Thanks for idea,
But can you give ideas/link on how to write same in c .
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#cp ${file_name}.xlsx ${file_name}_temp.xlsx
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6. Shell Programming and Scripting
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10. Shell Programming and Scripting
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httppower(8) powerman httppower(8)
httppower - communicate with HTTP based power distribution units
httppower [--url URL]
httppower is a helper program for powerman which enables it to communicate with HTTP based power distribution units. It is run interac-
tively by the powerman daemon.
-u, --url URL
Set the base URL.
The following commands are accepted at the httppower> prompt:
auth user:pass
Authenticate to the base URL with specified user and password, using ``basic'' HTTP authentication which sends the user and password
over the network in plain text.
seturl URL
Set the base URL. Overrides the command line option.
get [URL-suffix]
Send an HTTP GET to the base URL with the optional URL-suffix appended.
post [URL-suffix] key=val[&key=val]...
Send an HTTP POST to the base URL with the optional URL-suffix appended, and key-value pairs as argument.
PowerMan was originally developed by Andrew Uselton on LLNL's Linux clusters. This software is open source and distributed under the terms
of the GNU GPL.
powerman(1), powermand(8), httppower(8), plmpower(8), vpcd(8), powerman.conf(5), powerman.dev(5), powerman-devices(7).
powerman-2.3.5 2009-02-09 httppower(8)