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Top Forums Programming Why do I receive Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted? Post 302634071 by Errigour on Thursday 3rd of May 2012 02:13:45 AM
Old 05-03-2012
May I post the entire main.c, there are a few lines you can comment out and it should work. because I only use a couple outside functions and include two files that are not needed.

The descr_list is exactly what you think it is.
I believe I am freeing the list correctly and maybe I am handling the descr_list wrong.
And Yes I set state to SAY_GOODBYE when recv returns 0.
The code below is the updated code that clears the descr_list of unwanted descriptors. keepsake = the first descr structure on descr_list
        descr_list = keepsake;
            while(descr_list->state == SAY_GOODBY && descr_list->next != NULL)
                descr_list = descr_list->next;
            tmp = keepsake;
            keepsake = descr_list;
            descr_list = tmp;
        while(descr_list != NULL)
            tmp = descr_list->next;
            if(descr_list->state == SAY_GOODBY)
                FD_CLR(descr_list->newfd, &master);
            descr_list = tmp;
        descr_list = keepsake;

Lastly I want to add that I used the bg command with gdb and the output was this after an Abort. I'm not sure why it Aborts but it does when one user connects and then disconnects straight way. Again the code below is the output of ba in gdb.
#0  0x7ffe0304 in ?? ()
#1  0x77f7671a in ntdll!ZwWaitForSingleObject () from /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/System32/ntdll.dll
#2  0x77e7a62d in WaitForSingleObjectEx () from /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll
#3  0x000006f8 in ?? ()
#4  0x00000000 in ?? ()

Ok before I go to bed I want to post this and the entire main.c maybe one of you guys could try compiling and running it. First the ba full command after two users connect and one user disconnects, connects and then disconnects again causing:
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x004024cd in main () at main.c:478
478                             if(FD_ISSET(descr_list->newfd, &read_fds))
(gdb) ba full
#0  0x004024cd in main () at main.c:478
        keepsake = 0x4b96b8
        tmp = 0x0
        serv = {sin_family = 2, sin_port = 40975, sin_addr = {s_addr = 0}, __pad = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"}
        inco = {sin_family = 2, sin_port = 54546, sin_addr = {s_addr = 16777343}, __pad = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"}
        rtime = {second = -6360, minute = 24864, hour = 2, day = 0, month = -12288, year = 34}
        seconds = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 1000}
        inclen = 16
        simpleSocket = 2
        yes = 1
        fdmax = 5
        newfd = 5
        heart_pulse = 12844
        master = {fds_bits = {28, 0}}
        read_fds = {fds_bits = {16, 0}}
        write_fds = {fds_bits = {24, 0}}
        except_fds = {fds_bits = {0, 0}}

Here is main.c, compile it, run it in gdb and then connect to port 4000. The error happens when one user connects then disconnects or another error happens when multiple users start to connect and disconnect.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
//#include "server.h"

/* Game create_state's, maximum allowed 65536                                                 */
#define PERGITORY           0 /* Tells create_character to announce there pergitory position  */
#define CREATE_NAME         1 /* Tells create_character to check for the character's name     */
#define CREATE_PASSWORD     2 /* Tells create_character to check for the character's password */
#define VERIFY_PASSWORD     3 /* Tells create_character to verify the character's password    */
#define CHOOSE_SEX          4 /* Tells create_character to check for the character's sex      */
#define CHOOSE_RACE         5 /* Tells create_character to check for the character's race     */
#define CHOOSE_CLASS        6 /* Tells create_character to check for the character's class    */
#define NUM_CREATE_STATES   7 /* The number of creation states                                */

/* Game state's, maximum allowed 65536                                                        */
#define SAY_GOODBY          0 /* Character log off                                            */
#define CHARACTER_LOGIN     1 /* Character login                                              */
#define CREATE_CHARACTER    2 /* Character creation                                           */
#define CHARACTER_LOGGED_IN 3 /* Character is logged in                                       */
#define NUM_GAME_STATES     4 /* The number of game states                                    */

/* Gender types                                                                               */
#define GENDER_NEUTRAL      0 /* The gender type neutral                                      */
#define GENDER_MALE         1 /* The gender type male                                         */
#define GENDER_FEMALE       2 /* The gender type female                                       */
#define NUM_GENDERS         3 /* The number of genders                                        */

struct descr *descr_list = NULL;

/* Game time                                                                                  */
struct game_time
    short int second;         /* Game time seconds                                            */
    short int minute;         /* Game time minutes                                            */
    short int hour;           /* Game time hours                                              */
    short int day;            /* Game time days                                               */
    short int month;          /* Game time months                                             */
    short int year;           /* Game time years                                              */

