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Homework and Emergencies Emergency UNIX and Linux Support Script for deleting orphan ids & unknown gecos Post 302728841 by otheus on Thursday 8th of November 2012 02:01:18 PM
Old 11-08-2012

You probably want to do something like this:

First, add a soft link from /bin/false to /usr/bin/nologin

Next, have a list of user-names in a text file, one name per line. Then prepare the following script:
cat your-text-file-of-usernames |
while read uname ; do
   if chsh "$uname" /usr/bin/nologin ; then
     echo Logins blocked to "$uname" 
     echo An error occurred attempting to block login to "$uname"

Now, it's possible that you will have to add the nologin pseudo-shell to the list of shells that are valid. If it fails for every user, then you'll need to figure out how to add it to the list. The AIX manual says:
Valid shells are defined in the usw stanza of the /etc/security/login.cfg file.
You can also instead do this, a very AIX-specific method:
cat your-text-file-of-usernames |
while read uname ; do
   if chuser account_locked=true "$uname" ; then
     echo Account locked for "$uname" 
     echo An error occurred attempting to lock login to "$uname"

Note, I have not tested this as I don't have access to an AIX host.

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UNAME(1)						      General Commands Manual							  UNAME(1)

uname - display information about the system SYNOPSIS
uname [-amnrsv] DESCRIPTION
The uname command writes the name of the operating system implementation to standard output. When options are specified, strings repre- senting one or more system characteristics are written to standard output. The options are as follows: -a Behave as though the options -m, -n, -r , -s, and -v were specified. -m Write the type of the current hardware platform to standard output. -n Write the name of the system to standard output. -r Write the current release level of the operating system to standard output. -s Write the name of the operating system implementation to standard output. -v Write the version level of this release of the operating system to standard output. If the -a flag is specified, or multiple flags are specified, all output is written on a single line, separated by spaces. The uname utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. SEE ALSO
sysctl(8), sysctl(3), uname(3) HISTORY
The uname command appeared in 4.4BSD. STANDARDS
The command is expected to conform to the IEEE Std1003.2 (``POSIX'') specification. 4th Berkeley Distribution February 4, 1995 UNAME(1)
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