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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting using awk to get specific section of lines in logs Post 302672933 by SkySmart on Tuesday 17th of July 2012 09:32:42 AM
Old 07-17-2012
using awk to get specific section of lines in logs

i have a log file that has the date and time that looks like this:

Wed Jun 28 15:46:21 2012 test failed tailed passed passed not error panic

what we want to focus on is the first 5 columns because they contain the date and time.

the date and time can be anywhere on the line. in this particular case, the date and time is at the beginning of the line. my question is, what happens if it is somewhere else on that line? how can i make it so that when i run a one liner awk command, it finds the date and time wherever it is on the line?

OS: linux and sunos
shell: bash

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sttime(3)                                                   ShapeTools Toolkit Library                                                   sttime(3)

stMktime, stWriteTime - date and time handling SYNOPSIS
#include <config.h> #include <sttk.h.h> time_tstMktime (char *string); char*stWriteTime (time_t date); DESCRIPTION
stMktime scans the given string and tries to read a date and time from it. It understands various formats of date strings. The following is a list of all valid formats, optional parts in brackets. [Tue] Jan 5[,] [19]93 This includes the standard asctime(3) format. Jan 5 With no year given, the year defaults to the current year. [19]93/01/05 This notation requires month and day represented by exactly two digits. 5.1.[19]93 This is the usual German notation. 5.1. German notation referencing the current year. A certain time, given together with the date must always have the following form. hours:minutes[:seconds] Each of the fields must be an integer value within the proper range (hours: 0-23, minutes and seconds: 0-59). Values below 10 may be written as one digit numbers. The time value may be placed anywhere in the date string: at the beginning, at the end, or somewhere in the middle. Any amount of white- space may be given between a field of the time value and the separating colon. The time is always considered to be local time. stWriteTime generates a time string similar to asctime(3) from its date argument. SEE ALSO
asctime(3) BUGS
Time Zone Names within the time string (like `MET') are not handled properly. In most cases they will cause a failure. sttk-1.7 Thu Jun 24 17:43:35 1993 sttime(3)
All times are GMT -4. The time now is 08:21 PM.
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