shows me the content filled with unreadable symbols (looks like binary). Is there a command that I can run from the Unix prompt to convert/translate that... (3 Replies)
I have log file from solaris system which has date field converted by Java application using System.currentTimeMillis() function, example is 1280943608380 which equivalent to GMT: Wed, 04 Aug 2010 17:40:08 GMT.
Now I need a function in shell script which will convert 1280943608380... (3 Replies)
Thanks bartus11 yesterday's code worked fine for me.
In meantime I've found another "issue".
As you can see highlighted, the time format in my original input in case of two rows which should be duplicited ,is differentwhat I need to do is to convert to this format "20110607-08:03:22"... (4 Replies)
Hi all ,
I need to know how to convert a time stamp entered by the user to be converted to GMT/UTC(epoch time) using mktime() and gmtime()
for exapample the input will be put in the form
ptm.tm_sec = 0;
ptm.tm_min = 59;
ptm.tm_hour = 11;
ptm.tm_mday = 20;... (2 Replies)
I can not find a working script or way to do this on sun solaris , can someone please guide me?
e.g 1327329935 epoch secs = 012312 (ddmmyy)
thanks (5 Replies)
# date +%s -d "Mon Feb 11 02:26:04"
# perl -e 'print scalar localtime(1360567564), "\n";'
Mon Feb 11 02:26:04 2013
the epoch conversion is working fine. but one of my application needs 13 digit epoch time as input
rather than 10 digit epoch time 1360567564... (3 Replies)
I have a Raspberry Pi that logs some temperatures using Onewire. Data is collected with RRDTool.
The command sudo rrdtool fetch ute_temp.rrd AVERAGE -s -1h > ./test.log
and then cat test.log gives the result
1388608500: 2.3579639836e+00
How do I write a script that converts the Epoch time... (4 Replies)
Can someone help me to write a shell script to convert epoch timestamp into human readable format
1394553600,"test1","80156064.0","19191275.014286","62475360.000000","14200554.720000"... (10 Replies)
Discussion started by: Moon1234
10 Replies
getdate - AME
[-dv][-n dec][-f format] [ra dec sys] itype2otype [date and/or time]
Convert date and time between various formats
[-dv][-n dec][-f format] itype2otype @file
itype: nfd=ISOFITS fd=FITS, dt=yyyy.mmdd, hr=hh:mm:ss, deg=dd:mm:ss
jd=Julian Date, mjd=Modified Julian Date hjd=Heliocentric Julian Date, mhjd=Modified HJD ep=epoch, epj=Julian epoch, epb=Besselian
epoch lt=local time, ut=UT, ts=seconds since 1950-01-01 now=current time, ang=fractional degrees
otype: fd=FITS, dt=yyyy.mmdd, jd=Julian Date, mjd=Modified Julian Date
hjd=Heliocentric Julian Date, mhjd=Modified HJD hr=hh:mm:ss, deg=dd:mm:ss, ang=fractional degrees ep=epoch, epj=Julian epoch,
epb=Besselian epoch ts=seconds since 1950-01-01, tsu=Unix sec, tsi=IRAF sec gst=Greenwich Sidereal Time, lst=Local Sidereal Time
@file: First one or two columns are in itype format ra dec sys: Need for Heliocentric conversions
-a: Append date to input file, if there is one
-d: Print date without time
-e: Print output as ET/TDT/TT converting from UT
-f: Format for output number (C printf)
-h hours: Longitude in hours, west positive
-l degrees: Longitude in degrees, west positive
-n: Number of decimal places in sec, epoch, JD
-t: Print time without date
-v: Verbose
getdate 3.8.4 June 2012 GETDATE(1)