I'm trying to write a bash script to perform a tedious task, but I have no experience and hardly any knowledge so I've been having a rough time with it.
I'm on Mac OS X, and I want a script to do the following:
I have a directory that has about 200 sudirectories. In each of these directories,... (1 Reply)
I am having a 'grep' headache
Here is the contents of my file:
I would like to count out how many times 'PBZ' occurs and then place that number in the line above
3... (8 Replies)
On one of my servers, it appears that a bunch of html files got the following code added to it...
I was going to try to remove this line using grep & sed... as sample
grep -lr -e 'apples' *.html | xargs sed -i 's/apples/oranges/g'
I can get the grep portion to work...
grep "<script... (7 Replies)
I'm new using Unix commands in applescript. The following script you choose different folders with PDfs, get file count of PDfs on chosen folders, & write the results in text file.
set target_folder to choose folder with prompt "Choose target folders containing only PDFs to count files" with... (0 Replies)
sed -e '1d' -e 's/^\(]\{2\}\)-\(]\{3\}\)-\(]\{4\}\).*/"0000020\1\200\3"\,/g' abc.txt
This script returns many duplicates due to the duplciates in the .txt file.
"000002012149000064",... (9 Replies)
I have the following line of code that works wonders. I just don't completely understand it as I am just starting to learn regex. Can you help me understand exactly what is happening here?
find . -type f | grep -v '^\.$' | sed 's!\.\/!!' (4 Replies)
Hi, I have the following command that parses an xml file to read a node <port>'s value. Hoever the output comes with spaces.
My requirement is to trim the spaces around the value and assign to a variable.
sed -n 's|<port>\(.*\)</port>|\1|p' ../cfg.xml
How do I go about it? (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: sai2013
6 Replies
ZGREP(1) General Commands Manual ZGREP(1)NAME
zgrep - search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zgrep [ grep_options ] [ -e ] pattern filename...
Zgrep invokes grep on compressed or gzipped files. These grep options will cause zgrep to terminate with an error code:
(-[drRzZ]|--di*|--exc*|--inc*|--rec*|--nu*). All other options specified are passed directly to grep. If no file is specified, then the
standard input is decompressed if necessary and fed to grep. Otherwise the given files are uncompressed if necessary and fed to grep.
If the GREP environment variable is set, zgrep uses it as the grep program to be invoked.
2 - An option that is not supported was specified.
Charles Levert (charles@comm.polymtl.ca)
SEE ALSO grep(1), gzexe(1), gzip(1), zdiff(1), zforce(1), zmore(1), znew(1)ZGREP(1)