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Operating Systems Solaris Something is removing/deleting my wtmpx file? Post 302777361 by booghaw on Thursday 7th of March 2013 06:49:56 PM
Old 03-07-2013
Originally Posted by hicksd8
Hmmmmm! Perhaps the previous sysadmins was trying to be clever.

If you have /usr/lib/acct/runacct post the contents of that. Sometimes lines can be added there to zeroise wtmpx.

Are there any other crontabs that could be being used? adm, sys or whatever.

There is also the possibility that another box is scripted to remotely execute a script on this box. Previous sysadmins being really clever by doing centralised housekeeping?

hi hicksd8,

i think you're right on that runacct. it's being run by adm. here's the content of our runacct file:

#ident  "@(#)runacct.sh 1.15    03/09/12 SMI"   /* SVr4.0 1.9   */
#       "nitely accounting shell, should be run from cron (adm) at 4am"
#       "does process, connect, disk, and fee accounting"
#       "prepares command summaries"
#       "shell is restartable and provides reasonable diagnostics"
export PATH
_date="`date +%m%d`"
_errormsg="\n\n************ ACCT ERRORS : see  ${_active}${_date}********\n\n"

cd ${_adm}
#               "make sure that 2 crons weren't started, or leftover problems"
date  > ${_nite}/lock1
chmod 400 ${_nite}/lock1
ln ${_nite}/lock1 ${_nite}/lock
if test $? -ne 0; then
        _lnkerr="\n\n*********** 2 CRONS or ACCT PROBLEMS***********\n\n\n"
        (date ; echo "$_lnkerr" ) | logger -p daemon.err
        echo "$_lnkerr" | mailx adm root
        echo "ERROR: locks found, run aborted" >> ${_active}
        rm -f ${_nite}/lock*
        exit 1

# Check to see if there is enough space in /var/adm to do nitely accounting
_blocks=`df $_adm | sed 's/.*://' | awk '{ print $1 }'`
if [ "$_blocks" -le $_MIN_BLKS ];then
        echo "runacct: Insufficient space in $_adm ($_blocks blks); \c"
        echo "Terminating procedure"
        ( echo "runacct: Insufficient space in $_adm ($_blocks blks); \c"
        echo "Terminating procedure" ) > /tmp/accounting_tmpfile
        cat /tmp/accounting_tmpfile >> ${_active}
        cat /tmp/accounting_tmpfile | logger -p daemon.err
        mailx root adm < /tmp/accounting_tmpfile
        rm /tmp/accounting_tmpfile

        rm -f ${_nite}/lock*
        exit 1

case $# in
#       "as called by the cron each day"
        if test ! -r ${_lastdate} ; then
                echo "0000" > ${_lastdate}
        if test "${_date}" = "`cat ${_lastdate}`"; then
                (date; echo "${_errormsg}") | logger -p daemon.err
                echo "${_errormsg}" | mailx root adm
                echo "ERROR: acctg already run for `date`: check ${_lastdate}" >> ${_active}
                rm -f ${_nite}/lock*
                mv ${_active} ${_active}${_date}
                exit 1
        echo ${_date} > ${_lastdate}
        echo "SETUP" > ${_statefile}
        nulladm ${_active}
        echo ${_date} > ${_active}    # debuging
        echo "\n\n\n\n\n**********  SYSTEM ACCOUNTING STARTED `date`  **********\n\n\n\n\n" | logger -p daemon.notice
        echo ${_date} > ${_active}    # debuging

#       "runacct MMDD  (date)  will restart at current state"
        _errormsg="\n\n************ ACCT ERRORS : see  ${_active}${_date}********\n\n"
        echo "restarting acctg for ${_date} at `cat ${_statefile}`" >> ${_active}
        echo "\n\n\n\n\n********** SYSTEM ACCOUNTING RESTARTED `date` **********\n\n\n\n\n" | logger -p daemon.notice

