Creating a condensed table from a pre-existing table in putty
I'm working with putty on Windows 7 professional and I'd like to know if there's a way to gather specific lines from a pre-existing table and make a new table with that information.
More specifically, I'd like the program to look at a specific column, say column N, and see if any of the rows in the column contain specific words (i.e. from this_is_what_i'm_looking_for, I'd like to to find all the rows in the colum that contain this_is), and print all these rows in a new table that I can save.
I can do this using Excel, but I'd like to know if there's a way to do it using putty.
Thank you.
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site1 -:x,z
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ALTER TRIGGER - change the definition of a trigger
ALTER TRIGGER name ON table RENAME TO newname
ALTER TRIGGER changes properties of an existing trigger. The RENAME clause changes the name of the given trigger without otherwise changing
the trigger definition.
You must own the table on which the trigger acts to be allowed to change its properties.
name The name of an existing trigger to alter.
table The name of the table on which this trigger acts.
The new name for the trigger.
The ability to temporarily enable or disable a trigger is provided by ALTER TABLE [alter_table(7)], not by ALTER TRIGGER, because ALTER
TRIGGER has no convenient way to express the option of enabling or disabling all of a table's triggers at once.
To rename an existing trigger:
ALTER TRIGGER emp_stamp ON emp RENAME TO emp_track_chgs;
ALTER TRIGGER is a PostgreSQL extension of the SQL standard.
ALTER TABLE [alter_table(7)]
SQL - Language Statements 2010-05-14 ALTER TRIGGER(7)