/* Real time                                                                                  */
struct real_time
    short int second;         /* Real time seconds                                            */
    short int minute;         /* Real time minutes                                            */
    short int hour;           /* Real time hours                                              */
    short int day;            /* Real time days                                               */
    short int month;          /* Real time months                                             */
    short int year;           /* Real time years                                              */

struct descr
    int newfd;                /* Player socket                                                */
    char char_name[11];       /* Character's name                                             */
    char char_pass[27];       /* Character's password                                         */
    short int sex;            /* Character's sex                                              */
    short int char_class;     /* Characters class                                             */
    short int char_race;      /* Characters race                                              */
    short int state;          /* Game state                                                   */
    short int create_state;   /* Character creation state                                     */
    struct descr *next;       /* Used to create a linked list                                 */
    struct descr *list;       /* Used to define the top of the linked list                    */

int initialize_descr(int newfd, struct descr **p)
    struct descr *d;
    if(!(d = malloc(sizeof(struct descr))))
        //nonfatal("malloc failure initializing descr");
        return 0;
    d->newfd = newfd;
    d->state = CHARACTER_LOGIN;
    d->next = NULL;
    d->list = descr_list;
    *p = d;
    if(descr_list == NULL)
        descr_list = d;
        while(descr_list->next != NULL)
        descr_list->next = d;
        descr_list = descr_list->list;
    return 1;

 * This is a character login function created for a passive style multi user dungeon *
 * game. It returns -1 if it receives less then or equal to zero bytes. It returns   *
 * 0 if it receives stuff over the control limits of the integers. It returns 1 if   *
 * everything is acceptable and the state has been changed. Lastly if the function   *
 * reaches the the last return then it will return -2 which should never be reached  *
 * by the program                                                                    *
int character_login(struct descr *d)
    int rbytes = 0;
    char buffer[12];
    const char er[] = "Character name must be less then, twelve characters.\r\n";
    const char err[]= "Please enter either (n) or (N).\r\n";
    const char ln[] = "Character name or (n)ew: ";
    if ((rbytes = recv(d->newfd, buffer, 12, 0)) <= 0)
        if (rbytes == 0)
            printf("Socket %d hung up\n", d->newfd);
            //nonfatal("Receiving a file descriptor");
        return -1;
    else if (rbytes > 13)
        send(d->newfd, er, sizeof er, 0);
        send(d->newfd, ln, sizeof ln, 0);
        return 0;
        if (rbytes == 3)
            if((buffer[0] == 'n' || buffer[0] == 'N'))
                d->state = CREATE_CHARACTER;   /* Now we know to Create a new character  */
                d->create_state = CREATE_NAME; /* Here we know to create the username    */
                send(d->newfd, "By what name do you wish to be known? ", 38, 0);
                return 1;
                send(d->newfd, err, sizeof err, 0);
                send(d->newfd, ln, sizeof ln, 0);
                return 0;
            send(d->newfd, err, sizeof err, 0);
            send(d->newfd, ln, sizeof ln, 0);
            return 0;
        int *fp;
        FILE *fp = fopen(buffer, "r");
        if( fp )
            d->state = ENTER_PASSWORD;  Enter character password
            return 1;
            send(d->newfd, "Character does not exist", 24, 0);
            return 0;
    return -2;