#       "runacct MMDD STATE  restart at specified state"
        _errormsg="\n\n************ ACCT ERRORS : see  ${_active}${_date}********\n\n"
        echo "restarting acctg for ${_date} at $2" >> ${_active}
        echo "previous state was `cat ${_statefile}`" >> ${_active}
        echo "$2" > ${_statefile}
        echo "\n\n\n\n\n********** SYSTEM ACCOUNTING RESTARTED `date` **********\n\n\n\n\n" | logger -p daemon.notice
        (date; echo "${_errormsg}") | logger -p daemon.err
        echo "${_errormsg}" | mailx root adm
        echo "ERROR: runacct called with invalid arguments" > ${_active}
        rm -f ${_nite}/lock*
        mv ${_active} ${_active}${_date}
        exit 1

#       "processing is broken down into seperate, restartable states"
#       "the statefile is updated at the end of each state so that the"
#       "next loop through the while statement switches to the next state"
while [ 1 ]
case "`cat ${_statefile}`" in

cd ${_adm}

(date ; ls -l fee pacct* ${_wtmpx}* ) >> ${_active}

#       "switch current pacct file"
turnacct switch
if test ${_rc} -ne 0; then
        (date ; echo "${_errormsg}" ) | logger -p daemon.err
        echo "${_errormsg}" | mailx root adm
        echo "ERROR: turnacct switch returned rc=${_rc}" >> ${_active}
        rm -f ${_nite}/lock*
        mv ${_active} ${_active}${_date}
        exit 1

#       " give pacct files unique names for easy restart "
for _i in pacct?*
        if [ "${_i}" = "pacct?*" ]
                rm -f ${_nite}/lock*
                mv ${_active} ${_active}${_date}
                exit 1
        if test -r S${_i}.${_date} ; then
                 (date ; echo "${_errormsg}" ) | logger -p daemon.err
                echo "${_errormsg}" | mailx root adm
                echo "ERROR: S${_i}.${_date} already exists" >> ${_active}
                echo "file setups probably already run" >> ${_active}
                rm -f ${_nite}/lock*
                mv ${_active} ${_active}${_date}
                exit 1
        mv ${_i} S${_i}.${_date}

#       "add current time on end"
if test -r ${_nite}/wtmpx.${_date} ; then
        (date ; echo "${_errormsg}" ) | logger -p daemon.err
        echo "${_errormsg}" | mailx root adm
        echo "ERROR: ${_nite}/wtmpx.${_date} already exists: run setup manually" > ${_active}
        rm -f ${_nite}/lock*
        mv ${_active} ${_active}${_date}
        exit 1
closewtmp       # fudge a DEAD_PROCESS for /var/wtmpx
cp ${_wtmpx} ${_nite}/${_date}.wtmpx
acctwtmp "runacct" ${_nite}/${_date}.wtmpx
nulladm ${_wtmpx}
utmp2wtmp       # fudge active user from utmpx to wtmpx

echo "files setups complete" >> ${_active}
echo "WTMPFIX" > ${_statefile}

#       "verify the integrity of the wtmpx file"
#       "wtmpfix will automatically fix date changes"
cd ${_nite}
nulladm tmpwtmp wtmperror
wtmpfix < ${_date}.wtmpx > tmpwtmp 2>wtmperror
if test $? -ne 0 ; then
        (date ; echo "${_errormsg}") | mailx root adm
        echo "${_errormsg}" | logger -p daemon.err
        echo "ERROR: wtmpfix errors see ${_nite}/wtmperror${_date}" >> ${_active}
        rm -f ${_nite}/lock*
        mv ${_active} ${_active}${_date}
        mv wtmperror wtmperror${_date}
        exit 1

echo "wtmpx processing complete" >> ${_active}
echo "CONNECT" > ${_statefile}

#       "produce connect records"
#       "the lineuse and reboots files are used by prdaily"
cd ${_nite}
nulladm lineuse reboots log ctacct.${_date}
acctcon -l lineuse -o reboots < tmpwtmp  2> log > ctacct.${_date}

