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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Shell quoting rules for other languages programmers Post 302717219 by DGPickett on Wednesday 17th of October 2012 05:35:42 PM
Old 10-17-2012
I favor the use of the single quote for fastest and most certain processing, as it expands nothing. You can switch to double wuotes where you want expansion or a literal single quote, and then go back to single quoting. Since there is no expansion, there is less processing. For file wild card expansion, or globbing, you need to be outside quotes. I rather like a pipe: "echo '....' | command" over a here file: "command <<EOD
EOD" as I can predict and view expansions easily.

The eval I save for odd situations, like constructing a variable name from a varible and then fetching it. It is a shell built-in, so probably faster than `sh -c 'echo $x'"$m"`

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MSH(1)								     [nmh-1.5]								    MSH(1)

msh - nmh shell (and BBoard reader) SYNOPSIS
msh [-prompt string] [-scan | -noscan] [-topcur | -notopcur] [file] [-version] [-help] DESCRIPTION
msh is an interactive program that implements a subset of the normal nmh commands operating on a single file in packf'dformat. That is, msh is used to read a file that contains a number of messages, as opposed to the standard nmh style of reading a number of files, each file being a separate message in a folder. msh's chief advantage is that the normal nmh style does not allow a file to have more than one mes- sage in it. Hence, msh is ideal for reading BBoards, as these files are delivered by the transport system in this format. In addition, msh can be used on other files, such as message archives which have been packed (see packf(1)). Finally, msh is an excellent nmh tutor. As the only commands available to the user are nmh commands, this allows nmh beginners to concentrate on how commands to nmh are formed and (more or less) what they mean. When invoked, msh reads the named file, and enters a command loop. The user may type most of the normal nmh commands. The syntax and semantics of these commands typed to msh are identical to their nmh counterparts. In cases where the nature of msh would be inconsistent (e.g., specifying a +folder with some commands), msh will duly inform the user. The commands that msh currently supports (in some slightly modified or restricted forms) are: ali burst comp dist folder forw inc mark mhmail mhn msgchk next packf pick prev refile repl rmm scan send show sortm whatnow whom In addition, msh has a help command which gives a brief overview. To terminate msh, type CTRL-D, or use the quit command. If the file is writable and has been modified, then using quit will query the user if the file should be updated. The -prompt string switch sets the prompting string for msh. You may wish to use an alternate nmh profile for the commands that msh executes; see mh-profile(5) for details about the $MH environment variable. The exit command is identical to the quit command in msh. msh supports an output redirection facility. Commands may be followed by one of ^> file~^write output to file ^>> file~^append output to file ^| command~^pipe output to UNIX command If file starts with a " " (tilde), then a csh-like expansion takes place. Note that command is interpreted by sh. Also note that msh does NOT support history substitutions, variable substitutions, or alias substitutions. When parsing commands to the left of any redirection symbol, msh will honor `' (back-slash) as the quote next-character symbol, and `"' (double-quote) as quote-word delimiters. All other input tokens are separated by whitespace (spaces and tabs). FILES
$HOME/.mh_profile The user profile /etc/nmh/mts.conf nmh mts configuration file PROFILE COMPONENTS
Path: To determine the user's nmh directory Msg-Protect: To set mode when creating a new `file' fileproc: Program to file messages showproc: Program to show messages SEE ALSO
packf(1) DEFAULTS
`file' defaults to "./msgbox" `-prompt (msh) ' `-noscan' `-notopcur' CONTEXT
The argument to the -prompt switch must be interpreted as a single token by the shell that invokes msh. Therefore, one must usually place the argument to this switch inside double-quotes. There is a strict limit of messages per file in packf'd format which msh can handle. Usually, this limit is 1000 messages. Please remember that msh is not the C-Shell, and that a lot of the nice facilities provided by the latter are not present in the former. In particular, msh does not understand back-quoting, so the only effective way to use pick inside msh is to always use the -seq select switch. Clever users of nmh will put the line pick: -seq select -list in their .mh_profile file so that pick works equally well from both the shell and msh. sortm always uses -noverbose and if -textfield field is used, -limit 0. The msh program inherits most (if not all) of the bugs from the nmh commands it implements. MH.6.8 11 June 2012 MSH(1)
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