 *This is a character creation script used for prompting players to select aspects  *
 *of a character sheet for there personal use as they play this multi user dungeon  *
 *game. It returns -1 if recv returns less then or equal to 0. It returns 0 if a    *
 *player enters an amount of data that is larger then the integer that is waiting   *
 *to recieve it. It returns 1 if the player has entered a validated option and this *
 *function will return -2 if it recheas it's end which should never happen.         *  
int create_character(struct descr *d)
    int rbytes = 0;
    char buffer[27];
    const char ne[] = "Character name must be less then, twelve characters.\r\n";
    const char nl[] = "By what name do you wish to be known? ";
    const char pe[] = "Password must be less then twenty eight characters.\r\n";
    const char pl[] = "Please enter a password for you're character: ";
    const char vpe[]= "Passwords are not the same.\r\n";
    const char vp[] = "Please varify you're password or type (b)ack: ";
    const char se[] = "Please enter (m)ale , (f)emale or (n)eutral.\r\n";
    const char sl[] = "Please choose you're sex, \r\n(m)ale, (f)emale, or (n)eutral? ";
    const char race_menu[] = 
                                "Highlighted races are available: ";
    const char class_menu[] =
                                "Highlighted classes are available: ";
    if ((rbytes = recv(d->newfd, buffer, 27, 0)) <= 0)
        if (rbytes == 0)
            printf("Socket %d hung up\n", d->newfd);
            //nonfatal("Receiving a file descriptor, function create_character");
        return -1;
    if ( d->create_state == CREATE_NAME)
        if (rbytes > 13)
            send(d->newfd, ne, sizeof ne, 0);
            send(d->newfd, nl, sizeof nl, 0);
            return 0;
            strncpy(d->char_name, buffer, rbytes - 2);
            d->create_state = CREATE_PASSWORD;
            send(d->newfd, pl, sizeof pl, 0);
            return 1;
    else if (d->create_state == CREATE_PASSWORD)
        if (rbytes > 29)
            send(d->newfd, pe, sizeof pe, 0);
            send(d->newfd, pl, sizeof pl, 0);
            return 0;
            strncpy(d->char_pass, buffer, rbytes - 2);
            d->create_state = VERIFY_PASSWORD;
            send(d->newfd, vp, sizeof vp, 0);
            return 1;
    else if (d->create_state == VERIFY_PASSWORD)
        char tmp[27];
        if (rbytes < 30)
            strncpy(tmp, buffer, rbytes - 2);
        if (rbytes == 3 && (buffer[0] == 'b' || buffer[0] == 'B'))
            d->create_state = CREATE_PASSWORD;
            send(d->newfd, pe, sizeof pe, 0);
            send(d->newfd, pl, sizeof pl, 0);
            return 1;
        else if (rbytes > 29 || (strncmp(tmp, d->char_pass, rbytes -2) != 0))
            send(d->newfd, vpe, sizeof vpe, 0);
            send(d->newfd, vp, sizeof vp, 0);
            return 0;
            d->create_state = CHOOSE_SEX;
            send(d->newfd, sl, sizeof sl, 0);
            return 1;
    else if (d->create_state == CHOOSE_SEX)
        if (rbytes > 3) {
            send(d->newfd, se, sizeof se, 0);
            send(d->newfd, sl, sizeof sl, 0);
            return 0;
            if(buffer[0] == 'n' || buffer[0] == 'N'){d->sex = GENDER_NEUTRAL;}
            else if(buffer[0] == 'M' || buffer[0] == 'M'){d->sex = GENDER_MALE;}
            else if(buffer[0] == 'F' || buffer[0] == 'F'){d->sex = GENDER_FEMALE;}
            d->create_state = CHOOSE_RACE;
            send(d->newfd, race_menu, sizeof race_menu, 0);
            return 1;
    else if (d->create_state == CHOOSE_RACE)
        d->create_state = CHOOSE_CLASS;
        send(d->newfd, class_menu, sizeof class_menu, 0);
        return 1;
    else if (d->create_state == CHOOSE_CLASS)
        d->state = CHARACTER_LOGGED_IN;
        d->state = CREATE_CHARACTER;
        d->create_state = CREATE_NAME;
        return 1;
    return -2;

int main()
    struct sockaddr_in serv;
    struct sockaddr_in inco;
    struct game_time rtime;
    struct timeval seconds;
    socklen_t inclen;
    int simpleSocket;
    int yes = 1;
    int fdmax;        /* maximum file descriptor number */
    int newfd;
    unsigned int heart_pulse = 0;
    fd_set master;    /* master file descriptor list */
    fd_set read_fds;  /* will be watched to see if characters become available for reading */
    fd_set write_fds; /* will be watched to see if a write will not block */
    fd_set except_fds; /* will be watched for exceptions. */
    seconds.tv_sec  = 0;      /* seconds for select to wait for connections     */
    seconds.tv_usec = 1000;   /* microseconds for select to wait for connections
                               * there are 1,000 microseconds in a millisecond
                               * there are 1,000 milliseconds in a second     
                               * thus there are 1,000,000 Microseconds in one 
                               * second, and there are 60 seconds in one minute */
    printf("Process id #%i\n", getpid());
    FD_ZERO(&master);    // clear the master and temp sets
    if ((simpleSocket=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM,0)) == -1)
        //fatal("Creating simpleSocket, AF_INET SOCK_STREAM failed");
    fcntl(simpleSocket, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); 
    setsockopt(simpleSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof(int));
    serv.sin_family = AF_INET;
    serv.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    serv.sin_port = htons(4000);
    if (bind(simpleSocket,(struct sockaddr *)&serv,sizeof(serv)) == -1)
        //fatal("Binding simpleSocket, AF_INET SOCK_STREAM failed");
    if (listen(simpleSocket, 1000) == -1) 
        //fatal("Listening to simpleSocket, AF_INET SOCK_STREAM failed");
    // add the listener to the master set
    FD_SET(simpleSocket, &master);
    // keep track of the biggest file descriptor
    fdmax = simpleSocket; // so far, it's this one
        struct descr *keepsake, *tmp;

