First observation: sh!t happens! That is a proven, reliable fact and an environment which can't cope with that is designed wrongly from the start. If you need a service to be not disrupted you shouldn't allow people to develop on it, because development will create the one or other hiccup to happen over time. Further, you need to take precautions against failure of every single part of the system if it should survive. Suppose instead of your error some hardware would have crashed, the network disrupted, whatever. This is what HA-solutions are for, for instance.
No SysAdmin in his right mind will let a manager determined to "save" on hardware off this hook: do you want to bet the projects future on me never doing an accidental typo? (As it is i have actually said exactly this in a design conference - and got my testing system.) And, by the way: when they decide about new office furniture for their offices any intention to save is usually abandoned immediately, so wtf?
Second aspect: whenever you do something it is your utmost responsibility to test what you have done. Immediately! So how can you create such a loop and not notice it? How can you implement this change even twice? This is not a question of introducing an error - that happens to all of us. It is a matter if noticing you have done something wrong and this has to do with the style of work: if i delete a file, i do an immediate "ls" to verify it (and it alone) is gone, if i do a "cd" i do a "pwd" to verify i am in the right directory, etc., etc.. This slows me down by perhaps 5%, but when i think i have something done i usually have it done - without any error. The 5% are easily recovered not having to do the error correction and/or recovery others eventually have to do.
So, i hope for your best, but you should really change your work ethics and learn from this accident. My 2 cents.
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LedgerSMB::DBObject::Admin(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation LedgerSMB::DBObject::Admin(3pm)
LedgerSMB::DBObject::Admin - User/group management for LedgerSMB
User/group management for LedgerSMB
Saves a user optionally with location and contact data.
If the password or import hash values is set, will not save contact or address information.
This API is not fully documented at this time because it is expected that it will be broken down into more manageable chunks in future
versions. Please do not count on the behavior.
Deletes a user specified by $self->{user_id}.
if $delete_role is true, deletes the role too.
Returns a list of users matching search criteria, and attaches that list to the user_results hash value.
Search criteria:
Undef matches all values. All matches exact except username which allows for partial matches.
returns a list of active sessions, when they were last used, and how many discretionary locks they hold. The list is also attached to
the active_sessions hash value. No inputs required or used.
Deletes a session identified by the session_id hashref.
Saves the roles assigned to a user. Each role is specified as a hashref true value, where the key is the full name of the role (i.e.
starting with lsmb_[dbname]__).
Returns a list of salutation records from the db for the dropdowns.
Returns a list of role names with the following format:
{role => $full_role_name, description => $short_role_name}
The short role name is the full role name with the prefix removed (i.e. without the lsmb_[dbname]__ prefix).
Returns a reference to an array of hashrefs including the country data in the db.
Sets the same reference to the countries hash value.
Returns a list of hashrefs ({id =>, class =>}) relating to the contact classes.
Copyright (c) 2009, the LedgerSMB Core Team. This is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2, or at your option any later
version. Please see the accompanying License.txt for more information.
perl v5.14.2 2012-03-25 LedgerSMB::DBObject::Admin(3pm)