# if the following test is true, then pnpsplit complained about
# the year and holidays not being up to date.  This used to be
# a fatal error, but now it will continue to process the accounting.
if test -s log ; then
        (date ; cat ${_nite}/log) | mailx adm root
        echo "${_errormsg}" | logger -p daemon.err
        cat ${_nite}/log >> ${_active}${_date}

echo "connect acctg complete" >> ${_active}
echo "PROCESS" > ${_statefile}

#       "correlate Spacct and ptacct files by number"
#       "will not process Spacct file if corresponding ptacct exists"
#       "remove the ptacct file to rurun the Spacct file"
#       "if death occurs here, rerunacct should remove last ptacct file"

cd ${_nite}
for _Spacct in ${_adm}/Spacct*.${_date}
        _ptacct=`basename ${_Spacct} | sed 's/Sp/pt/'`
        if test -s ${_ptacct}; then
                echo "WARNING: accounting already run for ${_Spacct}" \
                        >> ${_active}
                echo "WARNING: remove ${_nite}/${_ptacct} to rerun" \
                        >> ${_active}
                nulladm ${_ptacct}
                acctprc < ${_Spacct} > ${_ptacct}

                echo "process acctg complete for ${_Spacct}" >> ${_active}
echo "all process actg complete for ${_date}" >> ${_active}
echo "MERGE" > ${_statefile}

cd ${_nite}
#       "merge ctacct and ptacct files together"
acctmerg ptacct*.${_date} < ctacct.${_date} > daytacct

echo "tacct merge to create daytacct complete" >> ${_active}
echo "FEES" > ${_statefile}

cd ${_nite}
#       "merge in fees"
if test -s ${_adm}/fee; then
        cp daytacct tmpdayt
        sort +0n +2 ${_adm}/fee | acctmerg -i | acctmerg tmpdayt  > daytacct
        echo "merged fees" >> ${_active}
        rm -f tmpdayt
        echo "no fees" >> ${_active}
echo "DISK" > ${_statefile}

cd ${_nite}
#       "the last act of any disk acct procedure should be to mv its"
#       "entire output file to disktacct, where it will be picked up"
if test -r disktacct; then
        cp daytacct tmpdayt
        acctmerg disktacct  < tmpdayt > daytacct
        echo "merged disk records" >> ${_active}
        rm -f tmpdayt
        mv disktacct /tmp/disktacct.${_date}
        echo "no disk records" >> ${_active}
echo "MERGETACCT" > ${_statefile}

cd ${_adm}/acct
#       "save each days tacct file in sum/tacct.${_date}"
#       "if sum/tacct gets corrupted or lost, could recreate easily"
#       "the monthly acctg procedure should remove all sum/tacct files"
cp nite/daytacct sum/tacct${_date}
if test ! -r sum/tacct; then
        echo "WARNING: recreating ${_adm}/sum/tacct " >> ${_active}
        nulladm sum/tacct

#       "merge in todays tacct with the summary tacct"
rm -f sum/tacctprev
cp sum/tacct sum/tacctprev
acctmerg sum/tacctprev  < sum/tacct${_date} > sum/tacct

echo "updated sum/tacct" >> ${_active}
echo "CMS" > ${_statefile}

cd ${_adm}/acct
#       "do command summaries"
nulladm sum/daycms
if test ! -r sum/cms; then
        nulladm sum/cms
        echo "WARNING: recreating ${_adm}/sum/cms " >> ${_active}
cp sum/cms sum/cmsprev
acctcms ${_adm}/Spacct*.${_date}  > sum/daycms
acctcms -s sum/daycms sum/cmsprev  > sum/cms
acctcms -a -s sum/daycms | sed -n 1,56p  > nite/daycms
acctcms -a -s sum/cms | sed -n 1,56p  > nite/cms
echo "command summaries complete" >> ${_active}
echo "USEREXIT" > ${_statefile}

#       "any installation dependant accounting programs should be run here"
[ -s /usr/lib/acct/runacct.local ] && /usr/lib/acct/runacct.local

echo "CLEANUP" > ${_statefile}

cd ${_adm}/acct
#       " finally clear files; could be done next morning if desired"
nulladm ${_adm}/fee
rm -f ${_adm}/Spacct*.${_date}
#       "put reports onto a file"
prdaily >> sum/rprt${_date};
rm -f nite/lock*
rm -f nite/ptacct*.${_date} nite/ctacct.${_date}
mv -f nite/${_date}.wtmpx nite/owtmpx
rm -f nite/wtmperror${_date} nite/active${_date} nite/tmpwtmp
echo "system accounting completed at `date`" >> ${_active}
echo "********** SYSTEM ACCOUNTING COMPLETED `date` **********" | logger -p daemon.notice
echo "COMPLETE" > ${_statefile}
exit 0