        read_fds = master;
        write_fds = master;
        except_fds = master;
        /* Wait for connections for seconds amount of time and set the 
           specific file descriptor for each connection */
        if (select(fdmax+1, &read_fds, &write_fds, &except_fds, &seconds) == -1)
            //nonfatal("Select failed");
        /* handle new connections */
        if (FD_ISSET(simpleSocket, &read_fds))
            /* Accept the next pending connection from simpleSocket */
            newfd = accept(simpleSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&inco, &inclen);
            if(newfd == -1)
                //nonfatal("Accepting a file descriptor");
                struct descr *init;
                FD_SET(newfd, &master);   /* add to master set */
                if (newfd > fdmax)        /* keep track of the max */
                    fdmax = newfd;
                const char name_prompt[] = "Character name or (n)ew: ";
                const char error_prompt[]= "Unable to proceed please report this problem.";
                if(initialize_descr(newfd, &init) == 0)
                    send(newfd, error_prompt, sizeof error_prompt, 0);
                    FD_CLR(newfd, &master);
                    send(init->newfd, name_prompt, sizeof name_prompt, 0);
                    printf("New connection: on socket:  %d,\r\n", init->newfd);
                    printf("                 sin_addr:  %s\r\n", inet_ntoa(inco.sin_addr));
        }/* END FD_ISSET(simpleSocket, &read_fds) */
        if (heart_pulse == 15000) /* The longest int type is unsigned long long int 18446744073709551616 */
            if(rtime.second > -1)
            if(rtime.second > 0x29) /* 41 */
                rtime.second = 0x0; /* 0 */
                if(rtime.minute > 0x25) /* 37 */
                    rtime.minute = 0x0; /* 0 */
                    if(rtime.hour > 0x15) /* 21 */
                        rtime.hour = 0x0; /* 0 */
                        if(rtime.day > 0x1b) /* 27 */
                            rtime.day = 0x1; /* 1 */
                            if(rtime.month > 0xA) /* 10 */
                                rtime.month = 0x1; /* 1 */
                                if(rtime.year > 0x17cf87f) /* 24967295 */
                                    rtime.second = -1;     /* Apocolypse */
                                    rtime.minute = -1;     /* Apocolypse */
                                    rtime.hour = -1;       /* Apocolypse */
                                    rtime.day = -1;        /* Apocolypse */
                                    rtime.month = -1;      /* Apocolypse */
                                    rtime.year = -1;       /* Apocolypse */
                                }/* END if(rtime.year > 0x17cf87f) */
                            }/* END if(rtime.month > 0xA) */
                        }/* END if(rtime.day > 0x1b) */
                    }/* END if(rtime.hour > 0x15) */
                }/* END if(rtime.minute > 0x25) */
            }/* END if(rtime.second > 0x29) */
            int j;
            const char tick[5] = "tick.";
            for(j = 0; j <= fdmax; j++) 
                  /* send to everyone! */
                  if (FD_ISSET(j, &master)) 
                    //send(j, tick, sizeof tick, 0);
            heart_pulse = 0;
        } /* END if (heart_pulse == 15000) */
        keepsake = descr_list;
        while(descr_list != NULL)
            if(FD_ISSET(descr_list->newfd, &read_fds))
                if(descr_list->state == CHARACTER_LOGIN)      /* Character login    */
                else if(descr_list->state == CREATE_CHARACTER)  /* Character creation */
            descr_list = descr_list->next;
        descr_list = keepsake;
            while(descr_list->state == SAY_GOODBY && descr_list->next != NULL)
                descr_list = descr_list->next;
            tmp = keepsake;
            keepsake = descr_list;
            descr_list = tmp;
        while(descr_list != NULL)
            tmp = descr_list->next;
            if(descr_list->state == SAY_GOODBY)
                FD_CLR(descr_list->newfd, &master);
            descr_list = tmp;
        descr_list = keepsake;
    }/* END for(;;) */

Last edited by Errigour; 05-03-2012 at 06:08 AM..

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