I have a fixed width file with some records as given below:
" 1000Nalsdjflj243324jljlj"
" 0010Njsfsjklj342344fsl"
I want to sum-up first field values(i.e from 2nd character to 6th character)of each record.
so for the above file i want to add (1000 - 300+... (2 Replies)
Can someone help me again, I think with awk? I have a file with 4 columns (pipe-delimited):
I just want to convert the last field so that e1 is now 'message 1', e2 is 'message 2', e0 is 'message 3', etc. I don't want to change any other columns because the e0-e10 code may appear as part of a... (4 Replies)
Hi friends,
This is sed & awk type question.
I have a text file which has numbers spread all over the file. I want to sum the series of numbers whenever i find it and produce an output file with the sum. For example
###start of input text file ####
random... (3 Replies)
Hi friends,
This is sed & awk type question. It is slightly different from my previous question.
I have a text file which has numbers spread all over the file. I want to sum the series of numbers (but no more than 10 numbers in series) whenever i find it and produce an output file with the... (4 Replies)
I was playing around to see how stuff works, and was trying to sum all fields in a file.
cat file
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
I made this script:
awk 'BEGIN {OFS=RS}{$1=$1}{s+=$0} END {print "sum="s}' file
This gives 15, why not 78?
I test it like this
awk 'BEGIN... (5 Replies)
I need to generate these output file from the below input file.
Output :
customer_id as customer,
zip as zip_cd,
catg_cd as catg,
Could you please help me on this.
Please use code tags next... (1 Reply)
Hello All,
Here is am trying to get maximum value of third field depending on
first,second and fourth fields with awk command . delimeter is pipe(|) .
0221|09|37.13|bbb... (5 Replies)
In the awk below, what I am attempting to do is check each line in the tab-delimeted input, which has ~20 lines in it, for a keyword
SVTYPE=Fusion. If the keyword is found I am splitting $3 using the . (dot) and reading the portion before and after the dot in an array a.
If it does have that... (12 Replies)
Hi there,
I have data with similar structure as this:
chr1 69511 69511 A G homo hetero homo hetero
chr2 69513 69513 T C . hetero homo hetero
chr3 69814 69814 G C . . homo homo
chr4 69815 69815 C A hetero . . hetero
is... (10 Replies)
Discussion started by: daashti
10 Replies
pagesizes - HylaFAX page size definitions
The pagesizes database defines the page dimensions and guaranteed reproducible areas (GRA) for well-known page sizes. The GRA is the por-
tion of the page that is guaranteed to be imaged during facsimile transmission. This region is typically less than the full page dimen-
sions because of paper roller contacts and other mechanical aspects of the printing process in a facsimile machine.
All HylaFAX programs that require page size information read the information from this database using a page size name. Documents should
be prepared such that the full page dimensions are employed with the imaged area contained within the GRA.
The system-wide default page size to use in preparing documents for transmission is given by the ``default'' entry in the database. (NB:
the default entry should be placed last so that inverse matches find the real page size name and not the default entry.)
The page size database is an ASCII file with the following format. Each entry consists of whitespace-separated fields:
name abbrev width height gra-width gra-height top-margin left-margin
Fields have the following interpretation:
name the full name for the page size; e.g. ISO A4;
abbrev an abbreviated version of the full name for use in compact listings such as the receive queue listing printed by faxstat(1);
width the full width of the page;
height the full height of the page;
gra-width the width of the GRA;
gra-height the height of the GRA;
top-margin the margin between the top of the full page and the top of the GRA;
left-margin the margin between the left side of the full page the left side of the GRA.
The first two fields must be separated from the subsequent fields by a tab character (possibly followed by more whitespace); this is done
to easily permit blank characters to be included in names. Otherwise fields can be separated by any amount of any kind of whitespace.
Numbers are all base 10 and in basic measurement units (BMU); defined as 1/1200 x 25.4 millimeters for paper output with a scale factor of
one. All fields must be present on a single line; otherwise the entry is ignored. Comments are introduced by the ``#'' character and con-
tinue to the end the line.
Page size database lookups are either by name or by page dimensions. Lookups by name are done by sequentially scanning the entries in the
database for the first entry that has a matching abbreviation or substring of the page size name field. The string comparisons ignore case
so, for example, ``a4'' would match a full name of ``ISO A4''. Lookups by dimension scan the entire database and return the page with the
closest dimensions using a straightforward distance metric. If the difference in dimensions of the closest match is greater than 1/2 inch
on each side, then no page entry is returned for a lookup by dimension.
SEE ALSO hylafax-client(1), faxmail(1), faxstat(1), sendfax(1), sgi2fax(1), textfmt(1).
December 5, 1994 PAGESIZES(5)