hey sorry, i wrote the description but don't lnow how it got erased.
i have a set of commands inside a text file. 1 command per line.
i want to execute these commands one by one and after finishing the last command, again it should start from the 1st command.
the commands are not getting executed.
I have a command nested in some while loops to parse some data that looks something like this.
while ($condition)
while ($condition)
gzcat /dir/$fileName.gz | grep $searchString > out_file
On the first loop, the command is executed properly (and takes maybe 10... (3 Replies)
I have a set of input data that I split into batches using the following command:
split -l 4000000 MyInput.in Split_a
Once I get the split files, I run a certain command on the split files that spews an output. So far I have been doing it without a for loop. How can I translate the... (2 Replies)
in one of my script..I have some thing like
john:christina : one::
and i want to make it like
john:chritina:two:(date command):jackey:
basically change 'one' to 'two' and run date :command and add other name: (30 Replies)
I tried this:
for region in 'raj' 'kt' 'kol' 'krl' 'chn' 'dl' 'hr' 'bih' 'ap'
sqlplus -s huw$region/`echo $region`huw#321@huw$region<<!
set serveroutput on
select count(*) from tcd_preferred_cust_201109
but the error shows like:
Syntax error at line 4 :... (1 Reply)
I have a below command
ALTER TABLE `abc` ADD PARTITION ( PARTITION 20130613 VALUES less than (DAY('13')));
Below is requirement
It runs in Loop
as DAY start with 13 and end with 100 along with this of counter "20130613" also increases per command
as the next command should be
... (8 Replies)
Hi ,
Please excuse me for opening a new thread i am unable to find out the syntax error
in my if else condition inside for loop in awk command ,
my actual aim is to print formatted html td tag when if condition (True) having string as "failed",
could anyone please advise what is the right... (2 Replies)
Hi ,
I am trying to read a list of hosts from a config file and trying to get file list from that host. For this I have used one while loop.
cat "$ARCHIVE_CFG_FILE" | sed '/^$/d' | sed '/^#/d' | while read ARCHIVE_CFG
SOURCE_SERVER_NAME=`echo "$ARCHIVE_CFG" | awk -F '|' '{ print... (2 Replies)
i have a source file and have 3 columns and separated by "|" .i want to split this 3 columns in different variable.When i am executing this values indivisually giving correct result but when the same execute inside a for loop,it's giving issues.
Src file(jjj.txt)
-------... (8 Replies)
Discussion started by: raju2016
8 Replies
asadmin-start-appserv(1AS) User Commands asadmin-start-appserv(1AS)NAME
asadmin-start-appserv, start-appserv - starts thedomains in the specified or default domains directory
start-appserv [--domaindir install_dir/domains] [--terse=false] [--echo=false]
This command has been deprecated. Please use start-domain to start the domains in the specified or default domains directory. start-appserv
starts the domains in the specified or default domains direcotry. If the domains directory is not specified, the domains in the default
domains directory are started. The default domains directory is install_dir/domains. This command can only be run locally.
OPTIONS --domaindir directory where the domains are started. If specified, path must be accessible in the filesystem. If not specified,
the domains are started in the default install_dir/domains directory.
--terse indicates that any output data must be very concise, typically avoiding human-friendly sentences and favoring well-
formatted data for consumption by a script. Default is false.
--echo setting to true will echo the command line statement on the standard output. Default is false.
0 command executed successfully
1 error in executing the command
asadmin-create-domain(1AS), asadmin-start-domain(1AS), asadmin-stop-domain(1AS), asadmin-delete-domain(1AS), asadmin-list-domains(1AS)J2EE 1.4 SDK March 2004 asadmin-start-appserv(1AS)