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Operating Systems Linux Red Hat changing which password is prompted for in sudoers Post 302714473 by thmnetwork on Friday 12th of October 2012 08:11:05 AM
Old 10-12-2012
changing which password is prompted for in sudoers

Basically I only want particular users to know the root password, but I also want power users to be able to run certain commands with root privileges. All admins for this box will be authenticating initially through winbind (I do have a backdoor account in case winbind goes wonky)

I want members of the "domain admins" group to be prompted for the root password but have unrestricted sudo access, while members of the "JSNNUsers" group be able to execute the list of commands I've specified, being prompted only for their own password (in case they leave themselves logged in and someone comes up behind them before the console times out, 15 minutes).

I know I can change this behavior on a per-user basis by doing something like:

Defaults:targetUser   targetpw

But I was interested in getting it to work work when specifying a group with a space in it. I'd rather not create a second group since all domain admins should be allowed root access to this box and the AD side may not necessarily remember to add them to an additional group when new domain admins are created (not to mention it seems redundant).

I got around the space issue in the actual rule itself by escaping the space:

%domain\ admins   ALL=(ALL)    PASSWD: ALL

But apparently this doesn't also work for changing defaults.

So it basically boils down to this: how do I change the default behavior for the "domain admins" group's password prompt without changing it so that everybody is prompted for the root password.

- Joel

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dialups(4)							   File Formats 							dialups(4)

dialups - list of terminal devices requiring a dial-up password SYNOPSIS
/etc/dialups DESCRIPTION
dialups is an ASCII file which contains a list of terminal devices that require a dial-up password. A dial-up password is an additional password required of users who access the computer through a modem or dial-up port. The correct password must be entered before the user is granted access to the computer. The set of ports that require a dial-up password are listed in the dialups file. Each entry in the dialups file is a single line of the form: terminal-device where terminal-device The full path name of the terminal device that will require a dial-up password for users accessing the computer through a modem or dial-up port. The dialups file should be owned by the root user and the root group. The file should have read and write permissions for the owner (root) only. EXAMPLES
Example 1: A sample dialups file. Here is a sample dialups file: /dev/term/a /dev/term/b /dev/term/c FILES
/etc/d_passwd dial-up password file /etc/dialups list of dial-up ports requiring dial-up passwords SEE ALSO
d_passwd(4) SunOS 5.10 4 May 1994 dialups(4)
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