I wrote some routines for printing ANSI colors inside printf like
It's just a translator built on top of standard printf, so should handle any of the usual % sequences. I do not claim that it's ideal or bug-free. Colors cannot be in arguments, only in the command string.
I compiled a hello world program on two different 64-bit Linux machines, named quimby and node0331. When I compile on quimby and run on node0331 I get a "Floating exception (core dumped)" error. But if I do it in reverse, things work fine.
Here's my compilation on quimby:
$ uname -a... (3 Replies)
Hi all,
Not sure how "for dummies" this question is, but I'd better use understatement...
A. My Environment
I am using RedHat Linux, version 2.6.18-53.el5.
When I type less --version I get:
less 394
Copyright (C) 1984-2005 Mark Nudelman
My terminal is configured... (1 Reply)
I want to have all hex color codes in a given stylesheet in uppercase, so #fff should be converted to #FFF for instance. Here is the regular expression I use to match and convert hex color codes to uppercase:
sed -e 's/^#({3}$)|({6}$)/^#({3}$)|({6}$)/' main.css
However, no conversion to uppercase... (6 Replies)
I have a program which has 7-8 threads, and lots of shared variables; these variables (and also they may not the primitive type, they may be enum or struct ), then they may read/write by different threads at the same time.
Now, my design is like this,
typedef unsigned short int UINT16;... (14 Replies)
Long story short: I'm working inside of a Unix SSH under a bash shell. I have to code a C program that generates a random number. Then I have to call the compiled C program with a Perl program to run the C program 20 times and put all the generated random #s into a text file, then print that text... (1 Reply)
I am using latest ZSH and I have setopt prompt_subst
I have a global hash array variable which contains some color definitions with color names as keys and 256-color ANSI codes (with %{ and %}) as values, eg %{\ePS1="$FG Hello World (%M) > "
PS1=$'$FG Hello World (%M) > '
then it... (3 Replies)
I have a file containing color codes:
Fri May 25 17:13:04 2012: Starting MTA: exim4^ Loading cpufreq kernel modules...^How can I display it colorized on a linux terminal? (4 Replies)
Hello experts,
This issue has kept me busy all day long. It started off with openssl compilation which was giving linking error with following message:
/usr/local/bin/ld: target elf32-sparc not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I tried every step possible thing that I could think... (2 Replies)
I am working in UEFI EDK2 Bios source. We created a platform related new package in the EDK2 source. I find a strange issue with the platform related code we added.
When I did source level debugging I noticed the
local variable in a C function is not getting created in stack when its... (6 Replies)