Script to compare count of two csv files
Hi Guys,
I need to write a script to compare the count of two csv files each having 5 columns.
Everyday a csv file is recived.
Now we need to compare the count of todays csv file with yesterday's csv file and if the total count of records is same in todays csv file and yesterday csv file out will be all good else it should display the difference of the counts.
For eg:1-jan-2013 CSV file has 200 records
2-jan-2013 CSV file has 201 records.
o/p will be "difference of 1 record" else o/p "is all good"
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Hi all,
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1.csv 2.csv
abc,1.24 abc,1
def,2.13 def,1
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The... (7 Replies)
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6. Shell Programming and Scripting
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I need your help to solve my problem.
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/home/intannf/foto/IMG_0713.JPG,2015:02:17 11:14:07... (8 Replies)
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7. Shell Programming and Scripting
Very good wishes to all!
Please help to provide the shell script for generating the record counts in filed wise from the .csv file
My question:
Source file:
Field1 Field2 Field3
abc 12f sLm
1234 hjd 12d
Hyd 34
My target file should generate the .csv file with the... (14 Replies)
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file 1:
File 2 Contains:
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jws (5 Replies)
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pocount(1) Translate Toolkit 1.3.0 pocount(1)
pocount - Produces word counts and other statistics from a PO file.
pocount [--csv] [directory|file(s)]
pocount will count the number of strings and words in a PO file.
If no files or directories argument are provided, pocount will recurse through all files from the current directory. Otherwise, it will
recurse and count all files in the specified directory or in the specified PO files.
--csv changes the output format to CSV (Comma Seperated Values) for import into a spreadsheet.
In normal mode the following output is given:
type strings words (source) words (translation)
translated: 1 3 3
fuzzy: 0 0 n/a
untranslated: 4 22 n/a
Total: 5 25 3
review 1 3 n/a
In CSV mode the following outut is shown:
Filename, Translated Messages, Translated Source Words, Translated Target Words, Fuzzy Messages, Fuzzy Source Words, Untranslated Mes-
sages, Untranslated Source Words, Review Messages, Review Source Words
avmedia/source/viewer.po, 1, 3, 3, 0, 0, 4, 22, 1, 3
Totals are not provided in CSV mode. In normal mode a grand total and file count is provided if the number of files is greater than one.
There are some miscounts related to word breaks.
Translate Toolkit 1.3.0 pocount(1)