        (date;echo "${_errormsg}") | logger -p daemon.err
        echo "${_errormsg}" | mailx adm root
        echo "ERROR: invalid state, check ${_statefile}" >> active
        rm -f ${_nite}/lock*
        mv ${_active} ${_active}${_date}
        exit 1

#       " runacct is normally called with no arguments from the cron"
#       " it checks its own locks to make sure that 2 crons or previous"
#       " problems have not occured"

#       " runacct uses the statefile to record its progress"
#       " each state updates the statefile upon completion"
#       " then the next loop though the while picks up the new state"

#       " to restart this shell,  check the active file for diagnostics"
#       " fix up any corrupted data (ie. bad pacct or wtmpx files)"
#       " if runacct detected the error it removes the locks"
#       " remove the locks if necessary, otherwise runacct will complain"
#       " the lastdate file should be removed or changed"
#       " restart runacct at current state with:  runacct MMDD"
#       " to override the statefile: runacct MMDD STATE"

#       " if runacct has been executed after the latest failure"
#       " ie. it ran ok today but failed yesterday"
#       " the statefile will not be correct"
#       " check the active files and restart properly"

#       " if runacct failed in the PROCESS state, remove the last"
#       " ptacct file because it may not be complete"

#       " if shell has failed several days, do SETUP manually"
#       " then rerun runacct once for each day failed"
#       " could use fwtmp here to split up wtmpx file correctly"

#       " normally not a good idea to restart the SETUP state"
#       " should be done manually, or just cleanup first"

#       " FILE USAGE:   all files in /var/adm/acct/nite unless specified"

#       " statefile     records progess of runacct"
#       " lastdate      last day runacct ran in date +%m%d format"
#       " lock lock1    controls serial use of runacct"
#       " active        place for all descriptive and error messages"
#       " fd2log        fd2 output for runacct ( see cron entry ) "
#       " MMDD.wtmpx    owtmpx yesterdays wtmpx file"
#       " tmpwtmp       yesterdays wtmp corrected by wtmpfix"
#       " wtmperror     place for wtmpfix error messages"
#       " lineuse       lineusage report used in prdaily"
#       " reboots       reboots report used in prdaily"
#       " log           place for error messages from acctcon1"
#       " ctacct.MMDD   connect tacct records for MMDD"
#       " ptacct.n.MMDD process tacct records n files for MMDD"
#       " daytacct      total tacct records for this days accounting"
#       " disktacct     disk tacct records produced by disk shell"
#       " daycms        ascii daily command summary used by prdaily"
#       " cms           acsii total command summary used by prdaily"

#       " following files in /var/adm directory"

#       " fee           output from chargefee program"
#       " pacct         active pacct file"
#       " pacctn        switched pacct files"
#       " Spacctn.MMDD  pacct files for MMDD after SETUP state"
#       " wtmpx         active wtmpx file"

#       " following files in /var/adm/acct/sum"

#       " loginlog      output of lastlogin used in prdaily"
#       " tacct         total tacct file for current fiscal"
#       " tacct.MMDD    tacct file for day MMDD"
#       " cms           total cms file for current fiscal"
#       " rprt.MMDD     output of prdaily program"
#       " MMDD.wtmpx    saved copy of wtmpx for MMDD"
#       " pacct.MMDD    concatenated version of all pacct files for MMDD"
#       " cmsprev       total cms file without latest update"
#       " tacctprev     total tacct file without latest update"
#       " daycms        cms files for todays usage"

pardon the lenghty script... Smilie

---------- Post updated at 07:49 AM ---------- Previous update was at 07:43 AM ----------

follow-up Q:

what part of that runacct script should i comment out? is it this part:

closewtmp       # fudge a DEAD_PROCESS for /var/wtmpx
cp ${_wtmpx} ${_nite}/${_date}.wtmpx
acctwtmp "runacct" ${_nite}/${_date}.wtmpx
nulladm ${_wtmpx}

thank you....

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