I have a scenario where I take user input values and accordingly take actions
say I run a script with
sh scriptname -x GB -e txt (txt can also be text)
I have used if clause for the first input (-x GB)and it is working fine
Now for second the scenario is
This snippet is not working properly.
What ever I pass the parameter, it accepts and shows me "the file is a txt file"
Hi all,
I got some problems on executing the following scripts.
if ]; then
echo "M${str}O 0 1" >> ${tempFile}
elif ]; then
echo "M${str}O 1 0" >> ${tempFile}
echo "M${str}O 0 0" >> ${tempFile}
"`;' is not expected."
what's the problem? (2 Replies)
I am receiving an elif error on line 13 and I can not figure out the reasoning behind it. I have added the then statement that I was initially missing. Any help would be great.
#The purpose of this script is for the end user to be able to enter a positive number
#User enters a number
NUM=$1... (4 Replies)
Script Gurus,
Need your help in getting this script to come out of logical error : I have pasted the script below: This script finds disk utilzation ... the script is written for both AIX and SUN OS... and option will be given in the initial to select DB or Non DB... its required for my prj...... (1 Reply)
I am getting below error from this code (which is at line 24):
if ] #this is line24 in code
mv $File_source_path/$File_name $File_name'_'`date '+%d%m%y'`
line 24:
Any help with the syntax. I am putting 2 condition with 'AND' clause.
This is bash shell. (2 Replies)
I am in need of some help. I am not an advance scripter or programmer, I have novice knowledge. I cannot get a script to work as expected. The script basically does an FTP (which I have work perfectly) and writes to a log. However, I want the script to echo "Not Connected" if the FTP fails to... (2 Replies)
Use and complete the template provided. The entire template must be completed. If you don't, your post may be deleted!
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
This is my problem for the class.
Write a script that asks for the user's age. If it is equal to or higher... (6 Replies)
Hi All,
I write an script will have some functions... I am getting elif not expected error..
Even tried by using set -x for debug but no use..
Could you please help me out in this
cat ${filesrc} >> ${filetgt}
if ]; then
echo... (12 Replies)
Hi there, new to this forum and I recently encounter this problem:
I tried to use if-elif loop in a while-read loop, something like this:
while read myline1 myline2
if ; then
echo "Successful!"
elif ; then
echo "Failed"
done < $1
Input file looks like this:
200... (13 Replies)
Hi all,i have configured the following script to check if the file exists or not,
sleep 30
FILEFULL=$1`date +$2`*
if ;
echo $FILEFULL exist
echo "$FILEFULL File not Found" | mail -s 'server' myaccount@mydomain.com
but i have a problem, i need to... (2 Replies)
Hello experts,
I am having problems with ELIF.
Please see the below code :
read a;
read b;
read c;
if || || ; then
elif || || ; then
echo "SCALENE"
This code works fine for the EQUILATERAL case but fails completely for the... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: H squared
5 Replies
SIEVESHELL(1) User Contributed Perl Documentation SIEVESHELL(1)NAME
sieveshell - remotely manipulate sieve scripts
sieveshell [--user=user] [--authname=authname] [--realm=realm] [--exec=script] server[:port]
sieveshell --help
sieveshell allows users to manipulate their scripts on a remote server. It works via MANAGESIEVE, a work in progress.
The following commands are recognized:
list list scripts on server.
put <filename> upload script to server.
get <name> [<filename>] get script. if no filename display to stdout
delete <name> delete script.
activate <name> activate script.
deactivate deactivate all scripts.
OPTIONS -u user, --user=user
The authorization name to request; by default, derived from the authentication credentials.
-a authname, --authname=authname
The user to use for authentication (defaults to current user).
-r realm, --realm=realm
The realm to attempt authentication in.
-e script, --exec=script
Instead of working interactively, run commands from script, and exit when done.
[MANAGESIEVE] Martin, T.; "A Protocol for Remotely Managing Sieve Scripts", draft-ietf-managesieve-03.txt, Mirapoint, Inc.; May 2001, work
in progress.
Tim Martin <tmartin@mirapoint.com>, and the rest of the Cyrus team <cyrus-bugs@andrew.cmu.edu>.
perl v5.16.3 2014-06-10 SIEVESHELL(1)